The Genius' First Love

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"This is soo good lady granny," Willow was making Lady Portia's heart melt with her compliments. The girl was referring to the food she prepared for them specially the strawberry cake she baked per the girl's request.

"Oh I'm glad you liked it dear," Lady Portia smiled at her with thorough affection then turned her head to Wolfe who was sitting beside Ziggy "Is it good Wolfe?"

"Yes, lady granny. You cooked excellently," Wolfe praised her too and the boy's comment made a sudden blush on her old but pretty face. Lady Portia didn't know why, but Wolfe was too appealing and very attractive that even an old woman can ultimately be captured by him.

"Oh dear!" She gasped thoroughly amused. She spent much effort and time in the kitchen which she had never done for quite a while then just so because she wanted to cooked for the children, "If these are the kind of compliments I am to receive from you then this lady granny of yours should cook every day,"

"Grandaunt, please don't exhaust yourself," Xhemin called onto her, "I can't—"

"I'll not exhaust myself I promise," Lady Portia assured, "Besides we have lots of kitchen maids who is surely going to help me,"

Xhemin say no more and just nod and smiled with approval to Lady Portia. She was glad that her grandaunt was having a good time with the children and she surely don't want to spoil that.

"If you are going to cook everyday lady granny then I surely will miss your cooking once I get admitted to Rivendell," Willow said out of the blue and her words seemed to have reminded Wolfe of something.

"Dada what will happen if Willow gets admitted to Rivendell?" Wolfe asked. He was aware of this country's geography and knows that the South was a little bit far from the capital. "Is she going to live in the South with uncle Ang?"

"Well…" Ziggy thought of it for a while as him and Xhemin did not get to the point of planning on their living situation after Willow gets her admission.

"Could I get to visit her in the South then?" Wolfe made a follow up question as if he was looking forward to going there. Xhemin who of course was attentive to every word the children uttered caught immediately the strong desire on Wolfe's part to visit the South.

"What's with this sudden interest in the South Wolfe?" Xhemin asked him gently, "Why does it seem like my baby boy wanted very much to visit that part of this country,"

"It's not a sudden interest mommy," Willow joined with the conversation, "Wolfe had always wanted to go there, it's like number one on his list of places he so desperately wanted to visit"

"Why so?" Xhemin's eyebrows curved at the revelation and she gave Ziggy a quick look only to find him slightly looking away as if he didn't want to have a conversation about it.

"You know mommy, Wolfe had always taken interest on great builds of our time," Willow narrated, "And then in the South, there is this bridge that he was obsessing about. He wanted to see that. What's the name of that bridge again twinny?"

"Puente De Amor," Wolfe said and Xhemin almost choked at the revelation. "They said that that bridge was built by a great engineer, an answer to the riddle of the Manngan Tribe's Chieftana, and his way of crossing the par line to follow the love of his life,"

"Cough.cough.cough," Xhemin's choked pushed through. Immediately she grabbed a glass of water to clear her throat, "Where did you learn all these silly tales?"

"It's all over the internet mommy," Willow revealed, "The tale was spread out by great story tellers in the whole wide world and besides, Dada said the story is true,"

Hearing it, Xhemin turned to look at Ziggy again but even until then, he was avoiding her eyes, very much afraid to face her retribution.


When the sun out, the family went home bringing with them the fun and laughter that day. Willow and Wolfe had so much fun they ended up sleeping in the car while traveling back to the Golden Villa. Even Xhemin herself was exhausted but couldn't make herself sleep since she was busy caressing Willow's hair, thoroughly enjoying the feel of her smooth strand.

It was past six when they reached the Golden Villa and as soon as their car was parked, servants welcomed and helped them unload their stuff. Clay was also there, standing at the corner with a not very pleasant expression.

Knowing that Clay might have something to tell her, Xhemin let Ang carry Willow inside the villa while Ziggy carried Wolfe. They pass through Clay who gave both of them some bow of curtsy.

"Clay," Xhemin approached him. Clay was aware that she was on leave so she was not sure what his errand was all about this time, but she was sure it was something about business. "Something wrong with the office?"

"No Miss Leigh," Clay replied, "I came here to make sure the servants packs all your necessary stuff,"

Xhemin was confused about Clay's words, however, just then, she noticed a couple of her personal luggage lining up in one corner.

"Clay what is this?" Xhemin referred to her luggage. "Why did you pack my stuff and gosh Clay these are many. Am I going to go somewhere far for a very long time? How was I not aware of it?"

"Yes milady, you are going somewhere else," Someone joined in their conversation and as Xhemin turned her head, she saw Darryl at the front door with his usual ever gorgeous face and playful hazel eyes.

"Darryl?" Xhemin immediately panicked upon seeing him. "How long have you been here?"

"An hour probably, just enough for me to pack all your stuff," Darryl told, then turned to nod at Clay, 'Thanks for the help,"


"What is the meaning of this Darryl? Why did you ask Clay to pack all my stuff?" There was sudden feeling that rose to Xhemin's spine brought by Darryl's actions. Anger maybe or annoyance, she couldn't tell but she was sure aware her feet were getting cold under the scrutiny of Darryl's eyes.

"Simple," Darryl replied, "You are coming with me,"

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