The Genius' First Love

414 Designation Party 4

In that ballroom hall with a golden plated chandelier hanging in a middle, time slowed down as a woman, all dress in sparkling gold gown walked toward the center. Every guest that stood in the ballroom floor stepped back and made way for her as if she was no less than royalty. All that can be heard by then was the sound of her heels, ticking against the hard floor slowly, resounding every beat of Darryl Lagdameo's heart.

At first, he wasn't at all interested with all the commotion that took place. In fact he wasn't at all giving attention to whatever was in the party. After he made an entrance, he withdrew in one corner with Dannah with a potential client who approached him at the party. Even when the designation was about to take place, neither him nor the client joined everyone who cheered for Collet and stayed on the same spot while their business conversation was running deep.

However, when everyone in the ballroom hall fell quiet, Darryl and his client's attention was suddenly caught by surprised and when the guest one by one gathered at the side of the ballroom hall, while some stepped back to made way for the special guest, both of them became curious.

"Who is this special guest, I don't remember to have read any special guest on the invitation," It was Darryl's client remark. He was an old man, a business tycoon who had a very good eye for potential business ventures and although he was somehow aloof, he came to Collet's designation specifically to meet Darryl whom he had been considering to work with.

"I too, don't have any idea Don Raffa," Darryl responded nonchalantly but when he heard the guest's stilettoes ticking against the floor, his heart surprisingly leaped in a familiar way that he didn't anymore felt for the last six years. It was like suddenly; all the warm blood that left his veins for a very long time came back and fuelled again some feelings that had long gone asleep.

Darryl held his chest tight; as if the emotions were making him lose his breathe.

"Dee are you okay?" Dannah who was at the same table with him and Don Raffa were alarmed when he saw Darryl having a hard time. She looked at him and saw a different glow in his hazel eyes before Darryl stood from his seat.

"Dee," Dannah called again very much surprised by the way Darryl's hazel eyes glowed. It was all different. It was like all the fire, rage and passion came back all at once. Don Raffa himself noticed it and both Dannah and him saw how Darryl made full hasty strides toward the centre floor. Both intrigued, they followed him both to check out who this special guest was, as he made the great Lagdameo go wild in split seconds.

The woman walked in a way full of sophistication. With hair black as midnight, curled around in her head to highlight her perfect face and long neck, and with eyes ink deep that were simply spellbinding, everyone couldn't take their eyes away from her. She swayed her ever curvy hips while the long edges of her gown flowed in the floor. Her equally long perfectly tanned legs were peeking through the slip of her gown that only made all the celebrities present jealous of it.

Although her dress was a little daring, she wore it in way that one couldn't deny she was of good breeding. The way her head was held up high and her ink eyes moved to survey the place; one could tell right away she was highly intelligent and the more people couldn't answer who she was, the more everyone become interested of her.

"Can anyone tell us who is she?" The whispers as to who this guest was scattered through the whole room.

"She's very familiar, I know her from somewhere I just couldn't tell,"

"Me too. I'm sure of it I've seen her somewhere too,"

"Perhaps the Chan's can tell who she is" One sensibly told, "Isn't she their special guest anyway?"

"Right, let's just wait for them to introduce her,"

Those who were standing on the stage saw it all and they too were surprised about this special guest as they honestly didn't invite her.

"Who is she?" Salsa turned to everyone in the stage, hoping someone can recognized as everyone seemed to be relying on them to explain whoever this intruder was, "Did she perhaps lost her way and came to the wrong party?"

Margo who was equally intrigued moved to look at the guest thoroughly and when the woman came a little closer to the stage, Margo was taken by surprise. She froze on the spot and her whole body trembled in fear as if she had seen ghost, "O my God! This couldn't be!"

Margo's voice was so loud that everyone caught her tension. They saw how Margo fell to her feet, very much afraid of the woman she had seen. Because of Margo's reaction, the room was filled with utter chaos as they knew the woman was someone even the Chan's themselves weren't expecting.

It was the first time Salsa had seen Margo acted like that and some fear started growing inside her stomach with what she witnessed. She became terribly afraid and when she turned to look at the face of the woman again, she was stunned! But unlike Margo, she didn't fell on her feet but her face painted all the terror the world can offer.

"Mama!" Collet went to assist her mother who was caught by great fear and was shaking all over at the sight of their unexpected guest.

Dannah saw it all and suddenly a chilling sensation rose to her as the room turned cold. The bellow of Margo and Collet from the center stage added to her tension and she knew right then, she had to find Darryl right away.

She lost him earlier as they were a lot of people in the hall and while traversing the crowded place to look for Darryl, she caught the glimpse of the woman who was the reason of all this chaos. Dannah's green eyes took a second look of confirmation and when recognized who it was, she was also about to let go of a cry but before she could open her mouth, a loud crashing voice echoed, filling the entire room with a sound of a broken glass.

It was Don Raffa's wine glass that slipped accidentally from his hand as soon as his eyes laid on the guest with the most controversial face. He knew her very well from before and so he couldn't be mistaken!

"You are Aviona Leigh!"