The Genius' First Love

418 Far Complicated

"Mama don't worry about anything that sister just said, I'm sure she didn't mean to disrespect you," Collet was acting pitiful in front of the guests as soon as Xhemin left, especially that everyone's eyes were all on them.

She had seen how Madam Dianne reacted negatively with how Xhemin banished her and her mother from the Golden Villa and the latter went closer to where they both stood to comfort them.

"Collet my dear, that woman was so cruel she even banished us from the Golden villa, if your father will know about this, he will surely be disheartened," Salsa caught up to Collet's acting. She had to play the victim because right then that was the only available remedy "Where shall we go now?"

"We can stay at the old house papa bought for us back then," Collet told her mother. Prior to living in the Golden Villa, Martin had secured a place for Collet and Salsa to stay and that was what Collet was referring to.

"That house is not good for you dear," Salsa thought terribly, "It had been years since we had not lived there and besides, the security there unlike the Golden Villa cannot be trusted,"

"We can stay on the condo I own perhaps," Collet alternately suggested. Both of them knew that Madam Dianne was looking at them with pity and so as much as possible, she wanted for Darryl's mother to take their side especially that they all had seen how Xhemin just banished them without thought as if Collet was not her sister.

"That is so little dear, I mean that place is enough only for you," Salsa again commented.

"Let that not be a problem for you two," Madam Dianne intervened. She heard all their concern and she thought how wrongly treated Collet and her mother was, most especially that all the other elites had been laughing at them in silent. Madam Dianne was a very reasonable woman and based on what she had witnessed, it was obvious that Aviona's daughter was rude and inconsiderate, provided with the fact that Collet was after all her sister. Despite the fact that they didn't share the same womb, Madam Dianne thought Ava should at least care for Collet being her blood. "The Marble Mansion is open for you,"

"Madam Dianne!" Collet exclaimed in protest, but deep inside, it was what she wanted so desperately. Now that Xhemin is back, she must guard Darryl and make sure he does not go to that woman especially that they were soon to get married, "Please don't bother yourself, I'm sure will find a good place to stay,"

"Collet dear, have you forgotten? My husband already declared that you are already our responsibility and so in times like this, I cannot just let you stay somewhere not safe," Madam Dianne insisted. Although she had not told Manuel about this plan yet, Madam Dianne already decided. It had already been agreed that Collet was to be their daughter in law and so in whatever circumstances, they must help Collet as she will bear the future Lagdameo heirs.

"But Madam, how about Dee? Will he even agree to this?" Collet flushed a worried façade as if she was concerned about the inconveniences they will cause Darryl.

"Do not worry about him, besides since you are to be married soon, it was only right for you to live in the Marble Mansion," Madam Dianne dismissed all of Collet's bothering thoughts.


Xhemin went straight to the Golden Villa right after she left the LGC's designation party. While she was traversing the long road from the front gate toward the villa's front door, the bright lights coming from the house itself was making her sentimental.

It was her mother's house and today, she had finally come home after two decades and half.

When her car came to a full stop, Xhemin stepped out only to be welcomed by all the maids and servants all line up together bowing their heads. Right at the door, Lady Portia and Claynstood, all waiting for her with big smiles.

"Finally my dove you are home," Lady Portia was the first to give her hug, "After how many years, you finally made it,"

When she left earlier, she flooded Clay many questions that the latter was hesitant to answer as he thought Xhemin was the right party to tell everything to the old Madam. However, because of the old Lady's impatience and surprising stubbornness, Clay was forced to answer a few of some of Lady Portia's questions but he left the important details of the story for Xhemin to tell.

Lady Portia decided to wait for her to give her a proper welcome as the heir of the Golden Villa. Despite the fact that it was almost midnight and the breeze was thickening, the Golden Villa's ambiance was so warm.

"I had the master's bedroom cleaned up," Lady Portia told, "However I would like to have it retouched to your preference first thing tomorrow. Don't worry the rest of the house was still intact since your father wasn't in his good state of mind the last previous years,"

"I want everything the way my mother left it," Xhemin demanded politely, "I don't have a clear memory of this house nor a good memory of my mother and I want this house to remind me of how it was back then,"

"Don't worry Miss Leigh, by one look I can tell the villa hasn't been touched. It still is the way it was previously and with the rats gone, the ambiance seemed to have alleviated," Clay assured her. It had been long since he himself was able to step back in the old Golden Villa but then, as he had seen it tonight; its beauty remained the same. Good thing Martin had let no one neither touch nor renovate it previously.

"You talk like you have been here before," Lady Portia dragged his eyes to Clay with curiosity and suspicion. She knew nothing of her grandniece's assistant but she can tell he was more than an assistant to Xhemin.

"She had been here before grandaunt," Xhemin revealed with a bit of smile. "He's the son of this villa's old gardener. She used to be my mother's favourite errand boy,"

"Oh really?" Lady Portia's eyes grew big with the revelation. "So you knew my Aviona?"

"Yes Lady Portia," Clay confirmed.

"Oh boy," The old lady clasped her own head with all these revelations that were somehow exhausting her, "There's so many thing I wanted to know," She breathe referring to all of this —Aviona and Ava's past and probably Clay's too.

"I would gladly tell them all but as of now, I insists you and Miss Leigh should take your rest Madam. It had been a long night," Clay suggested. He had been telling Lady Portia to rest for the night but the old madam refused to listen and insisted on waiting for Xhemin to arrive.

"I agree grandaunt. You should know your health is one of my priorities so please, take your rest. Let me bring you to your room," Xhemin told and seeing how sincere she was, Lady Portia was left with no choice. She allowed Xhemin to hold her hand and carefully assisted her toward the fabricated stairs.

"Clay scheduled the board meeting a day after tomorrow. I want to spend the whole day with my grandaunt tomorrow," Xhemin carefully instructed Clay who was watching them as they mounted the big fabricated stairs.

"Yes Miss Leigh," he answered without questions and smile at the view of Xhemin and lady Portia. Finally, the Leigh's have been reunited and there's nothing more he can wished for them but to live a simple and happy life although deep inside, he knew things were far more complicated than they seemed.