The Genius' First Love

409 Touched

Collet didn't like how her meeting with Dannah yesterday went. She went there hoping Dannah could treat her with more respect but the latter only disrespected her.

"Darling, what are you thinking about? Is there something wrong? Don't tell me you are still thinking about what the third Lagdameo did to you?" Salsa opened the matter when she saw how hard Collet's expression was during breakfast. Collet came home in a bad mood last night and relayed to her how the Lagdameo third miss did.

"I just hate her," Collet's appetite was lost thinking about it and so she put down her spoon and fork, then sighed deep. The dining room of the Golden Villa was so bright with the sunlight coming from the outside but Collet's expression was so dim.

"These times are the best days of your life, you should not stress over what she did," Salsa comforted her while she was making a cut on her fried eggs.

"By the way mother, did President Manuel chose a date of the wedding already?" Collet asked as she was getting anxious knowing that Dannah was acting weird over her wedding.

"Collet I already told you it should be after your designation as the CEO. Both President Manuel and I thought it would be better if we focus on the designation as it cannot wait. The CEO position needed to be filled immediately," Salsa responded, hoping her answer can satisfy Collet as sometimes her daughter can become very unreasonable especially when she's pissed about something.

"How about the engagement? Like my friends are already asking when would it be and… and… and don't you think we are wasting too much time? Darryl and I should get married already before the year ends," Collet nagged thoroughly, seriously stressing herself with the fact. "Besides don't you think I should start preparing for—"

"Collet!" Salsa noticed her tension and so she called out her attention. "Don't forget that the CEO designation is more important than the wedding. If you are not getting CGC then there's no point in marrying the Lagdameo heir! Don't forget I only agreed to this set-up because we need Darryl's support,"

"I'm just saying mother that we need the wedding so I can fully get the internal board's full approval," Collet stopped acting up when her mother chided her. She knew fully well that because L Empire was at the bottom, her mother would not allow her to marry Darryl as his net worth weren't as glamorous as before.

"They had already given their approval since your father's sibling—those punks—already stop contesting your father's shares when they heard of your upcoming wedding. After the designation, the CGC is already ours so better focus on it," Salsa instructed her thoroughly.

"Yes mother, but don't you think we should also announce my upcoming wedding and name a date for the engagement during the designation? I mean, I need to report to CGC as the CEO after the designation and I'm afraid Margo will give me a hard time since my engagement to Darryl wasn't announced yet," Collet explained hoping her mother would approve. She couldn't just wait to become Darryl's wife but since it would take some time, perhaps she can settle with being the fiancée for a while.

"You might be right. I'll talk to President Manuel about it," Salsa agreed, "For now, focus on practicing your speech and make sure you'll make me and your papa proud,"

"Of course, mother!" The face of Collet brightened by then.

"And by the way darling, before I forgot," Salsa pulled something from one side of the table, "Make sure to give this to the old madam when she joins us for breakfast, and remember—"

"I already know what to do mother, just give it to me," Collet smiled at her mother with assurance.

As Salsa anticipated, Lady Portia did join them in breakfast just few minutes after. When she showed up in the dining room, both Salsa and Collet gave her a warm smile, warmer than the sunshine that just rose above them.

"Good morning Lady Portia, I trust you have slept well," Collet greeted.

"Yes dear, I have slept well. You seemed to be very happy, your face was surprisingly bright the past few days," The old madam can't help but notice. She had stayed for days in the Golden Villa but she will be leaving the country in few days' time.

"I am, despite father's condition, I'm glad good things are finally happening," Collet excitedly uttered.

"Good things had come to my daughter Lady Portia, I couldn't be prouder," Salsa said in her sweetest tone.

"Really?" Lady Portia responded warmly before she tilted her head to Collet's side, "Why don't you share this great news with me child?"

"I'm finally getting married to the man of my dreams," Collet blushed as she confessed.

"Is that so? Well congratulations, he must be very handsome as your beauty seemed incomparable," Lady Portia complimented sincerely.

���He is, and he's smart too, probably every woman's dream," Collet did not withhold her adoration for Darryl, "He was my first love. We were best friends then and now, were finally getting married,"

"Good good. Quite a love story," Lady Portia concluded with a smile in her face.

"Oh, before I forgot," Collet suddenly remembered her mother's instruction, "This is for you. It's an invitation for the designation of the CGC's CEO. That will also be the time when my engagement will officially be revealed to the public,"

"Oh, I see, thank you for handling me this," Lady Portia accepted the scented envelop from Collet and turned to check the thing, simply appreciating the beautifully carved paper on her hand.

"I know that Miss Margo will surely bring you to the event but I wanted to personally invite you," Collet flushed a gentle sincere face, "As the new CEO I want to honor by personally inviting you and I would really appreciate if you would come because that event is one of the most important thing in my life and you are one of the important person to me,"

"Oh Collet, such a sweet child you are," Lady Portia compensated her with a smile.

"I know we are not blood related but to me you are like my real grandmother as I never had one. You are someone I always looked forward to visit us ever since I was a child and so during one of the most important day of my life, I would really be ultimately happy if you are there," Collet added.

"Of course, sweet child I'll be there. After all I am one of the biggest shareholders of CGC. I would surely not miss the event since I'm here," Lady Portia assured her attendance, "Well if you please excuse me, it's time for my morning walk,"

"Are you not going to eat with us?" Salsa was surprised to hear the old lady's statement.

"Oh, I told the maids earlier I would not be eating this morning but I needed some tea that's why I'm here. My doctor told me to fast since I'll be having a medical test later," Immediately the old madam turned to one of the maids who was standing at the corner, "Can you serve me my tea in the garden please?"

"Yes, Lady Portia," The maid answered and left to prepare for it.

Lady Portia then left the dining and walked straight to the garden to meet the morning sun while Collet's and Salsa's smiles turned really wide at the sight of her leaving.

"She must have been really touched. I can see it in her eyes," Salsa commented as she herself made a sip on her morning juice served at the table. "I'm positive she'll name you heir of the Leigh estates one of these days,"

"Sure, she will mother, I had played my act well as always," Collet to assured.