The Genius' First Love

417 Finally

Everything that happened tonight was like a movie that was flashing right in front of the Lagdameo's eyes. All of the elders, including Madam Diane and President Manuel was hoping the night would end with the marriage announcement, yet by the way things looked, what they hoped for seemed to be out of reach.

President Manuel looked at Xhemin and find her very familiar as if he had seen her before, somewhere, after Aviona's death but he couldn't recall when. There was something about the woman that kind of alarmed him, like she was some trouble he doesn't want to grapple with. Together with it, another unconstructive feeling quavered his insides that made him wonder and that is guilt. Simply guilt—and Manuel Lagdameo didn't know why he was feeling that way upon seeing the woman's face.

"Aviona's daughter is dead, all of us here knew that!" Salsa's voice echoed the whole room as she confronted their uninvited guest.

"Are you somehow not happy that I'm alive?" Xhemin rebutted her in a voice as calm as the morning ocean while the words she said cut right through Salsa's hidden intentions.

"You are such—"

"Mother please stop this already," Collet knew that what her mother was doing only aggravated the chaos and that she was only shaming them both as her mother has no business nor right in whatsoever form in CGC.

She being another daughter of Martin was the only person who had claims to whatever her mother was saying but she didn't want to insist of it right then, when all the guest was looking at him as if they were desperate parasites leeching off someone's wealth. As they were the second family, people will always have prejudices over them and Collet was aware of that so she wanted to retreat by then and plan for another day.

"I'm sorry sister, my mother is just thoroughly surprise of your sudden appearance. Please understand as we are all unaware of your comeback," Collet swallowed all her pride and her will to strangle Xhemin at the time. She didn't want to be angry in front of a lot of people and would like to appear that she was happy that her sister returned, as true real sister should feel. "I wish sister should have just informed us we should have welcomed you properly,"

"Sister?" Xhemin raised a brow at Collet's sudden changed of heart when earlier she was looking at her as if she was ready to murder her.

"Yes, were sister as we share the same father," Collet emphasized, "I know our parents have committed serious mishaps in the past but we shouldn't be like them I supposed,"

Xhemin would like to vomit at Collet's words but since she didn't have much time and certainly didn't want to waste any of it, she just turned her back to leave yet Salsa have not come to her senses yet.

"You woman! How dare you treat my daughter like this!" Salsa hauled over, "You came in here like a rat and then you pretend to be superior to us all!"

Xhemin seemed to have remembered something with Salsa' s words, so she slightly tilted her head to her and said, "Speaking about rats, my subordinate just relayed that my grandmother doesn't want rats in the Golden Villa so kindly please find somewhere else where you could stay. I'll have your things be sent to your new place,"

"What? How dare you! Don't you dare step into the Villa! That property was entrusted by Martin to our daughter!" Salsa refused to back down.

"If I see you there, I'll sue you for trespassing," Xhemin threatened.

"Sister! Please be gentle with your words! My mother is still our father's wife so please give her some respect," Collet reasoned with Xhemin in a very modest and kind tone as if she was some kind of a fragile cat ready to break down anytime. "Besides she's right, that villa is big we can all share with it,"

"I don't like sharing what's mine and don't forget the title of that property was still in my mother's name so forget about your dreams of having it for yourself," Xhemin snapped back and walked away. She couldn't handle the drama anymore she decided to finally leave.

The view of her leaving the place with all the security she had, tailing on her back, one could only gasp at how powerful such sight was as if some queen just came and left flaunting off her own crown.

Darryl who was stunned at the corner immediately went to approach Xhemin, wanting to confirm whether she was indeed his wife. She told everyone she was Ava Leigh and Darryl could not reconcile the fact that Ava Leigh bears the face of the woman she lost six years ago. What she really Ava Leigh or Xhemin Lae?

Darryl ran to chase her but two of her securities block his away, preventing him from further following Xhemin. Just like everyone, Darryl had some many questions and he wanted the answers to all of them right away.

"I need to speak with her, let me go!" Darryl pushed the securities away from his path yet they were not giving him a chance.

"I told you to let me through!" Darryl demanded again but the two security only shook their heads no, as Xhemin vanished at the exit door.

"Dee that's enough!" Dannah found him finally and attempted to calm him. She knew he would run amuck by what they had all seen especially with the fact that Ava Leigh bears not only Aviona Leigh's younger face, but also the face of Darryl's dead wife.

"Dee please!" Dannah begged when Darryl was already making a scene. "She already left,"

Darryl looked at Dannah with a messed up desperate face, "Did you saw it Dannah?"

"Yes, Dee I did," She answered at him feeling so sorry about the way he was feeling right then. All the emotions had made through his face and Dannah knew he was all feeling mess and unsettled with all they had witnessed tonight.

"Tell me Dannah, that was my wife, right?" Darryl pleaded her to agree. "You saw it too, that was Xhemin right?"

"She said she's Ava Leigh," Dannah doubted.

"No, she's not! I can feel it. You can feel it too. I know she's my wife," Darryl decided fully even as to they were not sure of it, "My wife finally came back,"