The Genius' First Love

403 The CEO and The Memorial

CGC Memorial Day

The white lilies had flooded the memory square again. Even when Darryl was not particularly fond of the flower, there was something about it that reminded him about his bitter past. He stood there with his family at one of a significant spot, together with some familiar faces in the business industry. However, the spot where the Montarini's always stood was empty, as how it had been for the past six years.

Collet on other hand felt proud of herself. She was definitely part of the business community right then as the temporary CEO of CGC. With Darryl as her business partner, her approval rating increased and her significance was felt. Everyone at the memorial gave her respect, just like how they respected her father.

The memorial this time was a bit grand than the previous years as Collet wanted to impress Lady Portia, and seeing the old madam blended in well with the guest and how comfortable she was, she felt satisfied. She must definitely please the old madam and make her proud so she would not hesitate no name her as an heir of the Leigh estates. Soon, when it was about time to end the gathering, Collet stepped into the podium to give her guests a last a message.

"I know that this year was full of challenges to CGC, most especially that my father is ill. However, despite such, I would like to assure you all the CGC will continue to strive as how it had always been for the last couple of years and that, still, you can expect great things under my care and supervision."

The crowd before her gave Collet a graceful clap with her assurance. Then she added "It had always been my father's wish to expand CGC beyond horizons and that I will fulfill. May today be a reminder that— "

Collet's speech was interrupted when unexpectedly the guests in front of her turned their heads in unison to the entrance to acknowledge the person who just arrived. It was Martin Chan—and his presence right came as a huge bomb to everyone!

"Father?" Collet was so surprised that she almost fell from the podium. Martin walked down the center isle with his black tuxedo and a well combed hair as if he intended to attend the party. The way he looked, it seemed like nothing was odd about him, aside from the fact that he came at the CGC's memorial late.

Collet stepped out the podium to welcome him, not sure what to feel about her father's sudden show up. The last time she checked, her father was in the psychiatric ward where Salsa admitted him to be taken care of. Martin only gave Collet a slight look, before he stepped into the podium as if the place was meant only for him. Collet who was shock and perplexed could only do nothing but look at her father helplessly. She then turned around to look for her mother but Salsa was not around.

Martin gave everyone a warm smile, ignoring everyone's surprised faces. Every guest knew that Martin was sick, but they were not aware what kind of sickness he was suffering. His sudden attendance caught them all off guard, but somehow, they were a bit happy that he looked well and healthy.

"Thank you everyone for coming," Martin started with his usual business tone as he eased himself in the podium comfortably "I am pleased that all of you came to share on one of the happiest days of our lives,"

Martin's last statement brought more controversy than his sudden appearance. Even Collet was alarmed with it. What does he meant when he said the happiest days of their lives when the gathering was to commemorate someone's death?

Collet knew things weren't right and so she stepped in to stop her father from whatever he intended to do. Only few people knew of Martin's real condition as it would cause a big ruckus when it will be known that his sickness was not of the body but of the mind. Imagine what big scandal it would bring if people and all CGC's business partners will know that the CGC's CEO is of unsound mind. It would shake not only CGC's outside business operation but also internally.

"Father, why don't you come with me," Collet gently persuaded her father to step out of the podium. She didn't know how Martin was able to get out from the hospital they put him in, but she knew he had to be stopped at least.

"Oh Ava my darling," Martin gave Collet a loving response as if she was an apple in his eye. "Go and fetch your mother, she should be here welcoming the guests with me."

"Father please," When she heard how Martin called her, Collet's face reddened with shame. She knew everyone heard how her father called her and as much as possible, she didn't want such humiliation to last so she pushed on convincing her father to leave the podium, "Come with me please,"

"Ava go and fetch your mother. Tell Aviona to come and join me to welcome the guest," Martin's words didn't escape the guests ears and they all looked at each other with slanted brows. Obviously, Martin was high of something as he seemed to be in a great hallucination.

"Did he just call her his dead daughter's name?" Collet heard one of the guests whispered and just then, it was like a bucket of cold water was being poured into her.

"What is happening to CEO Chan? Are the rumors about him going insane true?"

"Poor girl, her father couldn't even recognize her,"

Desperate, Collet dragged her father with force. "Father, let's go, please come with me,"

"Ava where is your mother? Today is our wedding anniversary. Look I had prepared her favorite flowers so go and ask her to come,"

"Father today is not your wedding anniversary. It's Aviona's memorial, so please come with me," Collet begged of him.

"What are you even saying, I said go and fetch your mother, child!" Martin's voice came out loud and his eyes reddened with an instant rage, "What memorial are you talking about! My wife's not dead, she was just in the bedroom a while ago! You liar! Bad Ava! Bad child!"

Martin became aggressive right then and he ended up shouting and throwing things in the podium like a madman. It was such a chaotic sight and some guest had to grab Collet away to keep her away from Martin's reach.

"Aviona! Aviona!" Martin screamed his dead wife's name over and over and refused to be comforted by anyone. The guest gathered in front of him, trying to immobilize him to keep him from throwing things and hurt others.

"Father please," Collet pitifully cried seeing how bad things went through. She didn't know how things turned this way when everything just started out right. The party was supposed to end with people giving praise on how successful the memorial was and yet, she ended up crying in front of everyone, helpless, powerless and hurt.

"Aviona, where is Aviona. Who took my Aviona away? I'm going to kill you all!" Martin threatened everyone but just after few minutes, Martin overly exhausted himself and dropped on the ground unconscious.

"CEO Chan!"