The Genius' First Love

431 The Beast's Comeback

"The L Empire's president had arrived!"

When Darryl showed up, Don Samuelle pen's dropped in surprise and everyone else in the room brace themselves for what's about to come. They knew how beastly the Lagdameo heir was and with the kind of wit Ava Leigh just displayed right then, they just didn't know what to expect. The only certain thing was that, more tension will flood the whole place.

The Lagdameo heir went deep in the room with hard staring eyes directed upon his own grandfather and the latter's face couldn't hide its guilt.

Dannah was with him clueless on whatever her brother had in mind. Earlier when the meeting was about to start, Darryl instead of going straight to the meeting hall went to LGC's rooftop, despite Dannah's protest and no matter how she nagged and convinced him to attend the meeting, he remained phlegmatic to her plea. Only just few minutes ago, did Darryl decided to come down for reasons Dannah don't understand and to be honest, the way Darryl was acting was seriously making her anxious. She knew right then something either bad or good was about to happen.

Darryl went to where his grandfather sat and proceeded to look over the document that he was about to sign. The content only made him sneered in way that only made him rather too handsome that everyone cannot get their eyes off him.

"Seriously milady?" Darryl dragged his eyes to Xhemin who was caught off guard of his sudden entrance. He was mildly confronting her about the documents she wanted his grandfather to sign and the Lagdameo heir's same ever gorgeous face made Xhemin instantly tasted bile at the back of her throat and felt an icy panic that blanked her mind under the spell of Darryl's hazel eyes. "You don't have to buy L Empire you know that. What is mine is already you—"

"L Empire owes me," Xhemin immediately cut off what Darryl had to say because she knew his next words would only rose unnecessary curiosity from all the people in the room.

Darryl noticed how Xhemin tried to stop him from divulging their relationship status and that only added as a fuel to his hurt. However, his hurt already lingered in his stem for the past six years and a small rejection like that don't do much damage to him anymore.

"Well if you insist on that milady then I'm afraid I had to remind you that the contract I executed with LGC had a period clause. It is good for a year and that means it is not demandable outright as it is not due," Darryl announced and made some of people in the room sighed in relief, "That only means you might need to wait for a year before you can lure my grandfather again to signing these. But of course I hope we will not get to that point, I'm planning to return the money before the one year period ends"

What Darryl said was all true and Xhemin was aware of that. However, it seemed that both Don Samuelle and President Manuel were not able to read the contract and so she kind of tricked them into signing the papers in the hoped to buy L Empire right then. Too bad, Darryl came before Don Samuelle could even paint his signature and so Clayward and she could only sighed about the opportunity that was lost.

"Well this shouldn't have happened if the President of L Empire didn't come late, don't you think?" Xhemin shifted the focus from the document to Darryl's business ethics. It was a mystery to her why Darryl only appeared right then when she saw him earlier at the ground floor.

"Was I?" Darryl flushed an innocent face and thought, "To be honest, I did think I was rather too early for my errand,"

"The meeting is almost over," Don Samuelle spoke, expressing his remark over his grandson's tardiness while avoiding Darryl's eyes yet maintaining a proud look as if he was not all bothered that he almost handed L Empire to Xhemin's hand.

"I see," Darryl then dragged his eyes to everyone looking apologetic, "I'm sorry to disappoint you all but I didn't come here for the meeting,"

Just as Darryl said it, everyone looked at each other confused on what could be the Lagdameo heir's business in LGC rather than attending the board meeting he was called for?

With what he said, Darryl already expected everyone's intrigued and so with a big smile he announced, "I came here to fetch my wife but it seemed that the meeting was not yet over I may have to wait for a little while"

Panic immediately rose to Xhemin when Darryl referred to his wife and her brain started firing thoughts she hoped will not happen while everyone else was here in the room. She knew his husband was a beast and beast do unthinkable things when they are pushed to the edge, don't they?

On the other hand, Collet felt the other way around when she heard Darryl's remarks. Wife. He was referring to her right? Of course she did and his acknowledgement of her being his wife comes with a confession that he was indeed willing to marry her. Right then was so moved she was about to cry of happy tears.

"Oh Dee," Collet went to welcome Darryl, intending to give him a kiss on the cheeks and give him a light hug but before she could even touch him, Darryl moved, aiming for another direction and made full hasty strides to centre.

Just in split seconds, Darryl was already beside Xhemin flushing an affectionate stare at her, then moved to kiss her on the cheeks.

The view that flashed before everyone's eyes made everyone dropped their jaws. Some even stood in their seat while the papers that Clay was holding drop to the floor because of his shock!

Dannah who was at the door gape open at Darryl's unexpected move. Her emotion turned chaos in an instant that she couldn't think of anything but just stand there and turned her head to look at her father and grandfather's reaction. This was the first time Darryl made a public display of affection at the full view of the elders and Dannah's head burst with thorough headache!

Damn! Was this Darryl's plan?




That kind of plan deserved all cursing she could pronounced!