The Genius' First Love

416 I, Ava Leigh

Xhemin had to comeback this way. There was no other way around. Her grandpa and her tried to live in peace but then their bitter past kept pulling them behind, she had no choice but to finally face it.

Tonight, was the beginning of everything.

When Clay and Lady Portia left, Xhemin nod politely at Don Raffa who refused to be move from where he stood. She then held her head up high and walked gracefully to the center stage. Somebody had set up a podium specifically for her and all she had to do was to speak.

As she mounted into the center, Collet's face was in fire. How dare an intruder ruin everything in split seconds? She worked hard to get the CEO position and even spent years wooing Darryl and so she was ready to give everything a good fight.

"Who the heck are you? You are causing us—" Collet halted whatever she intended to say when she finally recognized the girl.

Xhemin's face was all different right then so Collet didn't recognize her immediately. Her once soft and innocent features had left no more trace in her face and what was left aside from her undeniable beauty was confidence and sophistication that only she and Lady Portia was able to wear perfectly apart from all the ladies in the room. The only slight difference with the two was that, Lady Portia always wore a gentle and kind façade while the woman before Collet was wearing an all bitch face, with ink deep eyes that can shut one up by just a harmless stare.

"I know you," Collet's spine chilled when the woman that she buried in her nightmares rose to haunt her in reality. All the joy and hopes she lavishly showered herself for the past couple of days turned into ashes in an instant and covered by fear. With Xhemin's in the picture, none of her dreams have hope to come true.

The Lagdameo woman was back and even though she was not at all invited in Collet's party, she dared to come in a very intriguing entrance just to steal everything that belonged to her.

"How did you—" Collet wanted to demand answers from Xhemin but the later refused even to look at her ignoring her very existence as if she was no one significant where in fact she was supposed to be the star of the event. Ultimately annoyed, Collet looked for any security who can dragged Xhemin away from her sight but when she scanned the whole place, she noticed Xhemin had more security with her and all of them already surrounded the center stage to prevent anyone from interfering.

Xhemin immediately took the podium and acknowledge everyone's surging curiosity as to what exactly was happening.

"Good evening," Her voice like her face was mesmerizing and everyone flocked toward the stage to hear whatever she had to say. "I'm sorry if my sudden appearance has caused much ruckus, but I am glad a lot of you still remember how Aviona Leigh looked and by that I can tell, most of you had kept a memory of her in your hearts,"

After a slight pause she added, "Recently, you all commemorated her death but things didn't end well as I've heard, so tonight I would like you all to remember her again as the company she built will undergo major changes,"

Everything that Xhemin said were broadcasted in the entire region, so Xhemin's speech took over all of the television screens and suddenly, the audience who were anticipating their favorite celebrities that attended the party, became more interested on what she had to say.

"Yes you heard it right, I meant big changes," Xhemin repeated the words with emphasis, "Tonight, there will be no more designation of the new CEO but rather, CGC would like to announce to everyone that I, Ava Leigh, the only daughter of CEO Aviona Leigh and heir to the whole Leigh estates is going to take over CGC and that Chan Group of Companies will revert to its original company name, Leigh Group of Companies,"

Just as Xhemin's announcement slipped through her mouth, the whole room was filled with loud gasp and astonishment.

"That's everything for tonight. Thank you all for coming," Xhemin ended her announcement but before she retreated from the podium, she left everyone some treats "As a little curtsy for all you, I had the best wine prepared, please enjoy the rest of the evening,"


"She's Ava Leigh? Just by looking at her I can already tell she's indeed Aviona's daughter, I even thought she was Aviona herself!"

"Didn't she die with the car crash with her mother?"

"The rightful heir has come to take her place,"

"What's going to happen to Martin's other daughter now? The one with the mistress?"

"She has to step back as the legitimate daughter has arrived,"


The words that scattered through the whole room turned Salsa enraged. She chased Xhemin down the stage with thorough hate for her audacity to ruin the party that was supposed to be for Collet and shamed them in front of everyone.

"You're a scam! How dare a bitch like you make a scene like this on Collet's designation! For all we know you just took a plastic surgery to copy Aviona's face and pretend like her daughter!" Salsa screamed all throughout pointing a finger to Xhemin who was ready to leave.

Xhemin turned to heed Salsa's words but instead of rebutting what she had said, Xhemin merely crossed her brows, "You are?"

When Xhemin asked who she was, the people around let go of a laugh.

"She's Martin's other wife," One of the guests nearby volunteered to introduce her since Salsa seemed to have lost her tongue, taken aback by Xhemin's mocking question.

"I see," Xhemin nonchalantly accepted the introduction. She wanted to just ignore the woman yet since Salsa's actually have a point, she carefully addressed her concern.

"Well any issues to my identity, let's leave it all for my grandmother, Lady Portia, to handle. After all, she had to be sure she'll be handling the entire Leigh estates to the true heir,"

All of the guests agreed with Xhemin. Indeed, if there was anyone to question whether she's a scam or not, it should be Lady Portia since she holds all of Leigh estates in her hand and no one could deny that the Leigh estates were a lot bigger than the LGC alone.