The Genius' First Love

460 Homebound

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"We need to stay, we face the culprit and we need to stop running from it," Ziggy reasoned. He had enough of living abroad for nothing and was always having nightmares about Xhemin whom they left behind, all alone to face the harsh world alone.

"You are proposing a very dangerous venture at the risk of our kids," Xhemin tried to sway his attention by baiting the children. "Our culprit is invisible till now may I remind you,"

"I know," Ziggy noted. "But being abroad doesn't also guarantee our safety. At least here, were all together. Look I know you are worried but me too. We decided to leave the country because we thought we can live peacefully out there but it's not happening okay and six years had passed already the culprit is still somewhere, living his life and hunting us freely and if he caught us abroad then were doomed. Don't you think it's time to change strategy? Besides come to think of it, we survived six years ago because of the people who cared for us in the South—something which we do not have abroad—so I think if we are to undergo the same crisis just like we did six years ago, the South will still be the best place for us to be in," Ziggy thought. Living in abroad for long after being hunted, it was hard for Ziggy to trust anyone so he was always cautious about building connections and having no friends no trust was like living in constant fear.

Xhemin grasped Ziggy's words immediately and although she had her doubts, she couldn't still deny that it made a perfect sense. She looked at Ziggy meaningfully, silently admiring him for how mature he'd become.

"What?" Ziggy noticed her indifference.

"You've grown…more mature," Xhemin meant it as a compliment, "Grandfather and Huzey will surely be proud,"

"I had to be," Ziggy replied the dragged his eyes from Xhemin, Willow and Wolfe, "I had three brats to protect."

"If you'll stay what will you do?" Xhemin asked him. "And how about your father?"

"If you mean Zhanglou then you sure were aware he's no longer my father," Ziggy uncaringly answered.

"You are still a Montreal though," Xhemin commented. Ziggy always wanted to drop that family name of but his credentials in Rivendell were all Montreal and since he didn't have much time to give it a thorough attention provided the situation they've been. So in order to have no problems getting his license abroad, he continued using the last name to avoid any inconvenience.

"Unwillingly," Ziggy quipped twitching one of his brows. "And speaking about the last name, I guess it's time for me to change that,"

"And just like grandfather, you'll practice your profession in the South," Xhemin guessed.

"Not entirely true," Ziggy repudiated.

Xhemin was surprised of this. She always thought Ziggy wanted to follow Dr. Miles footsteps until then.

"Feather HealthCare needs need an heir," Ziggy told her. Ever since Xhemin and Ziggy left, Mr. Cheng was left charge with the FHC and of course, since there was no heir to speak of, as everyone thought Dr. Miles' grandchildren died, the internal management had not been stable. Those who were related to Dr. Miles, even the far off relatives wanted to take their claim and Ziggy didn't know how long can Mr. Cheng hold off. "It's not only LGC that we needed to care of,"

"There's more than that I supposed," Xhemin though. The way Ziggy eyes glowed, it seemed like he was determined to do something far big thank taking over the management of FHC. She herself does not have problems making Ziggy the Chairman, after all, Dr. Miles himself left it to him.

"Well I made a cure of Huzey with the Acamilla Apparaus and I wanted to develop that so it can help other people," Ziggy revealed further. It was on their third year in abroad that Ziggy developed a cure and treatment to Huzey's damaged legs but because he only had one Acamilla Apparaus flower with him, he had only enough cure for Huzey that he kept hidden hoping he'll come back to them someday.

"You planned to help others by using Huzey's treatment…" Xhemin concluded, "You are aware that you need more Acamilla Apparaus for that aren't you?"

"I heard Puente De Amor had been completed and that the tribe is not that hostile anymore," Ziggy continued, "Perhaps there's a way to get more. I was hoping it may also help Wolfe's sickness so he wouldn't need any donor anymore,"

"Thank you," Ziggy's words made Xhemin feels so grateful for him especially when he thinks of the children more than anything else. "I could have never survived six years ago without you. After grandfather died, you had always taken care of me and now you are dedicating your profession to—"

"You are my family," Ziggy cut her off, reminding her that taking care of her was also his responsibility. "No need to thank me for anything. We each had a role to play, I'm just doing mine the way you are doing yours,"

Xhemin smiled as if his heart's burden had suddenly become light. Having Ziggy and the children around makes a life a bit less hassles than it always was on her and right then she though the perhaps Ziggy's words are right—they need to be together now.

"I know its late to say this, but I missed you. I missed you so bad and I'm really glad you are here despite all the danger that's lurking around us," Xhemin became teary once again.

Ziggy dragged his hand to his face to wife off her tears, and then smiled at her ever lovingly. "Don't cry or else I'll think you are deeply burdened with our presence,"

"These are happy tears," Xhemin answered.

"I missed you too, my Dugmoch's Little Miss," Ziggy smiled, "You have grown. A lot. But still despite the things that had happened, I can still see the goodness you have inside. Still my Xhemin, our ever loving Xhemin."

"Dada…shhhh….shhh… quiet ��I'm still sleepy," Willow said as she rolled a bit then pushed and rubbed her face at Xhemin's soft chest.

-Chapter ends here-

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