The Genius' First Love

422 L Empire's Messenger

"A what you say?" Xhemin asked since she missed what the maid said.

"A messenger from L Empire Miss," The maid repeated. Since Xhemin was probably not aware, the maid cared to explain further, "There's always some report sent to Miss Collet every month from L Empire and I think it is the same report the messenger brought. The messenger was wondering whether you would like to sign it since they heard some rumors Miss Collet is not anymore entitled to it. Also the same messenger was asking if we knew of Miss Collet's whereabouts so they could deliver it to her if you would refused to sign it,"

"A report?" Xhemin turned to Clay trying to decipher whether the latter knew anything about it.

"It's probably the report about the partnership. I've heard, after the Lagdameo heir loaned the money from Collet, they kind of form a partnership," Clayward recalled, "I've seen some of the copy of these reports but the report for this month was missing, perhaps this was it,"

"Tell the messenger I'd like to sign it and let the guards to open the gate," Xhemin carefully instructed. They were about to have a meeting tomorrow and so she needed to scan the whole thing making sure they haven't missed any. Who knew perhaps Collet or anyone from L Empire had some magnificent spending again that they needed to oversee?

It took around seven minutes before the messenger appeared in the front door. The maids escorted such guest to where Xhemin and her company gathered.

"Here she is Miss," The maid announced.

"Oh great, hello there! Can I have the report please." It was Clay who approached the messenger first.

"I need the Little Miss' signature," The messenger said and the word Little Miss hit something hard on Xhemin that she instantly lifted her head to look and meet a familiar green eye she was not expecting to see.

"Sam," Xhemin uttered her name, very much surprised to see Dannah Samuelle in a messenger uniform looking at her with a bitter smile as if seeing each other on such a complicated situation wasn't something they should be happy about.

"So, it's really you," Dannah sighed at the big revelation she saw before her. There was no doubt it was Xhemin. She knew her well she can't hide even under Ava Leigh's name and skin "I was doubtful when I saw you in the party and thought you and Ava only shared the same face, but looking at you now, I know you are the Little Miss. Your eyes say so,"

"I never intend to hide under Ava Leigh's name Sam. I am after all Ava Leigh. That was the name my mother gave me," Xhemin didn't need to explain all this but Sam was someone she once thought as a family and even so now. She knew Ziggy and her had their own conflict but that's something that was out of her business already. "Xhemin was the one pretending,"

"I don't think she was pretending. She's one of the purest persons I knew," Dannah sighed.

She thought she would feel fulfilled once she finds out the truth but then the thought of Xhemin being alive and allowing Darryl, her very own brother, to suffer such a miserable life and guilt for the last six years was something painful that even she unexpectedly didn't realize till then. She was hurt, not only for Darryl but also for herself because just like Darryl, she too had mourned for someone who was very much alive.

"That was all in the past Sam, I'm someone a different person now," Xhemin said and even though she knew full well she shouldn't, she somehow felt sentimental in their reunion. Previously when Ziggy told her about Sam's real identity, she felt betrayed too and somehow seeing Sam's face then, Xhemin knew she felt the same feeling.

"I guess so," Dannah settled forcing herself not to shed a tear at how things went far worse that they all intended to. They had made things and choices they knew would hurt others but them at the same time, they both couldn't dare themselves to regret it. Fate had been cruel to both of them and although they both felt hurt and betrayed by each other, they still couldn't bring themselves to hate each other yet they also knew they couldn't be friends.

"Well I guess you have to sign this. This was really the reason for my visit," Without anything else to say, Dannah handed the papers to Clay and waited for Xhemin to put her signature into it, confirming that she had received her copy. When Xhemin was done, Dannah bowed a bit for bid farewell.

As she turned around, Xhemin was not able to hold herself and dared to ask, "Sam I wonder if Ziggy and you had communicated —"

"Please don't ask," Dannah cut her off. "Same as I would not ask how you and my brother ended like this,"

"I see," Xhemin sighed and retreated.

"I'll go then. Thank you for your time," Dannah said and heed for the door immediately. She then dove into her car with haste, drove off and exited the villa with the fastest speed she was allowed to. Then when she was half a mile away, she made a sudden park at the side of the road and cried herself out.

She didn't understand why she was hurting but seeing Xhemin right then reminded her of the bitter things that had happened six years ago. Things that made her an entirely different person and things that have made her awake every night even so six years had already passed. Will all these hurt and painful feeling ever end?

Some people say time heals, yet for her, time only made her hurt even more.

After a good thirty minutes, Dannah decided to calm down and wipe her tears off. She then grabbed her phone and rang her brother immediately.

When the other end of the line connected, Dannah uttered, "Dee, I just met her. She's no doubt your wife. She's the Dugmoch's little Miss,"