The Genius' First Love

430 The Offer

"I want L Empire"

Xhemin's words shut everyone in the room. Even the LGC's board members were surprised to hear it from their very CEO. They knew Xhemin had skills but since she just recently appeared they don't know if her skills can be as good as of Aviona's when it comes to handling business, so taking L Empire for them might be a risk. Also for why would Ava Leigh take interest in L Empire when they already have a couple of companies that would need more of her attention?

"hahahaha!" Don Samuelle laughed at Xhemin's outrageous proposition as if it was just a joke, "Woman re you taking me for a fool? My grandson did not come back all the way from the south after six years just to give our company away. And what makes you think a woman like you can lead L Empire?"

"I don't care about your prejudices with women" Xhemin straightforwardly threw Don Samuelle's discrimination away, making it known that she cannot be intimidated by anything "When I take over L Empire, it won't matter anymore"

"And do you think I would just allow you, a woman to lead us all?" Don Samuelle's eyes grew big in rage and his voice so loud when he exclaimed, "You are delusional!"

"I already expect this outrage to be honest, but then what can you do? Perhaps you can just then give me back the money you owed me," Xhemin concluded immediately as if things were that easy just as how easy Don Samuelle judged her capabilities, "When can I expect its return then?"

Both President Manuel and Don Samuelle knew they couldn't just return the money right away as of course, most of it had already been spent in L Empire. More so, if they use their own money, the entire Lagdameo clan will probably fall into pit and it might take long for them to recover.

"The amount that you demanded is something that cannot be return just when you like it," President Manuel said, "There are things that needed to fixed first, especially that obviously you coveted the position you are in and took your sister's fair share,"

"What a convenient thing to say," Xhemin smiled viciously. She knew she got the upper hand in this conversation and she won't let the opportunity slipped away. By hook or by crook, she must have L Empire and she will insist on it until the other party gives up "But you know full well the internal issues of LGC are not anymore your business and neither of you can stop me from demanding what I want. You are fully aware by now that you have no options but just to hand me L Empire. If you want to settle this court, then I promise you the consequences will be worst,"

Everyone in L Empire was helpless right then. Neither Manuel nor Don Samuelle can do anything to save their company away from Xhemin's grab. She was able to successfully put them all in trap and no one can get away from it. It was a perfect set-up with no loopholes to escape from.

"Clayward, the papers," Xhemin went all the way with the intention of being the new L Empire's owner before the day ends. She was unwilling to waste more time for it so things should be ended right there and then, "Hand them to our guest,"

Clayward immediately put the documents needed in front of their guests.

"I just need your signatures," Xhemin's voice was demanding it, "I'll buy L Empire for two billion US dollars minus the money you owe from me of course,"

When they heard Xhemin's proposition, everyone was flabbergasted. Indeed the LGC CEO was serious when she said she wanted L Empire and even offer a deal right away.

"That should be enough, far more than enough actually, considering L Empire's current status," Xhemin words were like a slap to their faces.

Don Samuelle's fury didn't subside but he was trying hard not to lose cool because it might be hard for them to save their faces provided the circumstance. However, despite the fact that he despised Xhemin's audacity and shamelessness, he admitted inwardly that what she offered was indeed a very good deal and something that they might not anymore encounter in the near future.

"How could you be this shameless sister?" Collet who heard it cursed Xhemin again and when she saw that both Don Samuelle and President Manuel was quietly considering the offer, she panicked and called their attentions, "Please don't let her lure you into this! Dee can fix this! He can do something about this!"

"No more!" It was Don Samuelle who raised a hand in front of Collet to shut her off. He knew his grandson very much that he was certain he will not accept this offer but the thing Xhemin laid to them was something he could not just take for granted. For who would buy a nearly bankrupt company for two billion dollars' worth? Also, despite the fact that Darryl was working his ass out to save L Empire, they were still not sure if he can successfully do it. With two billion dollars, Darryl can start out a new company fresh from the start and the likeness for such a new company to succeed was far better than L Empire's revival.

President Manuel thought the same, and seeing how his father was carefully considering the offer he did not utter any word of protest. Besides, they had long accepted L Empire's downfall so losing it entirely the second time around wouldn't be that hard.

Don Samuelle heaved a deep sigh before he took a pen to sign the papers. He grabbed and read the paper, making sure Ava Leigh wasn't tricking them. When he was fully satisfied, he looked at his own son, President Manuel, and saw him nod at him, expressing his consent and approval.

Xhemin and Clay smiled at this.

Who would have thought buying L Empire was this easy?

Fully decided, Don Samuelle laid the documents back into the table with the intention to sign it but when he was about to, the door of the board room surprisingly opened, revealing Darryl himself, with his pair of vicious hazel eyes, probably more vicious and threatening than that of Xhemin's.

"The L Empire's president had arrived!" Someone gasped in horror as if a beast just came to haunt them all.