The Genius' First Love

428 Lucrative Dreams

"I had laid down all my concerns for the day, the next would be the last and as you can see, we had invited guests for that," Xhemin started a new matter, probably the most outrageous one in her opinion. "Please invite the guests over,"

In just few seconds, a couple of people from L Empire, including President Manuel and Don Samuelle sat beside the board, while Xhemin were reviewing the contract of loan executed by both parties from LGC and L Empire.

"A half billion dollars," Xhemin started out as she faced the once big personalities of L Empire and probably the culprit of her family's misfortune. "That is the reason why I called for you attention today but as I see, your President didn't heed my request,"

"I am here in lieu of my fiancée," Collet announced pompously. She entered the room with rigid determination to make some boundaries, something her sister shouldn't cross not only with her hereditary rights but also with the man she wanted.

"Really," Xhemin lips twitched at the remark and her lush eyebrows curved up with it.

"Yes, I assumed you already knew that as everyone had been talking about it ever before you came to the picture," Collet told her as she seated herself with unfeigned confidence on one of the available seats next to the Lagdameo elders.

"Well I never heard of Darryl sending out representatives, nor so a fiancée's into some important business transactions," Xhemin articulated in a voice rather doubtful of Collet's dauntless claims.

"President D," Collet corrected because she didn't like the way Xhemin pronounced her fiancée's name, "I haven't fully introduce him to you so I think it's rather inappropriate for you to call him on his first name. Also, my fiancée is such a busy man, he don't have time to appear in such a small meeting like this, most importantly he sent me over because obviously he is not interested at all to see you,"

"Really, forgive me for my assumptions then, " Xhemin apologized but of course she didn't mean such, "I just thought Darryl was desperate so see me because, as I recalled, he insisted on seeing me the other day, shouting my name in my villa's front gate.

Xhemin's statement caught everyone's ears clearly and a wave of intrigued swept around the room to Collet's disappointment. Seeing how Collet's confidence wavered a bit, Xhemin laughed a little and clarified, "Well perhaps he was eager to see me because of the loan contract so I did expect his attendance here provided his insistence few days ago. So I sent him a call for some business transaction,"

"This is not a business transaction you knew that, sister," Collet smiled at her and put emphasis on the last word she uttered to remind Xhemin that she was her sister and that she can't just basically deny her everything.

"Well I'd hope so it isn't," Xhemin uttered as she eased himself in the long table and straightened her seat, "However since it involved a half billion dollars then I doubt it could be anything less than a business transaction,"

The two Lagdameo elder sat and listened carefully on how things were running, leaving it for Collet to explain why her sister shouldn't run after the money Collet voluntarily gave to L Empire. As two veteran businessmen, they had learn when to be silent and when to intervene in conversations, and so they only waited until the perfect time to speak.

"It should be, as I gave it as a betrothal gift to my soon husband to be," Collet told as she played with her perfectly manicured nails in front of everyone, "I had my attorney crafted a remission of debt contract before you came, signed and accepted before you took over. My attorney says it's perfectly valid as all of you are aware, I too, have rights with this money,"

Immediately, a lawyer whom Collet brought with her, stepped forward to give Xhemin the copy of the remission of debt contract she once gave to Dannah. Clayward took it and extended it to Xhemin for her to scrutinize. While she was doing so, Collet smiled satisfactorily and looked at the Lagdameo elders with confidence as if she had gotten her own cunning sister into a check mate.

"Funny," Xhemin let go of a little laugh while her eyes dug into the papers, "This document says, the debt of L Empire is extinguished by reason of marriage of the Lagdameo heir and the daughter of the CGC's owner,"

Collet didn't like how Xhemin laughed at the document. Annoyed she snapped back at her, "You may find it funny and you can laugh all you want but that document is valid and flawless. You have no choice but to acknowledge it."

"I didn't say it wasn't valid," Xhemin countered calmly and how she smiled confidently only infuriated Collet more, "It's just that this is quite an impossible contract because as you see, I don't have a daughter ripe enough for marriage because as everyone of you are aware, I am LCG's owner. In that case, your fiancée might have to wait,"

"What?" Collet's infuriation immediately hit the last stage with how easy Xhemin was taking on her claims, "Are you out of your mind?"

"My mental state is perfectly healthy, you may call my doctor to confirm it," Xhemin responded cleverly and this only make Collet lose all her cool and patience.

"Sister what you are doing right now is simply outrageous! You are obviously denying me of my rights! Everyone in here including you knows I too have a right of our family's company! I am as legitimate as you are because my mother was married to our Father just like how he married Aviona Leigh" Collet exclaimed in front of everyone. Then with the intention of shaming Xhemin, Collet turned to all the board members, "Is this the CEO you are supporting now? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? You are basically supporting a tyrant who's simply had no sense of being just,"

All the board members who saw Collet's outrage only looked at each other. Most of them were still the original board members and so they knew the whole history of LGC including the fact that before Aviona died, she handed the ownership to her daughter and Martin only inherited the rights when they all thought Aviona's daughter was dead. So all of them are fully aware that even when Xhemin and Collet are sisters, Collet does not have any inch of claims to LGC, it was all Xhemin's. However by the way Collet was acting, they can only assume she still do not know these facts and so right then they only took pity of her instead of being swayed by her words.

When Collet saw that not one among the board remembers responded to her, she felt betrayed and accused Xhemin of buying all of them, "You! I never thought you are this low kind and disgusting human being, even denying your own blood's rights! If you think you can get away with this then you are wrong! I'm going to sue you! I'll sue in court and demand damages for what you did to me!"