The Genius' First Love

461 Flashback 1

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Six years ago

Ziggy and Ang were traversing the road to Woodbrige just minutes after Dian and Xhemin left on their own. Ziggy was holding the steering wheel tight, thoroughly bothered about everything that was happening in them.

"Youngest sire," Ang called for him at the backseat. The boy was weak yet he was determined to survive the day.

"Ang just hold on a bit," Ziggy looked at him through the rear-view mirror. "It's been a rough day but I promised you we'll be in Woodbridge in no time."

"No youngest sire, don't worry about me," Ang replied trying to steady his breathing. "But I don't think we should leave the little Miss just like that. She's pregnant and we can't just trust anyone,"

"The girl she's with is her husband's sister," Ziggy assured Ang, "And they were very close friends, Dian will do everything in her power to protect her,"

"But still I don't think I'll get on without making sure myself that she's fine. Let's go and watch her as she sets off the island. Let's just see her off," Ang desperately requested. He watched Dr. Miles die in front of him and he can't just let Xhemin go without knowing she'll be alright, he owes that to Dr. Miles.

"You know what you are right," Ziggy didn't need much convincing as he also didn't feel well about leaving Xhemin with someone else even Dian herself. Ziggy had full trust with Dian but he certainly doesn't have full trust with L Empire. "Are you sure you can still hold on?"

"I'm okay. I hold as long as I could, I promise," Ang swear to it, "Let's just go back,"

With that, Ziggy made a sudden turn and went for the road where Dian's car traversed. They had been in the road for few minutes so they couldn't see Dian's car anymore. However Ziggy knew which direction they went. If they were to see Xhemin off to the island, they had to go to the unfinished Puente De Amor.

Few more minutes of driving and Ziggy could already see the bridge in a distance. He expected to see Dian's car any minute from then however oddly and unexpectedly, they came across a chaotic part of the road and they were immediately blocked by an officer.

"Sir, I guess you are a bit late. Your comrades were on their way to the hospital already," The officer immediately relayed to Ziggy that only confused the latter.

"My comrades?" Ziggy brow arched and suddenly he felt terrified by the officer's words and hoped he picked up the wrong gut to tell. "I don' understand officer,"

"I mean you are in convoy right? Judging from your car, I can tell those men were your friends," The officer then pointed to the chaos few meters from them where other traffic officers was trying surround with caution tape to discourage passer-by from getting close. Only then Ziggy noticed that those cars were identical with the car he was driving—those were L Empire's cars.

"You are lucky mate. If you joined their group you'd probably dead," The officer added as if he was giving Ziggy some relief but truth was the youngest sire was all too shock and anxious he could not anymore react to what the latter was telling.

"That was a hell of an accident, three cars swiped off by another. Too much fatality,"

"Was there a pregnant woman?" Ziggy was shaking in fear as he asked.

"Oh yes, poor madam. Luckily she was still breathing but I don't think she'll last.

"Where is she?"

"The ambulance took her,"

"They could have taken her to Hampshire General Hospital," Ang suggested from the back trying to sit still so that the officer won't noticed he was injured. "Let's go there immediately,"

"Oh no, not Hampshire General Hospital mate, " The officer revealed, "They say they are to take them to St. Paul's clinic,"

"St Paul? Why the hell would they bring her to another hospital?" Ang exclaimed. He knew St. Paul of course. Before Dr. Miles settled in the South that was where every people go. However although it was a decent clinic, it was not as advance as Hamsphire General Hospital so Ang became more worried.

"Thank your officer," Ziggy replied and closed the window afraid that Ang's frustration will only make the officer suspicious of them. Immediately, then he charged their car to another direction, one that leads to the mentioned clinic. He knew of a certain shortcut that would only require him ten minute drive and a little walking and that's where he drove the car too.

"Why in St. Paul's?" Ang who was also terrified managed to express his concern. "They should have taken her to Hampshire General Hospital as it is the best hospital here in the South,"

"She might only have small injuries," Ziggy guessed, "Besides Dian must have thought we were running from something earlier in Hampshire General Hospital when they found us in the parking lot that's why they took her to another hospital,"

"How could have this happened! I thought, I thought…"

"Easy Ang. I'm terrified for her too but it wouldn't not help feeling like that at the moment,"

In just a short amount of time, Ziggy and Ang reached the end of the shortcut and Ziggy hoped out the car immediately so did Ang.

"Ang you stay here in the car, you're still weak," Ziggy pleaded when he saw he was determined to come.

"Young sire please. I'm just a little weak but I'm confident I can cope up. I just really can't stay here, I'll die thinking about the Little Miss,"

"Alright. Tag along." Ziggy did not anymore protest, "But if you ever feel tired and fainting, you promised to tell me"

"Got it!"

Ziggy and Ang walked the small forest behind St. Paul hospital that connects to the shortcut. Ang slowly walked, helping himself by getting support from each tree that he passes while following Ziggy. However, just after few steps, they heard people taking nearby. By instinct, they both immediately hid themselves from the bushes.

"You goddam idiot! You let my brother hop in that car when you knew it was about to be swiped off! I'm really going to kill you!"

"I clearly told him to get off once the second Miss goes out. Your brother just didn't listen. It's not my fault anymore!"

The last guy who spoke was then hit by the other. He immediately fell on his feet and as if not satisfied, the other person picked him up from the ground and hit him again.

"You should have made sure none from L Empire's guards were there before you blow the whole thing up! You clearly were aware of everything that's on the plan—only the Second Miss shall be spared. The rest were to be sacrificed!"

-Chapter ends here-

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