The Genius' First Love

444 A Great Granddaugther

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Dannah went back to L Empire immediately after her intense confrontation with Director Zhanglou. It was a very hot morning in the capital and at the entrance of L Empire, she surprisingly met her sister whom she haven't seen in a while.

"You look well," Dian gave her a warm smile and greeted her with a kiss.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in the South," She asked. Dian was the head of their research department and since one of their laboratories was in Woodbridge, Dian usually stays there.

"I'm back but not for long, I'm working on with a new specimen," She replied. "Are you not happy to see me?"

"God! Of course I am, I even wish you could just stay here with me so you could help me watch over our ever complicated brother," Dannah rolled her eye with her own statement.

Dian chuckled, "Don't go hard on him, you know what he's going through. So I've heard that Xhemin is back,"

"He kidnapped her just when she showed up," Dannah shook her head at this.

"Marriage. It's very complicated. Don't ever fall into same trap," Dian warned her and laughed again as if everything weren't serious.

."By the way, why are you here?" Dannah was curious.

"Nothing significant. I have to get some personal stuff at home and since I'm here already, I thought of giving our uncles and aunties their favourite tea," Dian relayed and only then did Dannah notice that her sister was carrying a bag of something.

"Oh, you are as sweet as ever, that's why you are everyone's favourite," Dannah commented. From the three of them, only Dian was close to everyone and she made it a habit to check on their uncles and aunties health once in a while like their Aunt Barbara. In fact, she made a special tea, something she crafted herself and distribute it to every Lagdameo family.

"No Dannah, I'm just doing my part of making sure everyone in our family is healthy, especially now," Dian's expression hardened with her last words and Dannah knew exactly what she meant. It was already a year that they discovered they all were barren, including her and as much as devastating the news was, they couldn't do anything anymore but rely on Dian's little research as if something can still be done. It seemed that they were all curse, which Dannah thought they all deserved.

While they were conversing at the entrance, Don Samuelle emerged from the door with his assistants and bodyguards and both Dian and Dannah came to greet him.

"Grandfather," They bowed together. As per Dannah's knowledge, the elders have a meeting right then and that must be the reason why their grandfather was there and Dian herself knew it that's why she went to L Empire with her self-made tea because she knew most of her uncles will be present at the meeting.

When Dannah raised her head after bowing, she was caught off guard when she saw her own grandfather staring at her thoroughly. This was of course a bit new to Dannah because previously, her grandfather always refused to look at her in the eye.

"Is there something wrong grandfather?" Dannah asked, a little worried with Don Samuelle's strange behaviour.

"Nothing," The old chairman said still digging on Dannah's pair of deep emerald eyes. It was like he was looking for something he cannot find. A minute after, Don Samuelle sighed deep and went on his way.

"Goodbye grandfather," It was Dian who bid him farewell after she handed his assistant the tea she made for him. Dian then looked at Dannah who was transfixed on where she previously stood, wondering what was wrong but even before she could utter a word, Don Samuelle turned to face them once again.

"Dannah, did you perhaps give birth to my great granddaughter?" He asked with a hard expression that only made Dannah's brow arched.

"Grandfather as I remembered correctly, every Lagdameo was cursed not to sire any children," Dannah replied, reminding the old chairman of the fact that all living Lagdameo's were all barren.

"I just remembered…where were you were six years ago?" Don Samuelle seemed to have recalled a suspicious fact and pointed it ignoring Dannah's answer to his previous question, "I remember there was a time six years ago that you haven't showed up for an entire year, did you perhaps sire me a great granddaughter?"

Dannah was utterly confused on what Don Samuelle was talking about. Where was this great granddaughter idea coming from?

"Grandfather perhaps you've mistaken my absence for something else," Dannah reasoned, "Uncle Franco can definitely tell you the details of where I've been when I did not show up for an entire year. However, why are you asking me for a great granddaughter so suddenly?"

"Nothing significant," Don Samuelle lied. There was some mystery surrounding Dannah and the child he had met so recently and he certainly didn't want to spoil the whole thing. He needed to know the truth first before doing anything big. "Just forget I've asked,"

That was all and Don Samuelle left with his car leaving Dian and Dannah wondering what the heck was going on.

"What's all that about?" Dian confronted Dannah right away and her expression turned into something else.

"Sister I don't really have any idea," Dannah was also confused, "That was really weird. Is grandfather perhaps sick or has his old age taking much of his memory? He just looked me in the eye today,"

"I also noticed," Dian took note although she felt something was fishy with what's going on with their grandfather.

"I'll go and talk to Dee about it," Dian concluded when they were left blank on what their grandfather was implying, "Go ahead and deliver your tea sister, I'll head straightaway to Dee's office,"

-Chapter ends here-

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