The Genius' First Love

445 Miss Andrada

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"Where were you?" Darryl asked Dannah as soon as she entered the door. He was a bit worried where she went missing so suddenly, especially when he told her to wait for him.

"I went to see Director Zhanglou," She admitted right away as she knew no one can lie on him.

"You what?" Darryl's voice immediately hardened with her words, "Are you out of your mind?"

"Perhaps I am," She replied, "You see grandfather just look at me in the eye today and asked if I sired him any great granddaughter,"

Darryl's head formed line at this, "Perhaps the old man was just desperate for a great grand kid. He is aging Dannah, change of hormones might have cause that desperateness,"

"You sound like an old man," Dannah commented as she plunged herself in the sofa chair at Darryl's office. "So I met with Director Zhanglou and find out he didn't have our researcher. Fishy right? But he's telling the truth,"

"Dannah I forbid you to do anything like this ever again," Darryl told her and she acted like she have never heard him at all. "It's dangerous,"

"What are we gonna do now?" Dannah refused to react on his warnings, "It's really hard to find someone else. Gosh! Were doomed! What are we to tell the board?"

"Just schedule the introduction," Darryl instructed.

"Dee? How am I to schedule and introduction when we can't find that researcher? Who are we going to introduce to the board?" Dannah called his attention and only then that she noticed that he seemed not bothered at all with the disappearance of that researcher. "Are you even listening?"

"He's not lost Dannah okay? I just talked to his representative a minute ago," Darryl revealed and Dannah immediately stood at her seat upon what she heard.

"You found them?" She asked surprised, "but how?"

"I didn't found them," Darryl admitted, "It was them who found us. They are already in the country and all you had to do was schedule the introduction,"

"You are not bluffing me, aren't you?" Dannah warned, "Because Dee if you are, I swear—"

"Why would I ever lie about business?" Darryl told, "Just do what I asked,"

Dannah was about to say something more but then Darryl's office phone rang.

"What is it?" he answered it immediately. It was his secretary asking permission if she can send someone inside. After a brief explanation, Darryl put down the phone and the door flew open.

A woman, in her late twenties with silky blonde hair entered. Her actions were very calculative that Dannah could instantly tell she's here for some serious business.

"Perhaps I should leave," Dannah said and without waiting for Darryl's approval she head for the door and closed it.

"You are from LGC I supposed," Darryl was the first to say a word.

"Technically," She replied, "I am Emilia Andrada, head of research of Miss Leigh's. I came for a very important matter I hope you can help me,"

"Is your boss aware of your visit here?" Darryl was curious.

"I told her I'll give you a visit but didn't receive much of a response," She admitted, "I suspect she didn't give it much of a thought,"

"Have a seat," Darryl offered which Emilia immediately accepted. "What can I do for you Miss Andrada?"

"President Dee, you see Miss Leigh is on a very important venture. She's in the middle of a research and I just recently found out that you are actually an integral part to it," She started fixing her two brown eyes, but gave up the stare after a minute, feeling conscious. Darryl was naturally handsome that even women in their prime couldn't help but adore him on first meeting.

"A research?" Darryl wasn't a bit surprised of this news as he knew how Xhemin was onto very ambitious researches even before he had met her, "How important is this research we are talking about?"

"Consider it a call for life and death," Emilia told, then crossed her legs to make herself more comfortable. "You see, we are very desperate,"

Darryl was now curious, "You mentioned that I am an integral part of this, how so?"

"I had found out that you are a perfect match to the specimen we are working on. Because of that, we might need samples of you—some blood and important bio properties you have," Emilia went for it, explaining everything carefully, "But of course these samples wouldn't hurt or cause any health problems, we will just harvest enough amount to aid our study,"

"Why me? And how did you know I'm the perfect match?" Darryl felt like what Emilia was walking about was a bit extreme for a simple research but then because it was Xhemin's work, he trusted that they were not doing anything illegal.

"As for the first question, I think only Miss Leigh can answer that," Emilia replied, "As for the second, let's just say I have sources, sources that I work hard to get,"

"You mean you bought my samples. Somebody sold it to you illegally," Darryl concluded. Looking at Emilia, she seemed too wonderful to do things illegally however, one cannot really judge the other without knowing the whole story so Darryl gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"Please President Dee, all I want is your cooperation and consent," Emilia begged, "Although things may look outrageous to you, please know that this research is very important. It can save lives and who knows whose life it might save? It can be anyone related to you, someone you love, someone you treasure or someone you never thought you have,"

Emilia's words seemed as if it meant something else for Darryl, but because of the fact that he only met the woman today and wasn't even sure if what she was telling was all true, he didn't dwell on the thought that much.

"I see," Darryl thought for a while before he gave his answer, "I'm sorry but I really don't want to be involved in this,"

-Chapter ends here-

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