The Genius' First Love

466 Sun Bathing

Collet was mad, real mad. She was aware of how Xhemin recently cut of her black card privileges and transferred her account to MChan's entertainment yet she didn't expect that that kind of upshot—where she was thoroughly shamed in front of her friends because her black card had been denied.

Immediately, she went somewhere to vent out her frustrations and as much as she would like to go to LGC and yell at every employee she met and scream the hell out of her sister, she was banned from going there so she had no choice but to go to MChan's instead. She'll give the current CEO, her uncle Mario a good nagging so that that old man will know who's the real boss.

"Collet what a surprise," Her uncle greeted her warmly as soon as she entered his office.

"Surprise your face!" Collet shouted, filling the room with her voice that reached even to the farthest desk of every employee in that floor, "Why the hell did you put a limit on my account?"

Before confronting her uncle, Collet called her bank only to be informed that her account had now a limit which she never once had before. For who dared to put a limit on the money that was left for her.

"Collet the limit was a hundred thousand per month," Mario Chan informed her calmly as if he didn't knew how little that amount was for her beautiful spoiled brat niece.

"A hundred thousand can't even buy a single diamond," Collet snapped back at him furiously, "Are you out of your mind? How dare you deny me of my father's wealth?"

"Your father is not wealthy," Mario thought of giving Collet some facts, "Let's be clear on that. His money was from Aviona, which apparently is not your mother and whose daughter had taken her claims on everything,"

"He is Aviona's husband!" Collet was aware of the story. She had heard all the adults talked about it a thousand of times but what she didn't know was the part where Aviona left all her significant wealth to Xhemin first before he died so Collet, with the little knowledge she had thought that her father legitimately acquired Aviona's money when he died when the truth is, he acquired it as Xhemin's father and not because he was Aviona's husband.

"For all I know he deserves that money because everything they owned, they owned together!" Collet insisted only making Mario laughed at her innocence. Mario was aware that Collet did not take any of her father's skills in business but he was never aware she was this stupid.

"Oh dear, I don't know how to explain these things are to you," Mario stood from her seat and approached Collet who was red with rage.

"No the only thing I need you to explain was why the heck did you put a limit on my account!" Collet fired up, "Did you forgot that the legitimate owner of MChan's is me and that I can take your position anytime I want? Sure my sister was denying me of my right in LGC but she surely will allow me to handle MChan's since she had no interest in it,"

"You dare threaten me!"

"You dared to pick on me first!"

"Collet just so you know, MChan's isn't that prosperous as LGC so me putting a limit on your account—you should be thankful in that—because your spending habits will make MChan's bankrupt after you do your shopping,"

"Don't fool me on that," Collet refused to believe it although what Mario said was true. Collet was convinced that Mario was just picking on her, trying to let everybody see that she will bow on him yet she will not. Her uncles had surely no rights to make her life less convenient than she did previously because no matter what, the fact still remains that she was Martin's daughter and Martin sure had everything.

"I am not fooling you," Mario replied, "MChan's stood strong all these years because our name was attached to Leigh Group of Companies so even if we don't get much profit at the end of the year, we are always included in LGC's annual budget which covers up almost everything,"

"You know Uncle Mario, why don't you just admit it yourself that are a no good CEO," Collet stated, "If I know you had been coveting the money that's supposed to be mine and now, you dare to shame me!"

"Collet I already said MChan's needed to be save, which part of that is hard for your to understand"

"The only thing I understand uncle is that as daughter of CEO Martin, I am entitled to the CEO postion which means you are just my dummy and as I said earlier, I can take that place of you anytime I want and I say to you right now, go away! I am firing you up! You are such an incompetent ambitious corrupt mammal!" Collet's eyes were bulging out of anger by then and her face reddened as she shouted all the way to the last word.

Mario was shocked to hear all this from Collet. Previously she had always been sweet and uncaring, not until of course, when he put a limit on her spending habits.

"You should think twice before doing that," Mario responded calmly as if he was not at all threatened.

"And why so?" Collet snapped confidently.

"You know I heard you are enjoying marble mansion very much," Mario lowered his voice and smirked at Collet, "I just wonder if you can continue enjoying the Lagdameo's hospitality and President Dee's affections once he knows what you did,"

Collet's eyes bulged out of shock with what he heard. Immediately she denied everything even before her uncle could say more, "I didn't do anything,"

"Really?" Mario's face brightened when he saw how Collet's confidence shattered before him. "Don't worry my dear, although I kept receipts, no one knew you had a little vacation in the South six years ago to do some sun bathing,"

Without waiting for more words, Collet exited her uncle's office running like a child who don't want to be caught of her mischief.

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