The Genius' First Love

429 Evil Goddess

"Go ahead," Xhemin answered simply as if Collet's outburst was something she didn't mind. For all those who don't know the truth, like everyone from L Empire who witnessed it, they immediately thought Xhemin was a cold hearted bitch and a greedy one. The way she reacted at Collet's call for justice was simply despicable that only a shameless person can do.

'How the heck did a woman with a goddess face turned out to be so evil?'

Everyone from L Empire thought.

However all the board members can see that Xhemin was having hard time putting up a phlegmatic face as deep inside, the truth was that Xhemin pitied her sister. It was obvious from the way Xhemin refused to tell Collet the truth that she didn't have any ounce of rights in LGC. She simply didn't want to crush her self-esteem because all her life, Collet thought she was an heiress of a big conglomerate when in reality she was just another Chan. Xhemin spared her from the agony.

"I sure will and when I do my pleading in court, I'll make sure you will be civilly punished for this! Who knows they will suspend some of your civil rights that will make you incapable of doing any business transactions," Collet was shaking when she threatened Xhemin. Then immediately she dragged her head to the board members, looking at each of them with disgust, "When that happens, none of you can come to me and ask for my help. Surely that time, I will be the CEO and I'll make sure none of you remains in those seats!"

"Enough of this drama," Xhemin cut of Collet's threats, "Collet just seek relief from court all you want. Don't worry if the courts find you worthy of any of LGC, I'll freely give it away. However, as you can see you have no relief in these documents you showed me and so L Empire remains indebted to me,"

"Such a despicable woman…" President Manuel loathed Xhemin outrageously, "The first time I saw you I know you'll bring nothing but trouble,"

"What an honourable words to say to the one whom you are indebted to," Xhemin strike back at Manuel's remarks, "Why don't we move on to the conversation of when L Empire gives me back my money,"

President Manuel gritted out his teeth at Xhemin's response, "You! You are the most shameless person I have ever met! Even denying your own sister's rights!"

"As a veteran businessman, you yourself should know that no sound minded businessman will ever give out half a billion dollars as a consideration for marriage," Xhemin flinched not even a little even so with the fact that President Manuel was giving her some serious threatening look, "But let's just be honest, even you know it was very impractical in business sense, you still allowed this sister of mine to freely give away money, using her illusions about your son to your advantage! Now tell me who is more shameless?"

"It was a valid transaction. We did not force Collet to do it. She personally volunteered and may I remind you, your sister is old enough to do legal transactions she deemed right," President Manuel countered, trying to sway off Xhemin's accusations.

The whole board room was filled with rising tension but no one dared to intervene on Xhemin and President Manuel's arguments. Everyone was soo quiet as one of the most historic battle occurred right before their eyes as the once mighty L Empire President argued in exceeding tautness with the current LCG CEO, a woman. The scene was far too powerful not one can intervene.

"Even so, how could the previous President of L Empire step down so low and accepted money out of a woman's lucrative daydreams?" Xhemin did not back down, "You know Collet was just an amateur self-confessed businesswoman who knew nothing but her foolish love for you son who God knows…." Xhemin veins were already bursting that she wanted to say it all, almost, "…who… who was already civilly incapable of marrying again…"

"What?" President Manuel gasped outright, not able to grasp what Xhemin meant. However, he thought Xhemin was only trying to discredit his son so he snapped back at her with a smirk, "You speak like you know my son, in that case I could only assume you are withholding Collet's inheritance because you are afraid of him. Well I say to you, it is only right that you'd be afraid of him just as everyone in here would tell you,"

"I am a beast's wife in my previous life," Xhemin told, "So I'm sorry I cannot be threatened just by any one,"

"My son is not just anyone,"

"I don't care," Xhemin let go a little laugh this time, "I only care about the half billion dollars he owed me,"

"You should care, because we Lagdameo's value all our words and we had already taken Collet as our soon to be our daughter in law. Thus she is already our responsibility and I will see to it that she gets the rights that were meant for her." Manuelle pronounced, trying to threaten Xhemin about her status as if he meant to strip it out from her. "I'll see that justice is served,"

"Then go ahead. I dare you to try me," Xhemin stood on her ground bravely. She had prepared herself for this and not even Manuel Lagdameo himself can make her run.

"Enough of that!" It was Don Samuelle who spoke this time and his old loud voice swept in the entire room like a grandfather reprimanding his naughty grandchildren. His face contorted showing how the current conversation was completely infuriating him and had made him lost his patience. He then eyed at Xhemin specifically and said, "Tell me woman, what do you want exactly? Let's not waste each other's time,"

"I only want one thing," Xhemin looked at the old man with the same intensity he looked at her. "I want L Empire"