The Genius' First Love

432 The Beast's Wife

Having Darryl standing beside her smiling as if she was the only thing that matters in the world got Xhemin so caught of a certain feeling like a ball of tangled yarn. The parts that are untangled wanted to immediately tie him up to her so that he will never be lost again, yet the rest parts were all a mess, and the messy parts were most at times endless and unyielding.

When Darryl's warm lips landed on her cheeks and his face so close to her, it felt like Xhemin was about to be drown by emotions so strong it got her brain froze as well as her body immediately. The attraction of her body to her husband was just something, Xhemin as always, cannot refused so.

Xhemin didn't move at all. Not intended of course because with pure honestly, she wanted to run right then as far as she can, away from the beast that had got her under his trap. However, just as when she thought it was all over, Darryl just landed another kiss on her again, this time it was on the neck and the sensation that goes with it made every parts of her cringed. Very much afraid of where Darryl's kisses would lead to, she raised a hand to slap him, hard.

Yet, Darryl caught her hand even before it could land on his face.

"Milady, I don't really mind to be branded as a battered husband," Darryl's moved his head closer, his hazel eyes looked so deeply into her own pair and Xhemin knew by just looking at it that despite his display of affection, the beast was also raging mad. "But I don't want everyone to know that you are a sadistic wife,"

"I am not your wife—"Xhemin pushed to deny it but even before she could, Darryl's slammed his lips into hers that nearly took all her breathe. She hardly had a moment to react and yet her husband already managed to pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips, demanding access and Xhemin could do nothing but allow him taste her sweetness. Darryl delved deeply into her mouth, ignoring all the people in the room who could only watched in awe on how the Lagdameo heir was owning the LCG CEO.

"Are they really—"Every single person looked at each other hoping someone could explain the intriguing scene that they unexpectedly witnessed.

"I remember previously the Lagdameo heir was involved in a certain woman, is the CEO perhaps? That rumoured 'Lagdameo woman'?

Xhemin could hear everyone's whispers and as much as she wanted to explain,

Darryl trapped her perfectly in a way that she couldn't anymore deny it. Darryl's hands were already on her hips, moving her body close to his with much intensity brought by his controlled rage as he ravaged her lips. He was so warm and too seeking.

"Denying it is like mocking the memory of our son!" Darryl exclaimed as he cut the kiss, leaving Xhemin breathless. His voice filled the whole room with some chill, as if a beast had just awaken and was ready to eat his prey. Xhemin herself could see the rage within Darryl but his rage didn't made her flinched, how every the words he mentioned cut deep within.

His words crushed something in Xhemin as if he mentioned the cruellest word she had ever heard. Instantly, Xhemin's eyes rounded wet and all the warmth brought by Darryl's kiss in her faded away. Hurt, she fought real hard then not to let a single tear drop from her eyes and used all her strength to free herself from Darryl's grip then looked away, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Please do not speak of him," She said in a low tone as if the memory wiped down all her joy. Xhemin held a sighed and turned her head to everyone in the room, "This meeting is over for now, all of you may go,"

Just as when she dismissed the gathering, Xhemin didn't wait for anyone to move and immediately dragged herself away from the room before she could lose herself. Even as to six years has past, Xhemin can still not get over with the child she buried down the grave alone and the memory of him, always made her feel weak.

Clayward saw how Xhemin was shaking and so just as his boss walked past everyone in the table, he immediately took her arm to support her knowing that she'll about to breakdown and fall. However, his gallant act displeased the beast.

"Take your hands away from her…" Darryl's expression dimmed even more and his voice was threatening, as he watched the two aimed for the door.

Clayward refused to heed him, instead he bravely turned to meet Darryl's fierce eyes and said, "President Dee, Miss Leigh needs to rest and—"

In a split second and to Clayward's astonishment, Darryl was already in front of him and tugged his hands away from Xhemin with great force. Then he looked at Clayward with a lethal stare that were both painful and piercing, but the latter stood his ground. Instead of allowing Darryl, Clayward block his way through Xhemin and meet Darryl's eyes with the same intensity the latter gave him.

"Stay away," Darryl threatened again but Clay didn't move. It was his duty to protect Xhemin even from his own husband who was then trying to break her apart.

"President D, you are already crossing the line. This is way too much," Clayward defended, ready to defend Xhemin if needed be against the Lagdameo heir's pestering.

Darryl sneered at him and the tone of his voice was suggesting that violence was sure to happen if Clay insists on it, "Don't make me repeat myself again,"

However, despite all his threats, Clay refused to back down and this made Darryl lose all his cool as his veins burst with rage, "I said—"

"Darryl please…" It was Xhemin who stopped him this time. She was already at the door, holding the edge of it as if she needed it for support as she was weak and tired. She had enough for today and Darryl was just turning things into chaos. She knew his temper cannot be tamed by anyone, and only she can stop him from driving beastly mad that time.

"Just please…" Xhemin repeated, looking straight to him, eyes pleading and exhausted. Darryl saw this, how she was becoming weak and vulnerable at the mentioned of their son's name and guilt overtook him.

Seeing how Darryl's hazel eyes falter, Xhemin sighed inwardly of relief and thought he will just retreat but she was wrong, for just in split of second, Darryl was already in front of her, grabbed her body with his two strong arms and carried her with it just like how he carried her in Somer lands on their wedding feast.