The Genius' First Love

424 Her Godmother

LGC Corporation

Paparazzi had flooded the entire main entrance of LGC waiting to have a glimpse of the controversial Ava Leigh. After the designation party, she was the talked of the entire region and many wanted to know about what happened to her and how she lived her life after the accident that cost her mother's life.

Xhemin and Clayward were already expecting the crowd and so when Xhemin stepped out the car, she was immediately surrounded by the securities and LCG personnel cleared her way. It was a smooth entrance and just few minutes after, Xhemin was already walking in the big hall of LGC toward the VIP elevator. As she passed by, all employees bowed at her and many was astonished to see that she indeed looked like her mother.

When they reached the elevator, only Xhemin and Clay stepped in while the rest of their company remained at the ground floor. Xhemin's face was calm and confident by then however, before the elevator had come to a full close, the image of Darryl staring at her almost made her lost her balance. She panicked a bit, knowing that Darryl may stop the elevator and dragged her away yet that didn't happen. Darryl just let her go and calmly looked at her as if nothing wrong was happening between them.

When the elevator closed and went up, Dannah who was there with Darryl breathe a sighed of relief. Just like Xhemin, she thought Darryl was to make a scene but thank God her brother didn't. When she told her about the truth of Ava and Xhemin as one person, Darryl only quieted and never said a word. Of course, Dannah expected him to react in ways she dare not to imagine yet Darryl didn't, which was rather odd, just like how he handled himself calmly in front of Xhemin right then.

"What's your plan?" Dannah asked his brother who was acting strange since last night. Why does it seem like Darryl didn't care anymore about the fact that Xhemin had risen from the dead?

"No plans," Darryl responded, his voice unruffled sounding like he was not lying about it before he dragged himself to the elevator when it opened for them. He too received a memo from LGC about the board meeting today and he was there to attend, tagging Dannah along as his secretary. "I'm just here to great my wife,"

"What?" Darryl's last statement made Dannah's brow crossed. Darryl was really acting weird and Dannah dreaded the things that were to happen next.


"What is he doing here?" Xhemin asked Clay as they were on the elevator.

"He is the President of L Empire remember? And he too was a privy to the contract of loan executed between Collet and L Empire. I sent memo's too to those signatures appear in the contract," Clay cared to answer. He had told her this yesterday including the fact that a couple of Lagdameo's will be present today and she knew Xhemin didn't forget the fact, but she probably was bothered when Darryl appeared unannounced and had to say something to release some tension. "You are going to meet him all the time so you have to get used to his presence,"

Xhemin didn't say a word to answer nor rebut any of Clayward's words. It was she who decided all these setup and Clay was merely reminding her of all the plans she dragged him into. Prior to meeting Xhemin, Clay was the head of A Hearts Foundation, and all these years he did nothing but preserve all of her mother's charities. She was the one who came and seek for his help and since then, Clay had become one of his trusted confidant and her only companion for all those lonely days and nights she spent in hiding.

"We are here," Clay announced when they reached the floor where the board meeting was to be conducted. When the elevator opened, a crowd of curios and tensed faces welcomed them.

"My dearie welcome," It was Margo who first approached them and hugged Xhemin tight. "Gosh, you really looked like your mother. You must not remember me but I am Margo De Villa, and I am your—"

"Godmother,�� Xhemin cut of her introduction and stared at her interestingly which only confused and made Margo more nervous than she ever was.

"Oh you know," Margo managed to fake a smile even though her lips were shaking in fear. Looking at Xhemin, she seemed harmless and kind but then there something haunting in her ink eyes that made Margo feel uneasy.

"Of course Godmother," Xhemin gave her a smile that didn't reach her eyes and added, "I know everything,"

The words Xhemin let go made Margo swallowed a handful as if something got stuck in her throat. Xhemin did not waste time and walked passed through her and immediately walked her way confidently to the board room. When she entered, few brave enough followed her and sat to have some small talk with her while waiting for the meeting to start. It was still early and Xhemin was aware with that so she entertained those whom she thought had genuine intentions or those who came to welcome her.

"The Lagdameo's are here," Clayward whispered to her when it was almost time. Xhemin braced herself by then, expecting another odd stare from the Lagdameo heir but then when everyone entered the main hall next to the board room, Darryl wasn't there. Through the big glass window, Xhemin could only see President Manuel and Don Samuelle and of course, Collet who tagged along with the intention to insist on what she thought was her right.

"Hello sister," Collet went to the board room and greeted her politely but Xhemin refused to acknowledge her existence. She didn't really know why she was here but then she cannot also shoo her away especially when she came with the Lagdameo's.

Xhemin looked at Clayward, wanting to ask where Darryl was because they both saw him at the ground floor yet Clayward only gave her a shrugged and since it was time, she had no choice but to start the meeting without the Lagdameo heir.

"Shall we begin?" Xhemin asked and everyone nod and positioned themselves, bracing themselves as to whatever changes Xhemin brought with her.

Clayward went out of the room, dragging Collet away and went to entertain the Lagdameo's. The first part of the meeting do not include the Lagdameo's yet and Xhemin of course didn't want Collet to listen the things they were about to discuss that involved internal issues of the LGC.