The Genius' First Love

462 Flashback 2

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"My brother is not an animal that you guys can sacrifice to your heart extent," he reasoned again, "Besides only the girl was the target why did you have to make the others suffer!"

"To avoid loopholes once somebody investigates," The other replied. "Look we had to make a clean job here. We are dealing with intelligent rich people. If only the girl was hurt, surely it will create obvious suspicions"

"You jerk! You'll pay for this, I'll make sure you'll pay,"

Ziggy decided to peak a little to watch the men conversing then managed to see the person's faces which Ziggy recognized. They were the men who were with Dian earlier, men of L Empire.

"I'm not the one who's gonna pay my friend. The boss will and he always delivers you know that. Your brother's injury is not fatal, he'll survive and the next thing you know, you'll be millionaires in the capital,"

"Just make sure of that or I'll swear I'm going to kill you myself,"

"Enough of your threats and just go back to your post before the second Miss will suspect anything and make sure to fix yourself. The boss says she's very clever she might notice your indifference," he then warned him and the other man left, leaving the other one cursing and wiping his blood stained face.

Ziggy and Ang who was hiding in the bush looked at each other almost not believing everything they've heard. So the accident was carefully planned? Who planned it? Obviously Dian had nothing to do with it but the fact that she was left untouched and that it was orchestrated by L Empire's employees, the whole thing only points to one direction—L Empire.

Suddenly a cell phone rang and much to Ang and Ziggy's relief, it was the phone of the person who was just recently confronted by his comrades.

"Yes boss," He answered from the other line, "She's thoroughly hurt and by all the blood I saw, I don't think her child can survive. She might even end up dead,"

The remarks were meant for Xhemin, both Ang and Ziggy knew that and thinking that the Little Miss could die made both their nerves shaking in anger and worry. Ziggy almost lost his temper by then but Ang took a hold of him despite his wound. They had no match for the man because aside from Ang was weak, surely L Empire would not hire a weakling—the man was sure and expert, probably a hunter.

"A little bothered are you? Don't worry boss, if it turned out the child is alive, I'll have it killed before anyone knows," He continued then went on to answer another questions, "The second Miss do not suspect anything for sure,"

That was all they heard and the conversation faded as the man withdraw back to the hospital building.

"They want Xhemin's child Ang," Ziggy gasped helpless.

"We should go and tell the second miss," Ang said in the midst of his panic, "You said she's her friend and that she's the sister of the Little Miss husband. Obviously she don't know all this,"

"I doubt she can do anything," Ziggy concluded cursing himself for trusting Dian with Xhemin's life. If he had been a little careful, he could have predicted this. Even if Dian cares for Xhemin, L Empire can just easily sneak past her and take hold of Xhemin, "Telling her is subjecting Xhemin and herself to danger. You see, the culprit has eyes on everything and comes out unnoticed by everyone. Worst Dian's men are his accomplices,"

"Then what are we to do?" Ang asked in haste as if they were losing time.

Ziggy thought for a while. It was only now that he noticed that they are blind to who really their enemy was but one thing is for sure, it had something to do with L Empire. Their recent predicament however was bit complicated. If he chose to ask help from Dian, it won't guarantee the child's safety and might only subject not only the child but Dian and Xhemin as well to more danger provided the fact that Dian's men were the accomplices.

"Ang do you know someone inside St. Paul?" Ziggy inquired as he was carefully threading some plans to help Xhemin at least.

"There's a few," Ang replied. Dr. Miles was greatly respected in Hampshire so it's not really hard to find someone for help especially that it was Dr. Miles' grandchildren whose asking for it. However, after what happened to Xhemin whom they left in care of the person whom they thought who could protect her the most, he was having serious doubts about trusting everyone, even someone they knew.

"Can they be trusted?" Ziggy hoped for it.

"I don't know," Ang was hesitating, "Ah! Dr. Yawen! You remember him right?"

"Oh yeah, was he assigned here? That punk!" Ziggy then was reminded of one of Dr. Miles' scholar that previously worked and apprenticed in Dr. Miles clinic. When he was there, he used to make fun of Ziggy as he was the youngest of all Dr. Miles' apprentice.

Dr. Yawen was also a son of a Richmond ranch labourer and his parents were one of those who had been banished from the Dr. Miles field like Ang's family. He became a doctor five years ago and left to pursue a career in his own. However even when their family earned enough already, his parents choose to remain working for Dr. Miles' ranch as they didn't want to retire early.

"Yeah, he's been here for a while also following Dr. Miles' footsteps. I'm sure we can trust him. Dr. Yawen had always been dedicated to Dr. Miles and was fond of the Little Miss although he wasn't that found of you" Ang told as he remembered him too. "Why do you ask?"

-Chapter ends here-

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