The Genius' First Love

421 Spending Habits

Dannah didn't know how to help his brother with his dilemma and so she thought carefully of ways of knowing even just the fact whether Ava Leigh and Xhemin was the same person. However, no matter how many people she called and paid, no one was able to give her clear answers to it. Her brother was in deep mess and she hoped Ava Leigh or Xhemin knew that somehow, she was affecting someone else's life terribly.

"Miss here are the reports for the month," One of the employees in the production site approached her while she was drowned in her thoughts.

"Thank you. Just put that on the table," she answered without giving it much thought.

"Third miss, I'm going to leave here two copies, one is for Miss Chan," The employee mentioned and immediately Dannah look at him in confusion as if what he mentioned was something she quite didn't understood.

"Its her copy Miss, didn't you always instruct me to make her a copy?" The employee added when she saw the look on her face.

"Oh right," Dannah remembered. Indeed, because the product she was busy about was the product whom Collet and Darryl had partnered, Dannah always made sure to give Collet her copy. However, the last few weeks, Collet was not anymore reporting to L Empire because her father got sick and so she took an initiative to either to give it to Collet personally or send it to the Golden villa.

"Well I'm not sure if Miss Chan is still entitled to this copy," Dannah uttered, "But I guess I'll just send it to the Golden Villa then, after all the real owner of CGC has settled there after her intriguing entrance,"


Golden Villa

"I'm sorry I had to reschedule the board meeting, I'm not really feeling good today," Xhemin apologized to Clay when he went this morning to fetch her. They were supposed to go to LGC to kick everyone's ass out but then unexpectedly, Xhemin had a slight headache.

"What could have made you feel bad?" Clayward asked as they were having some tea in the living room, "Did something happened yesterday? I heard some intruder managed past through the main entrance of the subdivision,"

"That was nothing," Xhemin immediately shut off and Lady Portia and Clay looked at each other meaningfully.

"The Lagdameo heir is something," Clayward opened it up without having second thoughts, "And you know that,"

Xhemin didn't want to comment on what Clay just said so instead of answering, she took a sip of her tea instead.

"Xhemin you know somehow you had to face him. You cannot just keep on avoiding the man. After six years you should have mastered this," Clay added. He was one of the people who had seen how Xhemin went to live her life in secret for the past six years and all the sacrifices she had gone through and by how she was acting right then, he feared that all her efforts will go to waste. "And we certainly have no time for this,"

"I know Clay. Trust me it was just nothing," Xhemin assured, "But please understand, I haven't seen the man for long, I needed some time to gather up my strength,"

"Well I hope this day is enough to gather all the guts you need," Clay told, "I had rescheduled the board meeting tomorrow and rechecked the records of CGC just to see if there were any current major changes from the time of my last audit,"

"I hope you didn't find anything frustrating," Xhemin responded taking another sip of his tea.

"Sure I did," Clay revealed, "Turns out your sister wanna be was a great spender than Martin Chan,"

"Did she?" Xhemin raised a brow at this commentary, "Don't tell me she dried all of CGC's money to buy out some luxurious bags or shoes,"

"She didn't entirely dry it out but a half a million dollars was sure a big loss of money," Clay revealed further to Xhemin and Lady Portia's shock.

"What? She wouldn't dare to spend such a thing!" Lady Portia almost cursed the hell out of her with how big of a money Collet spent.

"She had Lady Portia, but don't take it too bad, we can use this loss to our advantage," Clayward cleared off.

"How could we Clay?" Xhemin was alarmed, "Although I'm confident I can get that money back in months, I still couldn't get over with the fact Collet spent such a big money for nothing good,"

"Well she spends it on something good," Clay twisted the fact, "And for that I guess we had to thank her,"

"And on what good thing did she spend this money on?" Lady Portia was furious she was ready to give Collet a good spanking. "Damn that child!"

"She spends it on L Empire," Clay grinned at this satisfactorily, "She basically give it off to the Lagdameo heir to help him with saving whatever what's left of it,"

"Wow!" Xhemin meant such expression as a sarcasm and shook her head, "I can't believe Darryl just accepted this money, no wonder their marriage was announced right after, she must have bought him,"

"As if your husband can be bought," Clay put an emphasis to the word 'husband' and earned him a hard look from Xhemin, "Darryl didn't accept the money but instead asked Collet to loan it to him,"

"So you mean —"

"L Empire is indebted to you. A half million dollars' worth," Clayward eyes were shimmering with victory with what he just told her.

"Good," Xhemin's lips twitched at it. "I never thought things would be in our favor and thanks to that sister of mine, she had definitely lightened our loads. For that I think I can forgive all her excessive shopping expenses,"

"Oh God don't you dare remind me of that my dove," Lady Portia's head aches whenever she heard of Collet's spending habits. "If she was my granddaughter, I probably have exiled her in Africa,"

"She would have not probably survived," Clay immediately responded shaking his head.

While they were still immersed with their conversation, a maid came to bring some news.

"Miss Leigh, a word from the front gate, a messenger from L Empire's production site came,"