The Genius' First Love

443 Director Zhanglou

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Dannah did not anymore wait for Darryl in the office, instead she went to Montreal's International Winery Inc. to confront Director Zhanglou. She had to know if the rumours were true and only by talking to him would she be able to extract the truth even if he makes a lie.

As soon as she arrived at her destination, she was already expecting the commotion she brought with the employees of Director Zhanglou. Judging by how they accommodated her, she already knew her presence was surely unexpected and that she all made them too tensed that they cannot even give her a straight look. Perhaps, even their employees share their boss displease of their competitors and they were not good at hiding it.

"Ah, the Lagdameo's third Miss," Director Zhanglou welcomed her obviously surprised. He allowed to give her an audience even though she came unannounced, "Your visit brings me honour, tell me what can I do for you?"

"I want your honestly," Dannah made a shot straightaway. She knew Director Zhanglou won't be an easy enemy yet right at the moment she had no choice but to make him admit to his sins. Also, she really had not time fooling around so she made her errand obvious immediately.

Director Zhanglou's brow creased by her words and helplessly sat back at his reclining chair. "Honestly is what I will give you then,"

"Tell Me Director Zhanglou, did you poach the scientist we were eyeing on?" Dannah asked as if the matter meant nothing at all. Her green eyes were steady, expecting the honest answer the other promised.

Director Zhanglou did not expect Dannah's audacity, yet despite her accusations, he admired her courage and bravery, "Your accusations were outrageous third Miss,"

"Your eyes just gave me the answer to my question," Dannah smirked at his face, "There's no need for the lies. You already shot an arrow behind our back and you know in no time my brother will know who stretched the string,"

"My, it seemed that the rumours about the Lagdameo's third Miss were true," Director Zhanglou sighed satisfactorily as if Dannah's audacious instigation didn't bother him, He had heard of how smart she was, raised and taught well by the Lagdameo's rebel son, Franco. "That she's someone no one should underestimate,"

"I'm not even half the person my brother is. He is the one whom you should watched for but don't worry he don't shot enemies on their back, he met them head on," She said with the intention of giving Director Zhanglou some real threats. Perhaps it was time Zhanglou Montreal learn not to mess with the Lagdameo heir before he'll burn himself completely.

"Well what could I say?" He asked himself in front of Dannah like a helpless fool although Dannah can see that it was all an act, "Let's just say I'm also a businessman who had needs. Desperate times calls for desperate measures,"

"You are not there yet. You are not in desperate times yet, it still about to come," Dannah corrected as if giving the Montreal's Director a promise of the future to come, "I'll take my leave then. I already have what I want. Thank you for your time,"

Dannah head for the door but before she could pull it open, Director Zhanglou spoke.

"It's true that I tried to poach your scientist but unfortunately we weren't successful. The scientist disappeared even before we could offer more,"

Dannah turned her head back to him, "So you are washing your hands off with the scientist's disappearance?"

"My hands are clean," he admitted and drowned himself with Dannah's green eyes. "Besides, I was about to lost interest with your scientist when I heard of someone more interesting,"

Dannah raised a brow at this.

"Ava Leigh," Director Zhanglou continued with the mention of Xhemin's name, "Rumours had it that she was the first person to have grown strawberries in the South so I thought why go for a foreign scientist who claims to have knowledge of growing strawberries when I have a person who had first real hand experience growing them,"

"So you are planning to employ Ava Leigh," Dannah grinned like what she hard was all a joke. However deep inside, Director Zhanglou's words also woke some alarm within her for she knew once he will succeed on his plans with Ava Leigh, L Empire will surely be put in a not so good position.

"Not employ third miss, you are wrong," It was Director Zhanglou who corrected her this time, "I'm planning to collaborate with LGC not employ their CEO. You see, Ava Leigh as I've heard was a brilliant businesswoman so I'm sure she'll see this proposal significant,"

"You must have also heard that Ava Leigh was my brother's wife," Dannah revealed.

"So it's true," Director Zhanglou's eyes brightened with the confirmation. He have heard many rumours surrounding the new CEO of the LGC but there was no one to confirm all the rumours going around, "But I have also heard there were not in good terms, in fact my source had revealed that they were irreconcilable,"

"You sure to have good sources Director Zhanglou, but are you comfortable of depending your success on marriage problems?" Dannah asked, trying to challenge the latter's confidence,

"Oh dear, marriage conflicts can make and break a company," Director Zhanglou let go of a confident smile with this and Dannah knew by then he had rested his case. Too bad he had to rest it on Darryl's complicated marriage.

-Chapter ends here-

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