The Genius' First Love

425 Lady Portia's Shares

The board meeting went on smoothly at the first few minutes until the conversation went on from introductions to business shares. It was one of the things that needed to be discussed clearly as Xhemin wanted to take full control of whatever her mother had left.

"As you all of you knew LGC was one of my mother's legacy and as I looked into all of the things that happened to whatever she had left the past years that I was gone, I could say that most of you had been faithful with her visions. LGC had remained strong and prosperous for the last decades and I want that to continue as I took over," Xhemin said as she looked at the board members who were behind all of LGC's success, "Please know I am great thankful for you loyalty,"

Even though Martin had took over LGC and made unhealthy decisions, most of the board members that made up LGC were Aviona's trusted friends and confidants and so despite the fact that Martin was short of skills and was overly spending on other unnecessary things, LGC remained a success and that's because of the majority of the board members always make ways to counter Martin's foolish actions.

"I am aware of all the things most of you did just to make sure my mother's legacy continues and I assure you that from this day on I shall have all your efforts and sacrifices be rewarded fully. You had not been given much importance all these years, yet you keep on the fight," Xhemin added. "As the owner of LGC, I shall fully appoint myself as the new CEO and take on the responsibility my mother once had and will make major changes in the present management, reverting them back to how they used to be just before my mother had left. Those who cannot anymore return to their old positions, their offices will temporarily be empty until I appoint someone to take over it,"

Xhemin's announcement brought different reactions from the board yet no one dared to protest. Xhemin holds the biggest shares in LGC and next to hers was the one owned by Lady Portia and so even when the others would pull out their shares in protest of her, the LGC can stand alone, unhurt. Also, even when Xhemin just arrived and only made appearance recently, majority of the shareholders already expressed their support to her as she was Aviona's child and they could see not only Aviona's face into her but also her character.

"Child," Margo was the first one to speak after Xhemin made the announcement, "You must be aware that I am the current COO of this company and I know you must have made your research prior to deciding these changes so I know you are aware of the things I did just to keep your mother's legacy. Therefore, with all that, I could assume that when you wanted everyone to go back to their previous positions, you didn't mean to include the COO's position right?"

Xhemin politely turned to Margo's side and replied, "No Godmother, there are no exemptions to what I just said. My mother appointed you as the head of the marketing department and I want you to return to that position. I trust my mother must have her reasons for putting you on that position rather than making you the COO,"

"Well child back then, your mother was supposed to make me COO but had me appointed as the head of the marketing department first, but it was mutually understood that she will give me the COO position eventually," Margo lied and no one rebutted her words as everyone knew how big her influence was with the Leighs, especially that she was appointed to hold Lady Portia's shares.

"Mr. Park, you were the previous COO of this company," Xhemin turned to another board member who was quietly listening to the conversation. "Did my mother made known to you that my Godmother was to be the COO?"

Mr. Park was surprised that Ava Leigh knew him. She was very little, only a year old when he last saw her and so he never thought Aviona's daughter would even care to think about him. However unknown to all of them, Xhemin made a thorough research on everyone's activities in and out of LGC for the last two decades and so she knew whom to trust and whom to watch for.

"She didn't Miss Leigh, as I remembered correctly," Mr. Parks answered politely.

"But that was an agreement executed verbally by me and your mother dear," Margo insisted, frustrated that Ava was trying to shame her in front of everyone whom she considered as all her subordinates and a rank below her. In LGC, she was like a queen prior to Martin's mental problems, executing whatever she liked and wanted inside the LGC. Martin of course relied everything to her and never cared about how she managed the business so long as she keeps money coming inside LGC. However, right then Ava was treating her like as if she was just as equal as everyone.

"Mr. Park did my godmother then trained under you?" Xhemin asked another question, "If she indeed was to succeed you then my mother should have asked you to train her, didn't she?"

"No Miss," Mr. Parks answered as honest as he can. When Martin took over LCG, he humbly gave up his position as COO to Margo as all it was what the board agreed knowing that Aviona would most likely trust her best friend with the company she built. However, as years passed by, Mr. Park noticed Margo's changed of behavior, treating everyone as below her and the thing that he hated the most was that she allowed Martin to do whatever he wanted and covered up for him when he ended up ruining something to LGC's prejudice. That's why through time, he kind of lost his respect to Aviona's best friend but remained quiet about it.

"Are you willing to take back your previous position and help me with the best that you can just like how you had been loyal to my mother?" Xhemin asked directly, demanding and hoping for a positive response.

Margo of course gave Mr. Park a hard look, asking him silently to retreat yet instead of giving in to her request, Mr. Park turned to Xhemin and nodded yes respectfully.

When Xhemin saw this, she smiled satisfactorily, "Good. Then I guess this conversation is over,"

"Ava!" Margo exclaimed at how things went and her negative reaction earned her a suspicious look from everyone in the room. When she noticed everyone's indifference, she became conscious and she instantly lowered her voice, "I mean child. Don't you think that its inappropriate for me to hold such a low position provided the fact that I hold the second biggest shares in this company? Don't you think these decisions you are making are all scrupulous and unthought off? I mean you were not here for two decades so how could you know what's best for LGC and we all here don't even know if you have the necessary skills to run—"

"Enough!" Xhemin cut her off as her ink eyes dug into her like two fiery balls and everyone who had seen it quieted immediately. "My company, my rules! And if it's my grandaunts shares you are fussing about then let's make things appropriate in favor of you. Thus, before you leave the premises today, make sure to visit the legal department. I'll have them prepare the necessary papers needed so you can transfer the shares under my name."

Margo got stuck on her seat on what she heard as her insides started to tremble, "You wouldn't dare…."

Xhemin met her head on, "Why not? You are after all only a legal representative of these shares, the Leigh's still owns it and I am the heir to Leigh's estate,"

Reality right then hit Margo hard. At first she thought she still had the upper hand knowing that Xhemin is her godchild and the latter would surely favor her taking into account all the things she did for LGC yet, the same godchild right then stripped her all the rights and the dreams she worked hard for all these years.

Just like that everything fell before her and she can do nothing but watch Aviona's child crushed it all away. The worst part was that, she can't even insist nor cursed that child right then since they were in a board meeting and she cannot flaunt her true colors in front of everyone. Ava Leigh had successfully humiliated her already and she cannot humiliate herself further by insisting on the things she don't own in the first place.