The Genius' First Love

458 Her Goodness

[Refresh and re-read previous chapter for the bonus words]

After such an emotional reunion, Xhemin was already sitting on Wolfe's hospital bed with Willow, Ang waiting at the outside patiently while Ziggy went to talk to Dr. Gift a bit.

Willow was then negotiating with Wolfe about agreeing with her proposition that she got her looks from Xhemin and that she looked exactly as goddess like as her, but Wolfe wasn't giving her the satisfaction.

"Look at my hair, It looks like my mommy right?" Willow told him showing off her wavy long brown crown. She looked up to compare it to Xhemin and pretended she don't see the difference."

"You hair is wavy and caramel like," Wolfe replied. "While Imma's hair is dark and straight,"

Willow sulked upon hearing this. Knowing that she cannot make him approve by her words, she opted on blackmailing him with tickles. She plunged onto him that got Wolfe knocked out on bed and tickled him mercilessly.

"No Willow stop! No tickles!"

"Tell me I looked like mom! Tell me! Tell me!"

"Imma help! Imma help!"

Seeing how happy the kids were together, Xhemin's heart was overwhelmed. In order to help Wolfe, she grabbed Willow, put the girl on her own lap and tickled her.

"Mommy no! Mommy no! That's unfair!"

"Oh here I come!" Now free, Wolfe joined Xhemin in giving Willow tickles and the room was then filled with happy squeals and laughter.

"Hey guys, enjoying that much without me?" Ziggy entered the room.

"Dada!" The children happily called then started jumping on the bed as if very pleased to him.

"Stop that could you?" Ziggy went closer and grabbed the two children in his arms, "You'll damage the bed and Dr. Gift will surely give us some spanking,"

"Alright, but we'll have strawberry for desert!" Willow announced the started cheering, "Strawberry! Strawberry!"

"Gosh Willow you are so loud," Wolfe covered his ears, "Stop it you are hurting my ears!"

"Enough of that Willow," Ziggy chided gently. "You always told me you'll behave once your mommy is here,"

Willow was then reminded of it and immediately quieted then sat to Xhemin's lap before Wolfe could.

"I am," Willow then stated as she curled under Xhemin's lap. Xhemin did it to her just a while ago and she immediately decided it was her favourite place in the world.

"Oh little girl not on your mom," Ziggy tried to pulled her away, "Someone wishes to see your mom so we'll go and wait for her at the car,"

"Who is it?" Xhemin was confused. Who could have wanted to see her in a hospital? Then just a minute, she saw Ziggy dragged his eyes back at the door where Mr. Cheng was waiting.

"Oh Mr. Cheng," Xhemin carefully gave Willow to Ziggy and went to accommodate the man.

"A word Miss Leigh if you don't mind," Mr. Cheng asked.

"Of course," Xhemin agreed. She turned to look at children who both nod to give their approval before she went to follow Mr. Cheng at his office.

"The kids are very beautiful," Mr. Cheng started the moment they were inside. He sat and leaned comfortably in his chair while charging Xhemin politely to sit on another empty seat in front of him.

"Thank you," Xhemin was a little flattered with his compliments for the children but the feeling didn't show up in her face. She knew very well that Mr. Cheng had nothing but all serious business, so she needs to have a mood for it.

"I won't anymore interfere with your decisions…with you know… letting the children stay because of the threat," He pulled his first concern without a thought, "You've been away from them for long and I trust your decisions fully,"

"I haven't decide on it yet," Xhemin replied, "I am under the impression that this thing had to be decided carefully and I just met the children now,"

"Of course," Mr. Cheng agreed acknowledging the fact that it was a tough decision to make. "Well the children are not really the reason why I called you here," He said and stood on his chair then paced the other side of the room, opened a drawer from and ravaged the inside looking for something.

Xhemin watched him as he busied himself for a while as the memory of her confronting him about the truth years ago flashbacked on her. It was the time of year when she received message from Ziggy with a shocking truth she didn't want to believe herself, that she was Ava Leigh, daughter of the founder of LGC. She didn't know what to do with such truth by then, as most of the times, a truth without some evidence to support it or witness to confirm its genuineness will end as a scandalous lie. With a desperate will to confirm the secrets that surround her past that was denied from her, Xhemin thought of a way to confirm everything.

First, he went to show herself to Professor Shun and Madam Selina who was shock as hell to know that she was alive and kept hidden by their own son for two years without them knowing. Since Professor Shun was one of Dr. Miles trusted comrades, she thought he was the one who can shed her light but the old professor had nothing for her but the truth that she was Dr. Melvin's daughter, born of artificial insemination through Dr. Miles desperateness. However, despite his lack of information Xhemin needed, Professor Shun was the one who brought Mr. Cheng to her, who got all the answer she needed.

"Ah! I found it," The old Mr. Cheng was relieved to see the documents he thought was lost. He cleared the folder for some dust, although no dust was evident on it before he turned to Xhemin with a bitter expression planted on his face as if something about the folder had made him unhappy and uncomfortable.

"Here it is child," He handed the folder to her, "I was having serious doubts of giving this to you because I don't want you to pry with the past anymore. Nothing can be done already. However, I thought it was also unfair of me to shut you off from all these,"

"These are?"

"The files pertaining to your mother's dead," He replied with a heavy sigh, "Dr. Miles had me investigate on it for a while until he decided your safety was more important than justice,"

"You want me to continue the investigation?" Xhemin asked very much hesitant to open the folder that she was sure would contain some truth that will pain her heart.

"No," He replied flatly, "I want you to decide what to with it. I wish you could just burn it and leave things be since you have more important priorities at hand but recently I just realized the decision is not mine to make,"


-Chapter ends here-

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