The Genius' First Love

407 Remission

Just a week after, rumors about Darryl and Collet's engagement had been the favorite topic of the media. Collet of course was thrilled about it as people had been feasting on how fairytale-like her wedding could be and how lucky she was to become Darryl's wife. Finally, it was happening, her dreams were finally coming true.

The rumors from the gossips magazines was paid off by both Manuel and Salsa separately as they both had been desperate about making it known. For Salsa, the rumors will of course increase Collet's approval rating specially now that the internal board had to consider the fact that she will be a part of the Lagdameo family. The claims also of Martin's siblings as to his shares in the CGC laid low when they heard about the news, as of course, they were all afraid of the Lagdameo heir. They knew how beastly Darryl was, especially after he decided to step back in L Empire.

For Manuel, the rumors were meant to pressure Darryl. Since L Empire is still trying to get back on its feet, Darryl had been seriously careful about what the media will say about them as he needed to built a good image for L Empire. Manuel hoped that because of this, and when all the world will know about the engagement, Darryl will be forced to marry Collet to avoid a backlash on his integrity. Of course, he wouldn't wanted to be branded as the heart breaker emperor of L Empire.

For Collet who was receiving all the benefits of the rumors, there's nothing more she can thank for. Everyone had been treating her graciously and she was probably the most popular person in the country branded as the queen soon to become an empress. With all honestly, at first, she was afraid that when the gossips will come out, Darryl will be mad and will deny it, but surprisingly he didn't and so Collet did really believe he was sincere about marrying her. There was no doubt in that.

Right after, Collet then hired someone to secretly document all the things she had been doing— like trying out for a wedding dress and trying out some wedding cakes. Then they had leaked all these pictures in the media secretly and soon, the upcoming engagement had been confirmed when the pictures surfaced online even though there was no formal announcement of it yet.

"Queen soon to be empress, how lucky are you," Lauren wryly said as she read some gossips articles about Collet and Darryl's engagement, "Are you really going to get married when your father is still sick?"

"What's wrong about it? Darryl thinks we should push on the wedding even with father's condition. Besides, this wedding is long overdue so why delay it further?" Collet lied. She had always made it appear that the wedding was because of a mutual affection with no business involved with it.

"So how about the L Empire's debt to you? I'm sure you had your attorney draft off a remission of debt document as a consideration," Lauren grinned at this as she eyed the other elite girls who were with them. They were shopping jewels together as Collet promised to give them gifts to celebrate her upcoming wedding.

"Lauren, even if Dee didn't mention anything about it, as the future empress, how could I asked L Empire to pay me back? Once I marry into the Lagdameo family, L Empire is mine already so there was basically no debt anymore to speak of. Besides, I'm sure Darryl will pay me even if were not married. He's the great Lagdameo heir anyway,"

"I agree with you Collet," Barbara, one of their friends sided on Collet. "Why are you running so bitter about Collet's engagement Laureen? Didn't things work on well with you and Leonardo?" Her question was coming innocent but all the girls there knew she was trying to mock on her.

Laureen Syng and Leonardo Auclair had been dating for the last two years now but Leonardo hadn't proposed until then and their relationship was kind of shaky because of Leonardo's constant womanizing.

"We are here for Collet, so better not ask questions about me and Leonardo," Laureen put off the question right away.

"Collet look at this jewelry, this would go so well with the wedding dress you chose, don't you think?" Lima Seth, another girl from their group intervened, showing off to Collet's face a diamond necklace.

"That's fine but I'm sure Dee is going to shop me a jewelry for our wedding so just pick that for yourself, I'll pay for all of it anyway since we are here to celebrate my wedding," Collet told her and so Lima only smiled sweetly at her and tried the jewelry on for herself.

"Aren't you spending to much? Isn't L Empire just starting off again? You should not waste money since your husband may not have much to pay for it," Laureen commented again, trying to ruin the mood.

"The Lagdameo heir has more money than your family if you only knew," Collet rolled an eye at her, "He can even buy your family's business. Besides, it would only take some time for L Empire to get into top again and Darryl had said nothing about my spending and continually given me everything I ask,"

"Well good for you," Lauren rebutted, "However, I heard Darryl is very careful about spending money since he had to pay off all of L Empire's debts"

"That's none of your concern already," Collet brushed it off.

"Fine. Back to my first question, so are you going to draft him a document for remission of debt?" Lauren opened the topic again to annoy Collet. Making it appear that Darryl was just marrying her to escape their money obligations.

"I think you should Collet," Barbara advised that only made Laureen cringed.

"I should?" Collet turned to Barbara.

"As you said Darryl had always been affectionate with you and had continually spoiled you. Marriage should be give and take and not just one way around, so I think it would be right for you to show him that you also value him and appreciates his dedication to you and the remission of L Empire's debt would be a great way to show it,"

"As I think of it, I might agree with you Barbara," Collet sincerely answered, "I had forgot about giving him in anything since I was busy with the wedding preparations and I think that would be a good wedding gift, don't you think?"

"I think so. Just do it. Anyways as you said, L Empire is yours anyway so you won't lose anything with is," Barbara told and left Collet pondering about it the whole afternoon.