The Genius' First Love

423 That Woman Is Dead!

Marble Mansion

When Dannah arrived home, it was already time for dinner so she sat down quietly while eating. She was not in any mood for small talks and just nonchalantly listened to the conversation running around the dining table.

"Where is Darryl?" It was President Manuelle who asked when he noticed his son's seat empty.

"Dee already left this morning father," Dian told, "He must probably gone home to his apartment again,"

"That child. How could he leave the mansion when Collet is here?" Manuel exclaimed, almost furious.

"Don't worry about it President Manuel, I'm sure Dee left to attend some important tasks. I actually feel about not being able to help, especially with how things were going lately," Collet flushed a guilty look before everyone.

"Don't be too hard on yourself Collet, you have done so much for him already," Madam Dianne turned to comfort Collet.

"Well you are right Collet," Don Samuelle expression was stony when he was chopping off the steak that was served. "Darryl probably left to attend some important matters," In just a minute, Don Samuelle impatiently let go of his spoon and fork and gasped furiously, "What with this food? Didn't I tell I prefer medium cooked?"

"I'm sorry Don Samuelle," The head maid came to apologize and took his plate, "I'll have them serve another,"

"Father your heart," Madam Dianne gently reminded her father in law, "What have made you so upset, I doubt this is all about the food,"

"Give me the memo's," Don Samuelle turned to the butler and asked for the thing that had ruined his day. The butler handed him a couple of papers and Don Samuelle threw them all in the table. "This is the thing that made me upset,"

Madam Dianne picked some of it and read, "These are some memo's from LCG summoning you and Manuel for tomorrows board meeting,"

"What?" Salsa who was also at the same table gasped in surprise, "But why would they invite you over when you are not anyway related to LGC. Don't tell me Collet's sister was a stupid brat who knew nothing about business. She clearly didn't know what she's doing,"

"Really?" Don Samuelle's brow creased at Salsa's comment. "Do you think Aviona's daughter is a fool? Because to be honest, the moment I read these my first impression was that she was such a meticulous woman, so meticulous that she found out I am partly responsible for half billion dollars Collet loaned to Darryl,"

"What? Father you don't mean the LGC heir was asking the return of the money, did she?" Madam Dianne was alarmed with how her father took the news.

"What else could the reason be for this memo then?" Don Samuelle told. "I guess she—"

"She wouldn't dare!" Salsa's voice was shaking in fury, "Even if she takes over the entire company Martin left for Collet, she cannot deny Collet of her share so I'm sure this can all be settled. CGC is a big company and I'm sure Collet's share of this is beyond half a million dollars so you all not need to worry about,"

"Better that be true Salsa because I'm telling you I won't let this off," Don Samuelle kind of threatened her in front of everyone, "What I don't understand is why did Collet had to agree with loaning the money to Darryl when it was clearly decided she will help him. If she gave the money without considerations, then we wouldn't have any problems now,"

"It was your grandson himself who refused it. Please don't drag my daughter into this." Salsa defended Collet, "She had done her part pretty well with the agreement,"

"I agree, Father this is not Collet's fault at all," Madam Dianne looked at Collet with pity and wished she did not hear all the adults banters, "She had gone through a lot already father, let's not blame the child,"

"Don Samuelle," Collet said with a cracking voice as if she was forcing herself not to cry, "Don't worry. I will attend on the board meeting tomorrow and insist on my rights. I will do my best not to shame you nor my future husband,"

"Good," Don Samuelle responded half satisfied, "Don't make me regret my decision of choosing you as Darryl's wife,"

"Father!" Madam Dianne tried to stop his entire father in law's words because they were not only rude but also shameless. Don Samuelle made it look like he chose Collet because of her money and the fact that she was beneficial to L Empire that time and only for that reason. Frustrated, she turned to her husband's side, seeking for any reasonable response from him yet it turned out, Manuel didn't want to counter his father words.

Collet was already shaking but she forced herself not to lose her patience over the adults' rude remarks. She knew she had to be patient, after all, she only want Darryl. After the marriage she can just ignore the rest of the Lagdameo's household.

"Of course you won't regret it, in fact I had already drafted of a remission of debt document before my sister arrived so she can barely do nothing against the money I gave to Darryl," Collet revealed to stop all the adults nonsense remarks.

"You did?" Don Samuelle was doubtful and Collet can sense that.

"Yes I did, I gave it to Dannah a week ago," She added and everyone's eyes turned to Dannah who was quietly taking her meals. She continued taking a bite, ignoring everyone's curious eyes.

"Dannah?" It was President Manuel who demanded her attention, "Is this true? Speak at once,"

"Fools," Dannah uttered slowly while eating but everyone caught her words clearly.

"Dannah mind your words," Her mother chided her immediately. "We are at dinner and you grandfather is here,"

"Mind what?" Dannah lifted her head to face all of them, "I'm just being honest. I didn't know being honest was considered—"

"Just answer whether Collet did gave you the thing she mentioned," Don Samuelle directly instructed her and in response, Dannah turned her head to meet his grandfather's eyes yet Don Samuelle retreated immediately to avoid it. Even until then, he refused to look at Dannah and the latter loathly hated the fact.

"No matter how many remission of debt or contract Collet is going to give you, it will always be useless; you are all wasting your time. Darryl as I told you again and again had already been married. The child that died in Hampshire was legitimate, born from his wife," Dannah exclaimed in front of everyone's faces, mocking all their foolish attempts of marrying Darryl off.

"It doesn't matter, that woman is dead!" President Manuel snapped back at her, trying to decipher why Dannah's words somehow came heavy and shook his insides.

"Is she?" Dannah let go of a mocking grin, looking everyone in the table with thorough disgust, except for Dian who was just listening in the corner with tearful eyes. The rest gaped open in front of her wondering what she meant. Then without waiting for any other words to be uttered she turned to look at Collet that was shaking in fright, "Is she dead Collet?"

Collet quieted at this and lowered her head, refusing to answer the question. Dannah only shook her head at Collet's retreat and foolishness and left the table immediately.