The Genius' First Love

419 Morning Blabbering

Darryl didn't know how he ended up sleeping in the Marble Mansion. The last thing he remembered last night was he, drowning himself with the wine that was served in the party with Dannah. It was probably her sister who brought him home after he had drunk himself out. Last night, he was severely lost to the fact that Ava Leigh came out looking like his dead wife and he was terribly bothered by it.

He dragged himself away from his beg bed but when he pulled himself up, a sudden tiny pain hit through his head brought by his hangover and yet he forced himself to the shower despite it. He cannot get through an hour anymore without finding out whether Ava and Xhemin's twin face was just merely coincidental or his wife did really rose from the grave, so he planned to figure out the whole thing today. Going through the whole night thinking about it made him miserable and he needed to equip himself with an alcohol's company just to get by.

Darryl was already fixing up his shirt's button when there was a sudden knock on his door. It was probably Dannah, checking on how his well-being after he gotten himself too drunk to remember the events that took place the rest of the evening.

"Come in," Darryl told, expecting that the person knocking was Dannah but when he realized it wasn't her, he made a full turn and creased his brow at his unexpected guest. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Dee…." Collet bit her lips upon the view of Darryl's freshly showered hair and unbuttoned shirt. She saw how his face grimaced upon seeing her and thought he must have not been expecting her immediate show up but soon he'll be accustomed to since she's make sure they will have enough time together especially now that they live on the same roof. "Ahm… you were drunk last night and so I thought you needed some hot soup this morning. I have your breakfast right here,"

Darryl's expression only hardened when he saw how Collet held a tray of food in her hand acting like someone's good wife. Also, seeing how the girl refused to answer his question, he immediately did a follow up, "Did something happen overnight that I didn't know?"

"Well, Madam Dianne was kind enough to let us stay in the Marble Mansion for a while since as you know, last night my sister forbid us from going back to the Golden Villa." Collet flushed a pitiful face as she tried to recall what happened last night.

"The Golden Villa," Darryl immediately blabbered as he remembered it, "You said the Golden Villa right?"

Collet saw how Darryl's hard face immediately turned to something else. "Yes, I did,"

"You mean Ava Leigh is in the Golden Villa right now correct?" Surprisingly, Darryl suddenly became interested as to whatever she had to say.

"Yes, but Dee, why don't you sit back on the bed and eat your breakfast. Your head must have hurt. Why did you drink yourself that bad last night?" Collet tried to shift the topic because she didn't like how things were going. "I cooked this myself and made sure it would suit your—"

Darryl, without even bothering to close the entire buttons of his shirt immediately walked passed to Collet and heed for the door.

"Dee!" Collet called on him and even bothered to put the tray on Darryl's bed so she could chase him into the stairs. "Darryl, where are you going? It's still soo early in the morning,"

Darryl of course didn't mind her and left without a word. "Dee!" Collet shouted again at the middle of the stairs, her whole voice echoing the main hallway of the Marble Mansion.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Collet heard someone making sound at the top of the stairs just when Darryl had already left. She looked and saw Dannah in her night gown looking down at her with pity, "Such a cute pitiful bride. You must have felt heartbroken to know you're soon to be husband cares nothing about you. He doesn't even want to taste your soup. Would you like me to eat the breakfast you prepared so it wouldn't go to waste?"

"Don't you dare third—"Collet was about to shout at her but then Dannah halted whatever she had to say.

"Opps!" Dannah's green eyes were mocking at her, "Remember you are at my house and you are just a homeless guests. Should you at least be kind to me? Don't shout or they will all hear you, mother and father's room is just nearby"

Collet would like to argue more and even wanted to dragged every hair on Dannah's head with how she was mocking her. However, the fact that as Dannah had said, she was in the Marble Mansion made her a little conscious especially that she had to act kind and good in front of the Lagdameo adults and certainly, arguing with Dannah early in the morning will do her no good. With that, Collet could only do nothing but look at Dannah with hate and wished she'll slipped on her foot and fall down the stairs which of course didn't happened.

Seeing how helpless her prey was, Dannah gave her a wink and proceeded to enter Darryl's room where the aroma of fresh hot soup was coming from. She's seriously going to eat whatever the prima donna Collet had prepared for her brother as she knew they all tasted good and hoped Collet did not put any love potion in it. The girl's loud voice did wake her up and the least she can do for her with the disturbance she caused with her morning blabbering was for Dannah to eat whatever Darryl refused to.

Speaking about his brother, she knew where he was about to heed to. He had probably realized by now where to find Ava Leigh and Dannah could only hope Darryl was already at his right mind and not cause a scene. Damn that brother of her was so bad in love that after all these years; he never learned to be calm in everything that involved the Lagdameo woman!

"Ewww," Dannah throw the spoon as soon as she tasted the food. The taste was not bad but as she remembered who cooked it, she lost her appetite immediately and regretted her plan to finish the food that was lying cold on Darryl's bed.