The Genius' First Love

420 Desperate Darryl

Darryl was in front of the Golden Villa desperately seeking entrance. However, as expected, the Golden Villa's security was even tighter than the subdivisions' own security.

"I'm sorry sir but the Madam of the house is not expecting any visitor for the day and certainly you aren't on the list of allowed guests," The guard in the front gate explained thoroughly.

"Call Ava Leigh right now, tell her I have come," Darryl demanded. He was trying his best to keep his cool but he was about to lose some patience. He was desperate and fully intrigued with Ava Leigh and would certainly want answers to his questions.

Is she his wife?

If not, then why do they share the same face?

If his first question is true, then he needs to ask her why. Why did she let him thought she was dead after all these years? What happened to his her? Where was she all these times?

"I'm sorry sir but we were carefully instructed not to disturb the Madam," The guard although annoyed was still polite to him. They receive many reports about intruders and paparazzi from the main entrance's security just a day after the Madam of the house returned so they tightened the security even more. Even so, none of those intruders managed to come in the Golden villa's front gate as everyone had already been blocked from getting inside the subdivision. Only this particular guest, claiming to be the Madam of the house' acquaintance was able to reach that far.

"Please, I need to talk to Ava Leigh right now. Tell her its Darryl Lagdameo who came and seek for her," Darryl almost begged. He knew the guards were just doing their jobs but he cannot let a day passed anymore without knowing the truth and only Ava Leigh can give him that.

When they heard his name, the guards were kind of taken aback. Of course, they knew who Darryl Lagdameo was even before he was rumored to be Collet's soon to be husband. The guards looked at each other and looked at Darryl thoroughly.

"Do you have an identification sir?" One of them asked and Darryl immediately took one from his wallet. When the guard was satisfied that it was really him, he decided to rang the mansion to asked for approval.

Darryl carefully waited as the security was on the phone. He saw how calmed he was while talking to the person from the other line and Darryl was somewhat relieved that he was allowed to announce his visit. He just couldn't wait by then to see Ava Leigh in person. By the way the phone conversation was over, Darryl was prepared to be given an entrance but then the guard shook his head negatively.

"I'm sorry sir but the Madam says Miss Collet, your fiancée was not in this house anymore," The guard announced to Darryl's expectant face.

"What?" Darryl was confused as to his news. "Did you mention who I am?"

"Yes, sir I did. However, the madam herself personally did not approve of it," The guard narrated further. "I'm really sorry,"

Darryl couldn't believe how he was rejected but then he couldn't do anything with it. There was an instant fire that rose up inside him that wanted to insist on his entrance, no matter how chaotic things will turn out but then, he thought it will only add tension to the already complicated situation. If Ava Leigh was his wife, then for what reason was she doing this? On the other side, if Ava Leigh was not Xhemin then why do he felt like she was avoiding him? Something was definitely fishy and he had to know what's behind these all.

Darryl turned to look at the Golden Villa and stared at the windows from afar hoping somehow Ava Leigh would appear and explain everything to him yet he knew that was impossible at the moment. In defeat, Darryl left the Golden Villa and thought of some other ways he could settle such dilemma.


The whole time that Darryl was at the front gate, Xhemin was watching him from afar. When he left peacefully, Xhemin sighed in relief. She knew Darryl so much that she was aware he was willing to get in trouble just to be with her and she had already prepared for trouble the moment she knew he was at the front gate.

For the past six years, there were so many times she was tempted to go and see him yet the memory of her dead son haunted her even before she could run back into his arms. People might say it was rather foolish of her for hiding away from everyone including her own husband yet for her, it was more foolish to be with him and ran the same path again—the path that lead to death of the people she treasured the most.

Her grandpa.

Her Huzey.

Her baby.

She lost everything because she foolishly took his love, very naïve to believe that love can conquer all things and yet love only brough her death, not only one death but many. Xhemin had learned her lesson and although she came back not to seek revenge or anything of the sort, she still came back with plans to fulfill and being with him again will only jeopardize it all.

And so just like how it had been for the last six years, Xhemin must do this sacrifice not to avenge the things she had lost but to protect those whom she had left. She was so tired of being afraid and of running and she couldn't live like that forever, more so, she couldn't let her family live a life like that forever. She had to face it all so they can all live in peace.

"Dear are you okay?" Lady Portia heard of some uninvited guest and knew her little dove was greatly affected by it. Xhemin had already told her everything and despite the fact that her grandniece was determined to had nothing to do with the Lagdameo heir anymore, the old madam could still see right through heart.

He was after all the love of her life, her first love, her husband.

"I'm okay grandaunt, please not worry," Xhemin assured her although her ink deep eyes meant something else.