The Genius' First Love

413 Designation Party 3

The night deepened and the party was about to transition from the performances to the main event which was Collet's designation as the CEO. When last act of the show was performed and when the lights brightened up fully, the room was left with loud cheers and claps. Collets table was filled with praises from the ladies in her circle and soon, everyone looked at her to offer their claps.

"Ladies and gentleman my daughter!" Salsa who couldn't withhold her emotion went to give Collet a kiss on her cheeks as an appreciation for the performances she prepared.

"Thank you, thank you everyone," Collet bowed to all the guests that were there. When she turned to bow at one side again, she saw Madam Dianne and President Manuelle, all looking so proud of her from the corner. She smiled back at the couple and specifically made another bow exclusively for them only. The guest caught such act and they all looked at each other very well decided that indeed, there will be a wedding announcement later.

"Please take your seats," Collet then asked her guest to comfortably settle themselves so that the host can continue with the program as the next part was her moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen to formally present to you the next CEO of the Chan Group of Companies, we may call on Miss Margo De Villa, Chief Operations Officer,"

Hearing Margo's name, Collet smirked. She intentionally put Margo on the program to present her as a new CEO to purposely shame her rival. She wanted Margo herself to hand to her the position the latter dreamed to covet and make it known to her that no matter what she do, she'll always be one ranked lower than her.

Margo faked a smile as she stepped into the stage. She knew it was Collet's idea to make her the presenter of the position to make her the mother and daughter's own laughing stuff. In all honesty, she wanted to make excuses in order not to attend the designation party but then because Lady Portia was there, she was certainly forced to come as she didn't want to miss her opportunity of being close to the old madam especially that the latter will be leaving the country in the next few days.

"Miss Collet can you come up here?" Margo called on Collet on stage with wide smiles that were all fake. She looked at her with pretend admiration and acted up as if Collet was a very dear person to her. They even exchanged kisses on the cheeks when Collet reached the stage. Politely then, Collet reached out for the microphone to speak.

"I wouldn't be here without my mother so I would like her to be on stage also when the position is to be designated with me," Collet told and Salsa was so touched she had to run to the stage almost teary. Collet welcomed her with an embrace before she turned to speak on the microphone again.

"I also would like a very special person to be here with me on the stage while I received the position of CEO" Collet added then turned the direction where Lady Portia seated. "Lady Portia can you come up here please, I would like to share this success with you if you may,"

With the mention of Lady Portia's name, everyone was surprised. Although not everyone may have recognized the old lady, most of the big businessmen knew who she was. Those old enough to know the story and controversy surrounding Martin's family raised a brow when Collet called for the old lady while some was touched with it.

Margo herself almost vomited at Collet's act as she knew she was all faking it but when Lady Portia moved to the stage graciously, she immediately came to assist the old madam toward the stage unwillingly.

"There you go. Thank you, this means so much to me" Collet welcomed lady Portia with a tight hug before she returned the microphone to Margo, "You may now proceed,"

Margo was deeply pissed with all the drama but since she doesn't want to cause a scene she gathered all her strength to go on with it. She thought of all the things she did just to get her way to the top and even become one of the candidates for CEO. All those hard work she did to maintain whatever Aviona had left despite Martin's lack of skills and dedication to the business. It was her all alone behind the scene, while Martin and his mistress and their equally useless daughter lavished on everything she worked hard for. She was the reason why CGC all these years, stood strong and proud yet at the end, she had to loss it to the daughter of a mistress.

"Go on Margo," Collet said ordering her with sarcastic smile on her face when she saw that Margo was occupied with something.

Margo held a deep sigh under Collet's stares before she turned to read the paper that contain all of the things that must be said in order to look Collet worthy of the position they were about to give her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today Chan Group of Companies proudly presents to you…." Margo's voice faded into the air before she could finish her statement as the microphone seemed to have lost its power. In unison, both she and Collet turned to the backstage where the sound system was located but nothing weird seemed to be happening right there. Margo then attempted to speak again but the microphone was still the same, it was like it was all turned off.

The guest themselves were caught surprised by what happened and they all thought it was just a sound mishap so they all waited patiently.

"What's happening?" Salsa's loud voice can be heard from the center stage confronting the sound team at the back but no once seemed to heed their concerns so Salsa decided to go check the thing herself.

However, even before she could leave the stage, a loud voice coming from another microphone filled the whole room and gave everyone a shocking surprise.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Chan Group of Companies proudly presents to you a very important guest tonight," Then as if on cue, the big wooden door across the guest filled ballroom hall opened dragging everyone's attention fully to the main entrance.

Then, a woman with the most strange and controversial face appeared.