The Genius' First Love

411 Designation Party 1

The days before the designation party, there was an excessive press coverage that made it one of the most anticipated glamorous events of the year. To add a little human decency with the millions of money that CGC wasted for that party alone, they inserted somewhat a charity cause and invited all of CGC's charity subjects to join the party, all of which were those whom Aviona founded.

Columns were also released as to the significant people who will be attending Collet's designation as well as the designers of the clothes they will be wearing. Aside from the big personalities from the business industry, actors, actresses and big producers whom Collet work with previously were also invited.

Everybody was excited, and no one could wait until the evening of the designation party arrived. The entrance of the hotel where the party was held was flooded with hundreds of media men, like there was a red carpet going on. The entire capital was expecting a glorious stream of celebrities that were invited and barricades had been set up in the entrance of the hotel in the morning to shoo uninvited guests and fans away. There was also a full live coverage of the event that started hours before the party had started featuring each of those who had arrived and flaunting off their designer dresses and stilettoes.

It was Collets big night, as the media branded it and so when she stepped out of her car, everyone gave her the attention she expected sponsored by the most expensive gown ever made in the capital and her custom made shoes made only for her and only to be worn at that party. She stepped out of the car with grace, imitating how lady Portia had walked few minutes ago through the entrance. Their car came to a full stop together but she didn't want to walk through the red carpet with a company so she let her mother and lady Portia go first, and only until they vanished fully through the building that she stepped out with full smiles on her face.

"Please give us a pose Miss Chan," She heard some of the photographers plead to get a good view of her and so she generously posed to heed their request.

"Also, this side please Miss Chan," The paparazzi was adamant on their requests and since Collet wanted to show off her million's worth shinning rose gold outfit that complimented her fair complexion fully, she took time to give a good pose. It took her and her glam team the whole day to prepare her look for the night and so she wanted a full feature of it.

"Who is that?" Collet heard a faint shout from the crown and soon, Collet noticed that the photographers were already eyeing on another more glamourous subject, more interesting than her. Instantly annoyed of the person who dared to take her spotlight, Collet turned her head immediately, only to see a beautiful woman passing by, when their eyes met, the lady winked at her that only aggravated her annoyance.

It was Dannah, in a dashing green gown with a sexy back.

"Miss can you please give us some pose?"

"Please Miss just one right here,"

Collet heard the photographers crazily begging the nonchalant Dannah who was walking through the entrance.

"How dare she dress that way," Collet said to herself. Dannah's outfit was flaunting off some skin and because she has a fair ivory complexion, it looked so magically sexy as she passed by. Collet wanted to dress the same way but her mother thought she had to wear somewhat a modest outfit especially that it is her designation party. Most of the higher elite were modest and so she had to wear as the occasion calls. However, Dannah wore such a flaunting outfit which she outrightly thought was inappropriate for her party.

"Third Miss," Collet approached her as Dannah had seemed to forgot her manners and just ignored her.

"Oh, hi Miss Chan," Dannah paused and responded, flaunting a playful grin through her green eyes, "I thought your just a random celebrity,"

"A what?" Collet ears reddened at what she heard.

"A random starlet," Dannah repeated with emphasis, "Well in my whole experience here in the capital, only starlets gave poses to the photographers, you know to get exposure. Most of them lack the skills so they rely on exposures,"

"Talking about exposures, don't you think you are inappropriately dressed for my party?" Collet didn't hide her annoyance anymore; her voice tells so.

"Well, there was no restriction about dresses on the invitation as I could remember. However, if my dress does offend you, shall I call my brother and blame him for picking this dress for me? He might end up feeling bad and would go and pick me up another one, which means he'll be terribly late for your party or worst he might not be able to come at all," Dannah playfully threatened Collet.

"Don't you dare," Collet balled her fingers at her annoyance over Dannah.

"Oh, relax Miss Chan," Collet flushed a worried sarcastic face, "Don't you think its too early for you to be mad. Your party hasn't started yet and you already looked so stressed. No wonder your hired paparazzi got bored of you easily and was begging my picture instead,"

"Third Miss! I already warned you never to annoy me, perhaps you've forgotten, I'm going to be your brother's wife," Collet's eyes were teary with rage but she was holding it as she doesn't want to cause a ruckus in front of the paparazzi.

"If that ever happens, don't ever live in Marble Mansion or I'll make your life hell," Dannah didn't withhold herself. She didn't know why but she loves annoying Collet to bits and the sight of the CGC heiress burning with helpless rage over her was so satisfying for her.

"Well let's see," Collet challenged.

Collet, who didn't want to ruin her whole night over Dannah's existence, left the entrance immediately, leaving Dannah grinning at her back. She couldn't wait right then for the marriage announcement to happen, and by the time comes, she'll make Dannah regret all that she did to her.