The Genius' First Love

427 Internal Issues 2

"Oh God!" The board members looked like they were all struck with lighting.

"Are you out of your mind? You are the head of the finance department! How could you allow all of Martin and Margo's relatives to be issued with a black card when they are not even LGC's responsibility?" Mr. Parks took the initiative to chide Mrs Allenmayer. Margo this time could do nothing but hear everyone's disgust of her. "You mean all these times were are working hard to feed those parasites who don't even work for LGC? You watch us stress ourselves out with how to save LGC every time Martin makes an error and that's all for the sake of these people?"

"I don't know what to say but I greatly apologized," Mrs. Allenmayer already cried. She knew she was guilty for not reporting this to the board but she did this to protect her family and her children. The last two decades had given her nothing but fear and guilt and despite everyone pointing their finger at her, she was somehow glad that she was freed from such misery. Whatever the consequences of her actions are, she was ready to face it then.

"So A Heart's Foundation had been neglected for the past two decades?" Another board member expressed her thorough concern. Aviona's company was set to support A Hearts Foundation that supports all of Aviona's charities and learning that their budget was cut was a totally disheartening news. If these were all true, then it meant they all failed to protect Aviona's visions.

"50% for the black cards! God !That's half of LGC's profits! Who is the top spender among all?" Mr. Parks demanded as he himself had the right to know.

"It was Miss Collet," Mrs. Allenmayer revealed, "Just last month, she spent two hundred million dollars for one day jewellery shopping,"

Almost all of the board members gritted their teeth in anger and disgust but the damaged had already been done and partly, the revelations before them were also their fault as they put their hope and trust to the wrong person. Right then, all they could do was to cup their face and sighed deep with everything that was revealed.

"Mr. Park," Xhemin called after a long silence, "I'll leave these things to your trust. Partner with the new head of finance department and fix these allocations. As for you Mrs. Allenmayer and Mrs. De Villa, you are to keep the positions my mother gave you previously while the investigation of this blunder is on-going. Do not dare to ran away from me if or you will regret doing so,"

Xhemin dare not to judge them as she thought a full blown investigation had to be conducted first. As the CEO she should not always judge people according to her own prejudices rather she should be neutral and willing to hear every side of the story. However, she was of course free to threaten them as much as she likes.

"Miss Leigh, what am I going to do with your sister's spending habits?" Mr. Park asked Xhemin's notion on it because he dare not to act on Ava's sister. Only few knew of the secrets behind Xhemin and Collet's birth and so everyone including every employee in LCG, did thought they were real sisters.

"Tell me your honest judgment Mr. Park," Xhemin casted the same question to him and the later politely bow to show respect.

"I think Miss Leigh that your sister's spending habits is not good for LGC. I apologize if in any way I hurt you with this comment," Mr. Park told.

Xhemin sighed deep. Although honestly she didn't like Collet, she however do not want to cost much inconvenience to her as the latter did nothing wrong against her aside from her childish and rude remarks. She also thought that Collet's character was a product of bad parenting and so instead of full hate, sometimes she felt bad for her. However, the matter before them involved her late mother's life legacy and she of course didn't want Collet to ruin it even a little.

"I've heard MChan's Entertainment is doing good," Xhemin uttered, asking a confirmation from Mr. Parks.

"Yes Miss Leigh," He answered to her query and started narrating the events of MChan's in the past, "When your father, CEO Martin, took over LGC, he put MChan's in the list of companies that LGC owned and so the latter receives allocations in our budget expenses. Because of it, MChan's Entertainment flourished until now,"

"The MChan's Entertainment is controlled by all of the Chan's household right?" Xhemin inquired further.

"Yes Miss Leigh. The Chan's do not have any other reliable company that feeds their finances aside from the MChan's Entertainment. When CEO Martin's father died, most of their assets were wasted and what was left was MChan's Entertainment and it survived until now because CEO Martin put it under our care,"

"Well then, stripped out the MChan's from the group of companies we owned as I do not have plans to indulge in the entertainment industry. With that, transfer all of the Chan���s VIP black cards to MChan's finance line including the one that Collet and her mother hold. Leave no financial responsibility for LGC rather than CEO Martin's hospital bills, the rest, put it all to MChan's," Xhemin instructed carefully.

"Are you sure about this Miss Leigh?" Mr. Parks asked. Xhemin's plan was brilliant but he cannot then imagine what will happen to MChan's if it will not be supported by LGC anymore and with all of the Chan's spending habits, it will eventually go bankrupt in less than a day.

"MChan's isn't giving us good money but we are spending a big allocation on it. I cannot allow it anymore especially that those behind it do not share the same value with LGC especially with how they spend their money," Xhemin responded very much decided. She had already planned this move a long time ago and the events today gave her a good reason to act on it immediately.

"What a waste. We spent a great deal of assets to such company," Mr. Parks said although he didn't mean his words. Truth was that he actually share the same concern with Xhemin but then he was human enough to be worry about what will happen to Xhemin's sister now that her credit line will be transferred to the MChan's.

"Consider those money we spent to them as a donation, a small reward for CEO Chan's previous hard work although he don't deserve it," Xhemin blurted calmly and everyone in the room looked at each other with meaning.

With how Xhemin handled all the issues at hand today, they were certain of one thing about her—in the façade, Xhemin may looked like strong and stern but deep inside, she had a pure heart—probably even more pure than what Aviona had.