The Genius' First Love

469 Property Regime

"What?" Xhemin thought she heard wrong. "Did you just say—"

"You are coming with me," Darryl repeated and just then, another car stopped in the front door. It was Darryl's own car and his subordinate, stepped out from it and started loading Xhemin's things.

"And what makes you think I'm coming with you?" Xhemin sneered at him. For how the hell did Darryl was able to enter in the Golden Villa and how was he able to convince Clay to pack out her things? She had no idea but it doesn't mean she'll allow him to do everything he wants.

"You owe me remember?" Darryl reminded her and Xhemin's face registered some shock. Upon seeing that her expression has changed, Darryl smiled. "It's time you pay back,"

Xhemin stepped back a little as if Darryl was some kind of beast that was seriously giving her some fright. Right then she felt an instant panic as she didn't know what Darryl was up to.

"What exactly are you asking me to do?" Xhemin swallowed a good amount of saliva and asked him.

"For you to do exactly what you are supposed to do," Darryl stated and opened the door of his car for her, impatiently demanding her to step in.

"Darryl I just can't go with you—

"Look, we had an agreement. I did my part of it, make yours," Darryl cut her and left the car door open for her while he went to the other side and hopped in the back seat, leaving Xhemin to decide on her own whether to come with him or not.

Xhemin of course was having serious doubts about going, specially that Darryl had not made it clear yet what he wants from her. Also, the kids will be looking for her once they wake up and she just cannot leave them now. However, she had to fulfil the part of their agreement or Darryl will just stop cooperating from their research and that will eventually lead to more serious problems.

Clay walked closer to Xhemin and tapped her shoulder. Earlier, Darryl came and asked for entrance in the Golden Villa which Clay could not oppose because he was aware Xhemin needed the Lagdameo heir greatly. Even he was not aware what exactly would Darryl want from Xhemin but judging by the way Darryl looked and on his insistence to bringing more of Xhemin's stuff, he knew its some marriage trouble again.

"Clay, when they ask for me, tell them I have an emergency meeting in the office and that I'll call them soon," Xhemin instructed and Clay bowed signifying his obedience. Her whole family is tired, she don't want to trouble them and spoil their day. After that, Xhemin willingly stepped into his car, bracing herself for whatever Darryl had for her. Their car soon left the Golden villa and traversed the road silently as if two unfamiliar passengers had come to seat together.

"This is yours," Darryl handed Xhemin something to her surprise. It was a red rectangular small paper that has the seal of their home country and the inside of it made all her heart jumped out of her chest in thorough unbelief.

"You registered our marriage?" Xhemin confronted him with expressions she herself could not define. One part of it she was mad, unbelievably mad because Darryl just made their whole situation more complicated as it is and one part of her was like questioning Darryl whether he was willing to take all the risks. Did he even know he just voluntarily handed half of his everything to her, legally, including L Empire itself?

"Why not? It's illegal for a man and a woman to neglectfully and intentionally not register a marriage that took place validly," Darryl told her nonchalantly not letting her see that her sudden outrage was hurting him badly. However, there was nothing more painful that Darryl losing Xhemin before so her expected outrage do not sting that much.

"But Darryl this is mad!" Xhemin expressed, "Since our marriage took place in the island, our property regime shall follow the laws of the island. And do you even know what are the rules with regard to the property of husbands and wives there?

Darryl did not respond and so Xhemin felt it necessary to explain it to him. She had been a princess in the Manggan Island and so she was forced to learn all that stuff, "It says the wife shall be entitled to the half of all the properties of the husband as it was expected for a man to provide for their wives. However, whatever the wife owned prior to marriage will remain as her own exclusive properties as women are not expected to contribute anything to the family than her love and devotion, and of course bear children for her husband,"

"Do you know what that means?" Xhemin added, "I am now legally entitled to all the properties you have, half of it in everything including the L Empire while you get nothing from me,"

"I lived long enough in the Manggan Island to know this stuff Xhemin," Darryl's expressions remained nonchalant. He simply does not care about property regime as he was not also expecting anything from his wife rather than her love.

"Then what a bad businessman you are!" Xhemin exclaimed, "I thought you are going to give me a good fight when it comes to me pursuing L Empire and yet you just gave me half of it without much of an effort,"

Xhemin was disappointed this time. Although she wanted L Empire so bad, she ultimately looked forward to competing with Darryl toward it as the latter promised in the Loch that he will fought for it and yet now, it seemed that he wasn't serious at all.

"It already belonged to you the moment I married you," Darryl told her and sat on his back then closed his eyes as if trying to close an unnecessary argument, "The half I intend to give to our son,"

"That leaves you with nothing," Ironically, it was Xhemin who was thoroughly angered by this idea.

"Not exactly," Darryl turned to look at her ink deep eyes, "I was to supposed to have you and Winter and that's everything,"

Xhemin didn't know why but the moment Darryl said those, her eyes instantly wet. She tried to hold her tears and withdraw her eyes from Darryl then dragged it to the view they were passing by. She didn't want him to see it, to see that she was affected in whatsoever way with his words because if he does, he will know that somewhere deep down within her, the fact still remains that she cares for him.

"Did you went to the Manggan Island to ask Enoch of marriage documentation?" She was suspecting the answer was yes for only with a tribal seal or Chieftain's thumb mark will the Civil Registry accept and register a tribal marriage. She also heard that Darryl was the island's ambassador and so he was allowed to go in and out the island.

"No," Darryl answered, "I always have it with me since I left you in the island. I had never been back since then"

Hearing it only made Xhemin wanted to cry more.

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