The Genius' First Love

463 Dr. Yawen

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St. Paul clinic had never been that busy. Several injured victims were brought there from a recent accident and because it was only a small clinic, the staffs were all preoccupied.

Dr. Yawen was informed of the pregnant woman who needed his thorough attention and just minutes ago he learned that it was the Dugmoch's Little Miss. For how things went as unfortunate as this, Dr. Yawen had no idea but he just hoped things weren't that bad for her. Hopefully she can save her or else, Dr. Miles will surely called for his attention from the other world. God bless his soul!

"What's the situation?" He asked the nurse who had jotted down all the information he needed for the patient the moment she was brought to the emergency room.

"She's seven months pregnant and we need to perform a cesarean operation right away. The patient is unconscious," The nurse read it to him and discussed few more details as they walked along the hallway. Behind them were two more nurses, who were sent to assist the doctor for his operation.

"You two," Dr. Yawen called on the other nurses from behind them. "Go and assist in the emergency section, Nurse Lou and I will handle it from here,"

"Dr. Yawen we need them to help in the operation," The nurse tried to protest on the doctor's seemingly unreasonable instruction, "That's the standard protocol,"

"We are short of staff. We have no choice but to adjust the workforce," The doctor simply said and went with only one nurse in with him. When they entered the operation room, Dr. Yawen surprisingly also sent her away with few instructions.

"Dr. Yawens I don't understand what you are doing," The nurse was confused. She was expecting that she can participate with the operation as usual but it seemed that Dr. Yawens want to do it alone.

"Look what you don't understand is that your life is in a thorough danger here," Dr. Yawens explained to her, "See the men outside? They are L Empire employees and the girl with hazel eyes? Obviously she's the second Lagdameo miss,"

"As you see, this patient here is a person very important to them and with all the reports that I had received from the first doctor who assessed her condition, it seemed like this one is hopeless. So that is the reason why I'm sending you away, I don't want anyone to get involved with this operation because I don't want anyone to face the wrath of L Empire in case this patient here does not survive. You must know, L Empire is ruthless"

"Oh God Dr. Yawen I didn't know," The nurse was immediately frightened, "But what am I to tell them when they knew you operated alone,"

"Tell them we are short of staff so I proceeded to operate alone" Dr. Yawen instructed, "I guess they have already been expecting that since we are just a small clinic. Now off you go and tell the same to the other staff so they won't make a mistake in coming here,"

"Yes doctor," The nurse then hurriedly went on her way and Dr. Yawen made sure to lock the door completely to discourage everyone from getting in.

"She's gone, the area is clear," Dr. Yawen announced when he got the room all for himself.

"You've frightened the poor girl," Ziggy said as he went out from one corner where he had been hiding for good ten minutes and immediately went closer to Dr. Yawen. Ealier, Ang and him managed to secretly talk to him and ask for help and of course Dr. Yawen didn't hesitate. He put Ang on one of the private rooms to rest and asked Ziggy to wait in one of the operation room where Xhemin was to be brought.

"Can't help it. You must not be seen as you instructed," Dr. Yawen replied to him then turned to open the files he had with him.

"I already performed and ultrasound on her," Dr. Yawen added. Truth was he already knew everything about Xhemin's condition as he secretly performed necessary tests on her while everyone else was busy so he was just bluffing the nurse when he had report to him while they walked to the operating room. Since he was working in St. Paul for a long time, he already know every part of it and all the workarounds so he managed to get every test Ziggy asked. "Have you seen this already?"

Ziggy took the ultrasound that Dr. Yawen was holding and when his eyes saw it he gasped out of shock, "Jeez! How can this be possible. This can't be. This can't be."

"The father might have some genes for it," Dr. Yawen suggested. "I don't think Dr. Miles have,"

"If you only know the father you'll surely not say that,"


"Its just better for you not to know anything,"

"I can agree with that," Dr. Yawen replied. With all that was happening to the Dugmoch family the fast few days and with the L Empire's personnel outside, plus the Lagdameo's second Miss, surely Dr. Yawen though things were terribly complicated. The less thing he knew, the safer he will be.

"She lost a lot of blood, we need to hurry," Dr. Yawen added and paced the part of the room that was all covered with curtains. There lying on a hospital bed, ready to be operated was Xhemin with tubes attached to her body and was unconscious,"

"Oh my Xhemin," Ziggy almost panicked when he saw her. He ran to her bed shaking but Dr. Yawen stopped him immediately.

"Fix yourself up youngest sire," Dr. Yawen's tone was hard, "Your emotion will lead us disaster. Keep your focus and show me that you are worthy to be called Dr. Miles best apprentice,"

Ziggy immediately understood what the doctor meant. Of course they were there to operate on Xhemin and make sure she survived. His emotions indeed would only make him irrational. By then, he let go of his personal drama and kept his focus.


-Chapter ends here-

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