The Genius' First Love

408 Marriage Problems

Dannah Samuelle was at the production site of L Empire overseeing the production of one of L Empire's product they bank on. She was busy right then, talking to the site supervisors and employees, making sure things would go smoothly without any mishaps. While she was watching the arrival of new deliveries, an employee told her that someone had come to see her and so she wondered who could it be since she rarely had unannounced guests.

"Collet, never thought I would see you here. How was your father?" Dannah slightly crossed a brow at the site of Collet waiting for her in one of the offices in the production site.

"He's fine for now. I came here personally to talk to you about something," Collet smiled genuinely at her.

"It must be very important since you had come all the way here," Dannah said as she invited the CGC heir to sit on one of the seats available. Since they were in the production site, things weren't as luxurious just like how things were in L Empire's corporate center and so Dannah noticed Collet's indifference with the surroundings especially with the hard seat she had offered her.

Collet had no choice but to be comfortable with it. She was hoping she could meet up with Dannah in the city, in one of the fine restaurants probably where they could talk heartily but it seemed that the third Lagdameo Miss was so busy that her secretary couldn't give Collet a good schedule so she had no choice but to go to the production site where Dannah was reporting lately.

"Well the thing I'm going to discuss with is something that I'm supposed to discuss with your brother but I'm not sure what would be his reaction with it so I thought perhaps I could just discuss this with you," Collet started.

After her jewelry shopping with the elite girls, she had decided to draft out a document of remission of debt in favor of L Empire as a bridal gift to Darryl but since he knew Darryl would probably not like the idea, she wanted Dannah to persuade her brother to accept it, after all such act was for L Empire's sake. Collet noticed that when it comes to things that involved L Empire, Dannah was one of the persons whom Darryl listened to and so she knew she's the only one who can persuade Darryl to accept her betrothal gift.

"Me?" Dannah asked immediately wondering what Collet wanted. She saw Collet smiled again in an alluring kind of way as if she was about to do something generous and extended the envelop she was holding to Dannah.

"This is a document I let our attorney draft in favor of L Empire," Collet narrated while Dannah was scrutinizing the interest, "I will not be asking L Empire to pay for the debt you owe CGC as a betrothal gift to you brother,"

"Betrothal gift? To whom?" Dannah thought she heard wrong so she asked the question raising a brow at Collet.

"To your brother…. Darryl," Collet pointed clearly flushing another genuine smile.

"To Darryl? He's long been married so I think your gift is kind of too late don't you think?" Dannah's question was an honest one but Collet thought she was playing a joke on her.

"Oh, third miss, I never thought you are this funny," Collet blushed as she thought what Dannah meant was Darryl and her had already been married before, "Our marriage is still sometime later, probably after my designation as the CEO of CGC,"

"What? Your marriage?" Dannah seriously didn't get what Collet meant, "You are getting married too?"

"Hahahha," Collet thought of it as another joke, "Third Miss your remarks were totally funny. Never did I think you were this funny. We had been together for some time in L Empire while I was shadowing you but haven't seen this side of yours. I really think we could get along well. Perhaps then I would have no problems adjusting in Marble Mansion as we seemed to blend in well. Don't worry I promise I'll be a good sister-in-law to you,"

"Sister-in-law? You?" Dannah choked at her own saliva with what she heard. "Cough.cough.cough"

"Third Miss are you okay?" Collet worriedly exclaimed at Dannah, and the latter could only look at Collet's face unbelievably while she was trying to help herself. What was Collet talking about?

Then she remembered the gossip headline she read somewhere about Collet and Darryl's engagement which she didn't bother reading fully and thought of how Collet was acting up right then. Did Collet really thought Darryl was going to marry her?

"I'm sorry Collet but let me just asked, who is getting married? Are you referring about you and Darryl? We're talking of Darryl my brother right, the Lagdameo heir?" Dannah clarified.

Collet's expression changed, seemingly upset about the Dannah's question. Then she answered right away in an unlikely tone, "Yes. Don't tell me you don't know, its all over the media and I'm sure your parents have told you as well,"

"I know but aren't all these just gossips? And about father and mother, they haven't-"

"Stop right there third miss!" Collet turned mad outrightly at Dannah's statement for it seemed like she was against it the marriage. "I don't know what's your intention for making me look like a fool now and for treating my wedding as a gossip but your parents had already set up an agreement with mine and Darryl already agreed to it. So please stop this childish acting of yours,"

Collet then looked at Dannah with a threat, trying to intimidate her.

"I came her to hand in my betrothal gift to Darryl. I asked that you to convinced him to accept it as it is very beneficial to L Empire. As your future sister-in-law and a future member of your family that is older than you, you must heed my orders out of respect," Collet told her and Dannah could only laughed inwardly as how Collet was acting up. "I've heard you had been giving President Manuel serious headache because of your childish acts but never thought that they were all true. Now, as your future elder sister, I'll forget about how you mock at me today and will tell no one about it but in the future, if you do this to me again, I'll make everything known to Madam Dianne and President Manuel,"

"Okay," Dannah raised her two hands in the air as a sign of retreat. She was also restraining a hard laugh in order not to make Collet feel more offended because her face right then was like she was ready to explode.

Collet who was obviously pissed off, went for the door immediately leaving the folder with Dannah after she gave her a one last look of disgust. When she left fully, Dannah let go of a loud guffaw.

"Oh brother, you are in a serious mess!" Dannah shook her head thinking about how Darryl had to fixed this marriage problems.