The Genius' First Love

412 Designation Party 2

When all the guests arrived, the big wooden castle like door was closed for exclusivity. At the center was a big ballroom floor with a dazzling chandelier in the middle, giving the place a medieval castle ambiance. Every guest was in designer dresses and had worn jewelries only for the elite's eyes to see.

Darryl came with Dian and when they made their entrance, the guest either nod in respect or turn to the person beside them to utter some gossips. Obviously, although the event was meant for Collet's designation as the official CEO of Chan's Group of Companies, everyone was anticipating the wedding announcement rather than the designation itself. Big businessmen who attended the party prepared themselves and it was obvious with the fact that they brought their assistants carrying attaché case containing contracts and proposals for the Lagdameo heir once the wedding announcement will be revealed. Since Collet and Darryl's union meant also the merger of L Empire and CGC, many would like to be a part of that big business Darryl will soon to rule.

It was the first time Collet had seen Darryl after their last conversation in the hospital and when she laid eyes on him, everything turned to nothing as grand as the sight of her to be husband, dressed in a blue tuxedo full of wit and charms.

"There he is," Barbara told their circle when Darryl showed up, "Look how gorgeous your soon to be husband is,"

Collet's cheeks blushed in an instant when her friends started teasing her.

"Go and greet him Collet," Lauren told her, "Gosh you are the only couple who didn't show up together, isn't that weird?"

"I told him not to pick me up as I would like to surprise him on how I looked tonight," Collet reasoned while his heart was fluttering inside her chest endlessly.

"Well he'll surely be amazed, you looked so damn lovely tonight," Lima complimented her, adding up to her confidence that somehow abased when Darryl showed up.

"Surely he'll be amazed, looked at him all of you, he seemed not to be interested with you," Lauren commented when he saw that Darryl was busy doing handshakes with the other guests rather than coming to greet her supposed fiancée.

"Let him be, can't you see? He's attending to our guests," Collet swayed off her friends doubts. "You know him, he's not really into public display of affection,"

"The last time he was involved in a woman, I remember him too publicly affectionate," Lauren rebutted.

"Laureen!" Collet was done with all her remarks, "Don't ever ruin the night and dare to mention that woman again! We all know that was just all infatuation, a puppy love and nothing else!"

Seeing that Collet was raging mad, Laureen halted all her negative remarks, "Okay fine, if that's what you say,"

"Why don't you go ahead and find your Leonardo, he must be under someone's skirts by now if you're not careful," Collet distracted her with the mention of his boyfriend's name.

With her remarks, Laureen gave Collet a hard look.

"What?" Collet then responded with a proud stern, "I saw him chasing girls earlier at the girl's bathroom, why don't you go ahead and check,"

Lauren banged her wine glass hard on their table and turned to leave immediately and all the girls who where left looked at each other and laughed. While they were having fun of what just took place, someone accidentally pushed off Lauren's empty seat that cause a little disturbance on their table. Lauren previously sat beside Collet and so she was the first one to noticed it. She looked up to check who dared to disturb them.

"I'm sorry Miss, were you hurt?" It was man, dressed in crimson tuxedo and with a dashing bright manly face. When all the ladies on the table laid an eye on him, they were all transfixed by how he looked. He was neat and fair and his crimson tuxedo highlighted his features well.

"Well…." Collet herself seemed to have lost the words in her mouth under the man's glance. However because she was too proud to admit that he somewhat made her shook, she flushed an annoyed look, "Watch you way young man, I didn't put up this party just to be ruined by a random guest," Since he somewhat was unfamiliar, Collet thought he was someone ordinary.

"Oh, it's you Miss Chan, pleasure to me you," The man ignored her negative remarks and gave her a polite bow.

"You are?" Collet raised a brow at him.

"Clayward Miss, Clayward Masson from A Hearts Foundation," The man told her.

"A Hearts Foundation?" The name rang a bell to Collet's ears, "Isn't that the foundation of CGC?"

"Yes Miss, it's the foundation founder Aviona Leigh created to cater all of CGC's charities," Clayward told her.

"So, you are a charity man," Lima Seth gave the man an interesting look while she took a sip of her wine and all the ladies with them laughed modesty at her remarks because it was obvious, she was flirting with him.

"So, I'm your boss," Collet ruined the mood by emphasizing to the girls that the man was just some lowly subordinate.

"My boss is the owner of CGC," Clayward politely answered.

"And she's the owner of CGC," Barbara followed with emphasis.

"She's an incoming CEO, Aviona was the owner," The man told in a hard tone as his eyes flushed a meaningful look. Without waiting for Collet's rebuttal which he was sure will be full of rage, Clayward dismissed himself voluntarily, "Please excuse me, I'm about to meet a very important guest,"

"Handsome but disrespectful," Barbara commented as the man left in a hurry.

"If our paths will cross again, he'll be sorry," Collet gritted her teeth. "The first thing I'm going to do on my first day as CEO is to fire him,"

"Well there's no disadvantage with that rather than the fact that you'll lose one of your handsome employees," Lima Seth exclaimed and their table again was filled with laughs. As they were enjoying themselves, the lights dimmed and the host of the party announced that the party was to begin and just after few minutes, the whole room was filled with claps and amusement at the performances Collet prepared for all the guests.

"God this is awesome Collet!" Lima was all in awe with all the guest when a group of professional acrobats performed.

"I told you girls, tonight would be great!" Collet proudly told her circle with all smiles.

"A toast for your greatness Collet!" Barbara called and everyone in their table raised their glasses to give Collet an exclusive toast while the performance was ongoing.

The night had started really great and things will be a lot better later, Collet thought. It was indeed, one of the greatest nights of her life and she was determined to make a history out of it. Afterall, tonight, she'll be the official CEO of Chans Group of Companies and Darryl Lagdameo's soon to be wife.