The Genius' First Love

464 The Children

Xhemin woke up to the sound of whispers. Her body was so heavy, she could not even pull her eyelids up. She slightly turned her head and tried to open her eyes but the first things she saw was a small basin in her side full of blood. She became terrified right away and cried but everything was daze-like and so she thought it was a dream.

"Xhemin," She saw the face of Ziggy cowering before her. He was sweating and exhausted and his grey eyes were shining—not with joy she can but probably of tears.

It took her a while before she managed to call his name, "Ziggy…I'm so tired,"

"I know. I know," he answered, "But I need you to stay awake for a while—"

Ziggy's voice was cut off with the sound of baby crying. It was like a sound of small kitten trying to beg for attention.

"Is that?"

"Your baby," Ziggy answered and carefully titled her head to the other side where transparent box were lined up and inside it was the source of the tiny sound.

"Which one?" Xhemin was confused upon seeing that the child was more than one.

"All of them," Ziggy smiled bitterly and kissed her head carefully, "You did well today, you are such a fighter I thought I'm going to lose you too,"

Xhemin could no understand what she felt seeing the children before her. The emotions were somehow new, something she had never once felt before. With courage, she gather her strength to reach the transparent tube.

"No Xhemin, no" Ziggy stopped her immediately, "I'm so sorry you can't touch them. They're sick and very weak, if they catch up an infection they wouldn't survive,"

Xhemin's world immediately fell away upon hearing it, "What? What are you talking about Ziggy?"

"I can't explain all this yet," Ziggy took her hand and cupped it on his, "Look I know all these is hard to process but you must understand the babies are sick and someone is after them,"

"I don't understand at all,"

"Someone wants the children dead Xhemin," Ziggy revealed unwillingly. He knew Xhemin was not in the proper mind to understand what he was saying and might think of this conversation as a dream after she recover her strength yet he had no choice by then.

"No Ziggy, no one can hurt them, they are Darryl's children. He'll kill whoever hurts them," Xhemin retorted, not believing everything Ziggy was telling her.

"I'm sorry about all this," Ziggy cried, "But I have to take the children with me. I have to make sure no one hurts them okay?"

"Okay," Xhemin agree. She don't have much strength left to protest, "Okay take them, take them, make sure they're fine,"

"But I'm going to leave you the other one," Ziggy said to her as she closed her eyes. Her weakness was pulling her back to sleep and Xhemin could do nothing but succumb to the command of her own body, "He needs you. He needs your warmth before he says goodbye,"

"Ziggy I'm so sleepy,"

"Trust no one Xhemin," Ziggy whispered to her ears, "Trust no one remember that"


"Youngest sire are out of your mind?" Dr. Yawen's voice filled the once silent operating room. They were losing time by then, yet Ziggy was having doubts of leaving Xhemin behind.

"I can't just leave her," Ziggy was terribly in a messed up state. Everything that happened that day seemed to have taken a toll on his head and anxiousness made him irrational.

"She'll die if you bring her with you," Dr. Yawen reminded him. Xhemin was in a very bad state and if not for Ziggy's skilful hands, she could have died in the middle of operation. "Do you want that? Besides you have the children to think off. They're sick youngest sire! If you are not careful they too will die,"

"Dr. Yawens—"

"We don't have much time, Ang is waiting at the ambulance and the children will be there in few minutes. You have to go before anyone notices some of the hospitals incubators and equipment are gone and most of all before anyone for L Empire notice,"

"But I can't leave Xhemin! My conscience will eat me!" Ziggy exclaimed frustratedly.

"Tell your conscience you had to do it for the children," Dr. Yawen pushed onto him, "Whether you like it or not, you are a parent now, the situation left you no choice but to be one and as a parent you should make the children your priority. Besides if you take her with you, those who are after her will come for you and they will come to know of the children, do you want that?

Dr. Yawen's word quieted Ziggy as if his words hit right through his heart. He saw Ziggy swallowed a sigh while he clenched his fists.

"Promise me you'll take care of her," Ziggy demanded after a while.

"You don't need to ask me that," Dr. Yawens assured he will do it even if he won ask. "I'll explain to her why you have to leave once she's ready. Besides it seemed that the second Lagdameo Miss will do anything in her power to protect her,"

"Don't make her trust anyone,"

"The moment she would learned of what happened to her children, she'll probably learned not to trust anyone by herself," Dr. Yawen expressed. "Now off you go. Do you need to call anyone in Woodbridge to inform them of your coming?"

"I don't think we will be safe in Woodbridge," Upon the mention of it, Ziggy realized immediately that they can't go there. Their enemy was smart enough to know that it would be the place they would surely run to if they needed help, "That's too predictable.

"We don't know anyone we can trust outside Hampshire," Dr. Yawen thought, "And if what you are saying is true then I'm sure your enemy had already listed all the places and possible person you will most likely contact in these desperate times,"

"You are right and if we get caught, we will put their life in great danger,"

"But you have to leave here, this place is not safe,"

Ziggy thought for a while until he remembered something, "I might know of a place. I'm not sure but we could try. Let me drive the ambulance myself. Tomorrow morning, picked it up in the Station zero. The hospital might have an extra key so you can use it to drive it back here,"


Where are you going?"

"It's best that you don't know. Once were settled I'll drive and park the ambulance at station zero, you can picked it up from there,"

After discussing few more things, Ziggy left St. Paul clinic with Ang and the children, leaving Xhemin behind with a promise that he will come back for come for her.her. He just needed to make sure the children are away from Hampshire and once they are coping up, he'll sure find ways to get her.

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