The Genius' First Love

457 Glass Windows

Xhemin was teary when she looked through a big glass window. Beside him was Ziggy, Ang and Willow and just like her, they were all waiting. Soon, the door opened up and a doctor went out, giving them a slight nod of acknowledgement, as a small smile contorted in his lips.

"So far so good," The doctor said. "He is a bit weak, jet lag might be the reason and the change of weather, but he's all cleared,"

'Thank you Dr. Gift," Ziggy thanked him.

Without waiting for anything, Willow ran inside the room and jumped into the bed where a boy, a little taller than her was sitting. He was tending the cotton that was pressed on his little arms. He just got an injection from the doctor and was told to rest well for the next few days.

"Twinny!" Willow exclaimed as she hugged him into her embrace and gave him little kisses on his head. The boy's hair was shoulder length and Willow aggressively kissing him messed up his well combed locks. "Ah! I soo missed you!"

The boy caught off guard, leaned to the other side away from Willow. "Willow stopped it," He said as a protest to Willow's clinginess yet cannot make himself pushed her away. "And can you stop calling me twinny, we are not twins, I'm older than you!"

"But I like calling you twinny and besides, you are not so older than me. Didn't you miss me? Say yes! Say yes!" Willow sulked as she cupped his head with her little hands to see his face clearly. Looking at his eyes, Willow seemed bothered on how it looked, "Where's your glasses? Dada told you to put it on at all times,"

"At the table," He pointed, "Can you grab them for me?"

Without responding, Willow climbed down the hospital bed to get the boy's glasses. Since the bed was a bit high, Willow tiptoed and voluntary put in on the boy's face.

"There you go, that's better," Willow said as she caressed the thing as if cleaning them. Then excitedly she whispered to him, "I got in the program,"

"Yeah I heard," He whispered back, "Dada knew already, did he spank you?"

Willow shook her head and smiled, feeling very proud.

"Stop the whispering the two of you," It was Ziggy who went in between the two. Then he turned to the boy who was a little pale and pushed back his hair that covered his face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good dada. The doctor said there's nothing wrong with me this time so I can go," He replied and Ziggy gave him a smile and tapped his head.

"You are ever so brave," Ziggy praised him and heave a deep sighed. The moment they landed in the airport, he sent him immediately to Feather HealthCare hospital to be checked. The boy had long been sick and because his condition was thorough sensitive, Ziggy had him do an overall check-up the moment they arrived. The weather from where they came from was all different in their home country and so he made sure the little boy's body wasn't affected with the change of climate.

"Emilia came and told me I'll be better in the days to come," The boy replied, "She already found ways to treat me,"

"They had found a perfect match for you," Ziggy explained to him carefully, "So promised me you'll be good at all your appointments with her okay?"

"Yes dada," The boy replied.

"By the way, we have someone with us," Ziggy announced and dragged his face to the glass window where Xhemin was watching. She had fluffy red eyes already making it obvious that she had cried.

"Is that?" The boy gaped open at the look at Xhemin. His mouth slightly smiled as his heart turned excited but at the same time, he felt a little shy. Xhemin was so beautiful in person rather than on pictures and the boy could not believe she does existed. It was like waking in a dream where a beautiful angel was watching over you or a fairy who was there to give you a taste of magic.

"Go and greet her," Ziggy whispered to him

The boy carefully jumped of the bed then slowly walked to the door. He didn't know what kind of feeling rose into him, but they were all new and magical and his feet suddenly became heavily he couldn't anymore walked to her. Instead, he peeked into the door and watched Xhemin, amazed and shy at the same time.

Xhemin chuckled and cried at how shy he was. She paced the distance that separated them and kneeled to level the boy's gaze. Then slowly, she touched his face trying to feel his warmth, almost could not believe that after everything they had been through, he was finally at her reach.

Xhemin's tears fell tremendously, even more when she finally managed to say his name, "Wolfe. My baby boy"

Wolfe had imagined meeting Xhemin a thousand times and he decided that once they met, he should not cry because boys don't cry. However, right then even as to how much he didn't want to, his tears fall voluntarily without his permission and even how he convinced himself many times that he was no longer a baby, he cried like one at Xhemin's touched.

"Imma," Wolfe called on her in between his sobs.

Xhemin's heart melted at the sound of him calling him mother and was surprised that Wolfe had learned the language of the Manggan Island. Ziggy must have taught the kids.

"Yes, I'm Imma," Xhemin cried even more and immediately pressed the boy to her completely, hugging him tighter than she can, "I'm your Imma, I'm you Imma my little one,"

"Mummy," Willow seeing how Xhemin deeply embraced Wolfe ran to both of them to share a hug too.

-Chapter ends here-

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