The Genius' First Love

459 Wolfe Question

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From the Feather Health Care, the family decided to go on a restaurant for dinner and had Willow enjoy the strawberry she requested. At dinner, Xhemin noticed that the two were entirely of different character despite the fact that the share the same ideals they took from their Dada who raised them all by himself.

Willow is bubbly and she had taken most of Ziggy's personality. She's always happy, outrageous, adventurous and bold. She can sing and talk for hours but although she's personality was hard to tame, she had taken the idea greatly that Wolfe was the big brother and most of the times, she always craved for his approval. Like Ziggy was to Huzey.

Wolfe on the other hand is well mannered. He had subtle temperament, always neat, always careful. Unlike Willow, he didn't like much talking and would answer only if asked but his words were all too clever, even for a child on his age. The way he handles and deals with Willow was always cautious that one could instantly tell he was naturally gentleman. Xhemin couldn't help but remember Huzey in him, especially that accordingly to Ziggy, Wolfe was also fond of his long hair and would only allow Ziggy to cut it until his shoulders, never anything shorter than that.

"Mommy I'm just soo…soo..soo happy today," Willow took a paused on her repeated words to emphasize it. "I wish all days are like this,"

"I wish too sweetie," Xhemin smiled as she pulled a tissue to wipe off Willows lips, where the remnants of the strawberry ice cream she ravaged just a minute ago were left. While busy with Willow, Xhemin noticed that Wolfe fixated his eyes on her as if there was something he wanted to say but choose not to.

"What is it my boy?" Xhemin encouraged him. "Come on, don't be shy anymore. You can always tell Imma everything,"

Wolfe looked down, displeased that he caught his mother's attention to him. However, there was something he really wanted to ask but know that he shouldn't as it would ruin the current mood.

"Wolfe, what is it?" It was Ziggy who called for him this time.

Slowly Wolfe raised his head back to Xhemin and asked, "You are going to send us back again right? Back abroad?"

Xhemin was not able to answer this. Wolfe's eyes bore no remorse or hatred but Xhemin could see his longing that instantly shattered Xhemin's heart to pieces. Had their children been feeling like this for long?

Xhemin turned his eyes to Willow to see her reaction knowing she too hard heard Wolfe's words and instantly her eyes wet. Willow was shaking her head happily as if enjoying another glass of her strawberry ice cream, but her emerald eyes shone some tears she was trying to withhold. Soon a tiny droplet fell and she immediately wiped it away and pretended she didn't shed one.

"Wolfe, Imma and dada haven't decided on it yet," It was Ziggy who took the initiative to answer because clearly Xhemin was currently incapable of saying anything. "But we promised you all that we are doing is for your safety,"

"I understand," Wolfe answered although he wished his parents will just tell right away so he and Willow could at least prepare themselves for what's about to come. In order to close the conversation that certainly changed the mood, Wolfe then took his spoon and shared on Willow's desert then pretended to have enjoyed the ice cream like her.

Soon, Willow became loud again as if the sugar had taken its toll on her and made her so hyped then the dinner continued on happily.


The family was back at the car, now heading off home, Xhemin and Ziggy were on the backseat carrying each child as they both fell asleep on the way. Willow curled on Xhemin's lap peacefully while Wolfe was held by Ziggy. Ang on the other hand was the one driving the car. It had been decided that Ziggy and the children were to stay on the Golden Villa on the meantime.

Xhemin was so quiet while their car took the road and stared at the window blankly thinking about what Wolfe had said.

"I know you what you are thinking," Ziggy spoke through the silence. "But don't let it get on you and affect your decision. The children are still in danger after all and if the culprit will know they're alive and well, they will be hunted again.

"How did you deal with it Ziggy?"

"Deal with what?"

"Deal with things like this," Xhemin turned to look at him while she caressed Willow's hair. "When the children start asking questions like this, how do you deal with the feeling that goes with it?"

"I tell them the truth," Ziggy replied and sighed deeply.

"What truth? That our lives are in danger because I choose to love someone I should not have?"

"Look Xhemin. Can you stop with all these self-blame? We are not sure why someone is after the children, it can be another things connected to your mother's history and that crazy Martin Chan. This might not be something related to you and your husband like how granddad died,"

"Grandad died because of met too, so was my mom" Xhemin hardly said the truth she believed. "Everyone had been dying because of me,"

"Then if we are gonna die soon, the more the reason we should be together," Ziggy snapped. "If we have a short life to live then let's live it fully. Let there be no regrets,"

"You are suggesting the children should stay?"

"I'm suggesting we should all stay and be a family. I'm also tired of running and the kids need a mother," Ziggy reasoned.

"I told you to get them a mother and take me out of the picture so they won't long for me," Xhemin reminded him. Previously when Ziggy and Ang's life abroad were going stable, at the time when they didn't need to be on constant run, Xhemin encouraged Ziggy to get married and settle and not tell the children everything they left behind in this country including her yet Ziggy did not complied.


-Chapter ends here-

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