The Genius' First Love

426 Internal Issues 1

Xhemin didn't want to listen to all of Margo's protest, therefore she went to move the discussion. "Let's move on the recent expenses of LGC that I find very intriguing. All of you are probably aware why mother created LGC but the last few years where LGC was under someone else's supervision, I noticed that there had been a major shift of our finance priorities,"

Hearing this, Mr. Park held a deep sighed. It looked like before coming over, Ava had fully equipped herself with all changes and financial history of LGC and now, it seemed like things were about to get worse for those who depend on leeching of LGC's profits.

"My dear Godmother, since you are very close with my mother, would you please remind everyone how LGC's profits are being distributed when my mother was still the CEO?" Xhemin gave the spotlight to Margo again.

Margo wanted to disappear right then but there was nothing she could do but bow down to Ava. She cannot ran away from LGC, nor can she even refused her previous position as the head of the marketing department because if she does, she will loss all the privileges she had as an LGC employee and there was no assurance that she can get a higher position than being the marketing head in other companies.

"Your mother…" Margo's voice was losing confidence, "I mean LGC's profits were split off to the following, 60% goes to A Hearts Foundation, 20% to LGC's employees engagement and advancement, the last 20% is for research and development,"

"It's good that you still remember," Xhemin smiled at her as if she was delighted to hear it although Margo knew all of it was just purely sarcasm, "Everyone as you can see, my mother spent the entire profit of LGC to help other people. She didn't even allocate anything for her own personal use, yet for the last decades I found a major shift in these allocations. Godmother, I heard even if you are not the head of the finance department you were the one who had been allocating the LGC's profits when my mother was gone,"

"What?" Mr. Park had the loudest reaction. He knew something was going on inside LGC but didn't think it was this worse and Margo's involvement was this big. All these years, although he had his own doubts with Margo, the woman had been a great help to LGC as she had good management skills that filled in Martin's incapacity. It was rather appalling to know that despite all of Margo's efforts and help, she did all it for her own personal sake. "Is this true Miss de Villa? How are we not aware of all this?"

Margo "Well that—"

"Don't dare deny it, the head of the finance department is here and she can speak for herself, should I allow her to speak?" Xhemin warned. She then turned to a middle aged lady at the far corner whose face was full of guilt, "Mrs. Allenmayer, what can you say?"

Mrs. Allenmayer was the current head of the finance department and in front of Ava Leigh, she dare not to lie. The truth was that after Aviona died, she was appointed by Martin as the head of the finance department and even though her intentions were good, she can do nothing about Martin's demands and pressure. Margo went to help her to the point that she was already the one controlling the entire profits of LGC and when she found out how it had been plundered, it was already too late. Margo threatened to put the blame on her when the board members will find out so in fear, she just let Margo and Martin control it.

"It was Martin! He was the one who asked me and even threatened me to the point that I had no choice but to do it," Margo scowled at all this, "I swear, I was just forced to do it!"

"You were Aviona's friend. She trusted you and we all trusted you," Mr. Park confronted her right then. Everyone in the board thought that, like them, Margo was there to protect Aviona's legacies and never once did they suspect her. Turned out, Margo was really just a great pretender and she was able to lure everyone by her act.

"Please I'm just a victim here," Margo tried to defend herself, "I love Aviona very much I would dare not do this to her, it was all Martin!"

Xhemin raised a hand to stop the commotion and everyone silenced. "I'm not here to point out who's the culprit and who's innocent. I'll appoint someone to investigate on it later but for now, I would like everyone to know where all the LGC's profits were spent. Care to tell us godmother?"

Margo settled the lump in her throat and wiped some of her tears, "Well since I have nothing to hide anymore, only 10% of the profit goes to A Heart's Foundation, 10% for employees engagement, 10% to research and the rest…. Well…50% goes to the black cards issued by LGC to VIP employees and 30% goes to the Martin's pocket. Most of the 30% held by Martin were spent on his gambling expenses,"

"What?" Everyone was astonished to this, even Mr. Park himself almost lost his breathe. They all did so much for LGC because believed in Aviona's visions and all of the sudden they all found out, all their hard work benefited the wrong people.

"You mean we all worked hard for nothing?" One of the board members exclaimed dreadfully, "And what do you mean 50% goes to the black card issued by LGC? I myself don't use that black card,"

"That's true!" Another shouted, "I rarely used the black card issued by LGC so how come 50% of our profit goes to that? Who are the heaviest spenders on these black cards? Why was it that no report came to the board about this?"

"Please everyone," Xhemin tried to contain the chaos. The VIP black cards are credit cards issued by LGC to those who belong to the top management from the CEO down to the heads of the departments. "That's why we are here to settle these things. Everyone calm down,"

"Mrs. Allenmayer, since the proper documents are with you, can you please announced who are the top spenders on these cards?" Xhemin asked the old lady again who was already terrified by everyone's outburst.

"Miss Leigh," Mrs. Allenmayer was already shaking, "The board members words were correct, they rarely uses these cards but the Chan households and the De Villa household spends too much that sometimes they exceed the 50% allocation. And when I say household, that includes their relatives who do not work for LGC,"