The Genius' First Love

470 Liaison

Xhemin had always thought that it was easy for Darryl to marry her in the island because he had nothing to lose. Although he was the hero of Somer Isle back then, there was nothing really valuable than that title aside from Pearl Haven that Baruk Tam gave him. At that time, there was no L Empire to speak off and Darryl was just an intruder with a consented entrance.

However, just now when she learned of how Darryl brought their marriage documentation back across the sea meant only one thing. He thought of all the consequences of marrying her, including the huge amount of money he will lose for her. But was she worth of all those?

All these times, Darryl was probably asking why she didn't wanted him anymore and thought that it was because partly it was his fault why she had gone through hell after he left. His carelessness of leaving her made her gone astray and to make thing worst, he came too late to rescue her and for Darryl, that was enough reason for Xhemin to hate her. Most especially that his young careless self, made Xhemin lose their son.

However, for Xhemin there was more to that story. At first when she fled from Hampshire to Woodbridge, she went directly to the forest mansion hoping one day he will eventually visit the place and she can reveal herself to him but Darryl never did. For two years she had been so depressed and all she wanted was him. His kisses, his love, his devotion but it seemed that Darryl gave up on her even before she could give up on him. Her life in the forest mansion was like a prisoner without a chain. She was always free to go but the fear for her life made her imprisoned herself in that beautiful cold mansion waiting for a knight in shining armour than didn't came. She understood fully that it was never his fault, but try explaining such a thing to a naïve innocent girl who just recently lost everything.

The second time she hoped for him was the time she learned that she was Ava, two years after her grandfather's death. That time, Darryl was in the loch mourning for her and she being Ava gave her hope and strength to finally step out the forest mansion with renewed wings. However before she could fly to him, she too learned that the Lagdameo's had something to do with the death of her son and that the family she had left was being hunted by the same culprit. A careful scrutiny and consideration made her realize that running back to him was a risk, a risk that might eventually lead to the exposure of the truth about the children she gave birth to and God knows what will happen will the truth will be revealed specially when they don't know where to hide such truth from, Ziggy and Ang might be subjected to more danger. Their enemy was invisible and only by them playing invisible to everyone will they be able to save themselves.

There were many times after that where she considered running back to him, yet a thousand more reasons stopped her from exposing herself but she continued to hope for him.

However one day, the hope had fired out for good and not because of anything that happen to Xhemin or about anything Darryl was not able to do. It was because of something she Xhemin about to do.

Xhemin learned one day that in order for her family to be safe, she had to come back and claim everything that belonged to her and pursue for more. She learned that although power was a dangerous tool, she can use it to shield herself and the people that mattered to her. Like a fire in a dark night, she can use it to shoo away the packs of wolves that would go hunting on her, even those who hid in the dark. However, to wield power, there were thing she had to do and that includes hurting other people.

To comeback as Ava, she had to do it at the expense of the Salsa, Collet and her step father Martin.

To be more powerful, she had to step onto the rights of those entitled to L Empire. And when you speak of L Empire, it means every Lagdameo that was alive.

To protect the family she had left, Xhemin had to hurt all the people that mattered to Darryl—all the people he loves and for that, she could not continue to hope for him, she could continue to love him. Her conscience would simply not allow her to.

Xhemin's life right now had ultimate purpose, and loving Darryl would only rendered such purpose invalid. And although it hurts much as hell, there was nothing more painful than losing everyone you love so her heart simply went dumb for it. She had endure much six years ago, ignoring his love right then wasn't any more than hard.

Xhemin then held a deep sighed, "Darryl what exactly do you want from me?"

"I told you already, you need to do exactly what you are supposed to do"

"And kindly please tell me what the heck is that because I'm not getting all of this," Xhemin's voice raised above the car's engine already, "Don't play games with me anymore. Now tell me what you want what is it you want me to do for you?"

"Be my wife," His words sounded as hard as his expression became and for a moment, Xhemin could not raise a word of protest against it, not until after few minutes when her brain finally told her that what Darryl demanded was a dangerous liaison.

"Wasn't registering our marriage legally made me one?" Xhemin's eyes was full for reproached, "Or don't tell me you want me to play an ever affectionate wife you cooks and make you bed?"

"Do so please, I would really love that," Darryl mocked her, "But don't look at me in away as if I don't deserve such because I have crossed the narrow sea just to be with you and plead the master of death for the hell six years for him to bring you back to me,"

Xhemin was silenced at this, not only with Darryl's words but so by the way his hazel eyes dug onto her, slicing the very depths of her soul once again.

"And I can do more that milady," Darryl added and looked a sighed. He took a pause before he decided to add more.

"But that if all that is not the reason that would make you do what I asked then can you at least pay the favour you owe me by making it appear to the L Empire's partners we are a happy a couple? You don��t want rumours passing around don't you? Especially now that you made it very clear you want nothing from me but L Empire. The L Empire's partners make up the board now and they were all conservative people. They give high importance to marriage and you may not want to offend them until you get the whole L Empire from me. If you can,"


If you can.

Darryl's last words turned their bitter conversation into a challenge and Xhemin knew it was intentional, a good excuse to change their previous dreadful topic.

"And how do we do that?" Xhemin fixed her tone, sounding like she was up for a business proposition.

"Start it with living with me," Darryl said it with a calmed tone then and although he probably did not meant anything non-literal than that, Xhemin's hair at the back of her neck rose up as if she was about to be ravaged by a beast.

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