The Genius' First Love

467 Parent's Trouble

Ziggy's was enjoying the heat while watching the Wolfe and Willow play at the sea shore. They were in a private resort right then because the children insisted to see the beach in their home country and as usual Ziggy had to give in to their request specially then when the children found an influential ally, Lady Portia. The old madam was fascinated by the children and ever since they arrived at the Golden Mansion, she spoiled them to no end. Just exactly a week ago, the old madam called for private fittings a couple of times to shop for the children as it seemed that she became thoroughly fun of dressing them up, specially Willow.

However, for their safety and privacy, Willow and Wolfe was never allowed to go in public places especially then when their identities would surely raise a commotion in the media once they were known.

"Mommy c'mon play with us," Willow called for her as she and Wolfe was playing in the sand, trying to make sand castles.

"Willow, you both made mommy too tired already. You had been playing all morning" Ziggy reasoned with her so that she will allow Xhemin to retire to a lounger.

Xhemin was their favourite person at the moment next to Lady Portia and they follow their mommy all around at the house every time which Lady Portia found amusing. Xhemin took few days off to spend time with the children and the Golden Villa had never been so warm, messy, loud and bright. The two, if not tailing Xhemin would sit beside lady Portia and regaled themselves with her stories and next hours they spent playing with the Golden Villa's staff, taking them away from their usual chores or torturing them with their little harmless tricks which was the usual source of laughter around the house.

"Just let mommy rest Willow, we can build sand castles separately then let her judge which one is the best later," Wolfe told her and started scraping sands.


Xhemin then sat on her back comfortably as Ziggy extended some refreshments to her. Lady Portia was on the kitchen with some of the resorts staff as they prepared for their lunch while Ang had slept peacefully at one of the recliners.

"I cannot imagine how you've gone through all of this alone," Xhemin gave Ziggy and eye referring about the children. In just few days, Xhemin learned that parenting was more complicated that her job as a CEO. With Willow and Wolfe's wits, it's almost impossible for her to win an argument, even an argument about going to bath and sleeping time.

"I had to learn to deal with it, but I would be lying if I say to you that there were no days that I wanted to just explode from all the pressure," Ziggy admitted, "But then, just as the moment you are about to give up, you find yourself smiling at how beautiful they are, and that's just the beauty of it. Weird but satisfying though,"

Xhemin just smiled, sweetly as if she can never more agree with Ziggy's words.

"By the way, are you sure about this?" Ziggy asked as his expression turned more serious. Xhemin was done deciding about the children's dilemma and consented to letting them stay for good. She had taken Ziggy's words previously and Lady Portia's advice in deciding and her decision, and although her decision was giving her some real worry, it somehow made her feel at ease on the other sense. Perhaps because, Willow and Wolfe will now forever stay and the thought of seeing them well and healthy by her very own eyes gives her much comfort and security.

After Xhemin made her decision, they all agreed that Willow should continue her applications in Rivendell while Wolfe was to continue being home schooled until he will be okay.

"I'm not entirely sure to be honest," Xhemin admitted, "But I'm happy with it and so are the children so, I guess I'll just have to live with that,"

"Mommy we are done! Come and check it out!" Willow called on her again. Both Xhemin and Ziggy then saw that they were done with their sand castles and probably was starting a fued as to which craftsmanship was better. "Dada come too, you and mommy should judge which sand castle wins,"

Without much of a choice, Ziggy and Xhemin went to check out the sand castles they made. The children both made and excellent job in making their sand castles but Xhemin was thoroughly amazed at how detailed Wolfe's build was.

"Baby where did you learn this?" Xhemin was too fascinated she cannot help but asked and scrutinize Wolfe's build.

"That was easy Imma," Wolfe replied timidly, "I just picture it out in my mind then build it with my hands,"

Xhemin upon hearing his answer, turned to look at Ziggy meaningfully and Ziggy's grey eyes was giving her a cue not to give much attention to Wolfe's build as Willow was already sulking because Xhemin seemed to have missed to check out hers.

"Oh, and your build my little girl is very cute," Xhemin turned to give her compliment.

"Cute?" There was some hurt that resounded in Willow as she opened her mouth, "So does it mean mine is better than Wolfe's? I win?"

"Well," Xhemin swallowed a lump on her throat knowing that she was in great trouble. If she will be honest and tell that Wolfe wins, Willow would surely sulk. However, she can't also lie on Wolfe's prejudice. "Let your dada decide since I've already said my part,"

Ziggy did not expect Xhemin's resolution and instantly he gave her a betrayed look. Xhemin throw the cards on his plate smoothly that he was not able to prepare for it.

"So dada who wins?" Willow stood, now with crossed arms and hard face.

"Well…" Ziggy could not bring himself to say it and he felt the hair at the back of his head slightly sweating. "Well…."

"Say it. Say it now!"

"Well the winner is…." Ziggy braced himself however, before he could subject himself to sure horror, someone ran and kicked off the sand castle and the thing fell apart with sand particles flying to different directions. Good thing Ziggy was able to cover the children's eyes immediately to protect them.

"Uncle Ang!" Wolfe found him running away after he destroyed their castles.

"You!" It was Willow who shouted this time and immediately Willow and Wolfe ran after Ang who seemed not sorry for what he did. The children chased him mercilessly and both Ziggy and Xhemin sighed in relief knowing that Ang save them from trouble.

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