The Genius' First Love

404 Salsa's Proposal

Martin was immediately brought to the hospital and few hours after the incident at the CGC memorial, the news of Martin's mental condition made into headlines. There was uproar in CGC and the internal board was pressured to declare a new CEO to replace Martin permanently. Provided the circumstances, Collet has a rightful claim to it but even if her approval rating increased due to her association with Darryl, it was still not enough to gain full support from the internal board. Also, Martin's brothers and sisters were demanding a part on Martin's shares in CGC and so the board refused to acknowledge Collet as the major stockholder while these issues were at hand. Collet needed a judicial confirmation from the court first that she was in fact the only one and true heir of Martin before she can insist on the CEO position, however, that thing would of course take some time while the vacancy of CEO's position needed to be filled immediately.

Salsa thought Martin's escape from the hospital and his sudden show up in the memorial was somehow odd. She knew Marga was behind it, as the latter intended to shake up CGC and she must have intentionally done the thing while Lady Portia was around. Although Marga do not have a significant share in CGC, she was somehow in control of a big portion of shares in behalf of Lady Portia. The old madam has some shares in the CGC which she didn't mind much and had granted Marga the authority to handle it when Aviona died. This was the reason why Margo was considered a candidate for the CEO position too, because like Collet, they represent a big portion of CGC's shares.

Desperate about their situation, Salsa thought of only one thing to secure Collet's position as the CEO of CGC and that involved Darryl, the Lagdameo heir. With such, she wasted no time and went straight to Marble Mansion, the residence of Darryl's family.

"I know both of our families had never talked about this formally before but I guess it's already time we had to be vocal about it as this concerns both of our company's future" Salsa boldly stated her concern in desperation, "My Collet as I know is not a stranger to your household and you know how dedicated she had been with your son. I hate to admit it but even when we are in great need, she had never wavered in her dedication with the Lagdameo heir,"

"Salsa, Collet is like a daughter to me. You are right, she is no stranger to us and I wouldn't lie to you, I was once hopeful she can be a part of our family but then, unexpected things happens, my son shifted his path and here we are today," Madam Dianne admitted. She was there with Manuel, Darryl's father and Don Samuel, Darryl's grandfather. They knew Salsa's concern was of serious matter and so the adults gave her an audience.

"I know. But my Collet is stubborn and her dedication for your son is something I cannot take lightly. Since Martin's illness, I had always worry about her future and had taken initiative to look for a suitable husband for her, but then, she only wanted Darryl, despite everything that had happened which we rather not talked about," Salsa added. "What I'm trying to say is, I fear for my Collet's future especially now that her rights in CGC is being threatened and the only solution I could think of is to find a good son-in-law that can protect her rights, but then she refused to choose one and would rather lose her rights if it's not your son she's going to marry. So, I'm here, utterly desperate to ask your help, why won't we marry the children just like we previously hoped for. Let's all forget what happened to your son in the past, besides, Collet herself don't judge him for it,"

Both Manuel and Samuel faces brightened with the opportunity that Salsa was offering. They knew it was good for business if Darryl would marry Collet, as CGC was a very flourishing company and it could drag the L Empire into the top again, like how it was previously. With all that happened to L Empire over the past six years, what Salsa was offering was a huge deal they could not take lightly.

Madam Dianne halted her sip with the tea with what she heard. She knew of Martin and Manuel's silent competition for years and if things were running well, despite Martin's illness, Salsa would, in no circumstances, allow Collet to marry Darryl especially that L Empire had lost its glory.

"Salsa, the children's marriage we know involves a great leap in your part as of course you gain nothing for associating with our son. L Empire is still trying to get by under Darryl's supervision so I was just wondering what makes you desperate to approve of this marriage when previously as I remember, you even sent Collet overseas to stop their growing closeness," Madam Dianne cared no less for her words. The silence of the gentlemen sitting beside her signifies their great approval to what Salsa was offering but she as Darryl's mother, who cares less about business, wanted to know the truth behind this sudden twist of fate.

Salsa's confident face slightly faded, "I'm going to be honest with you Madam Dianne. I have no say of my husband's decision previously and so even when I pity my daughter; I had no choice because as my husband says, it's for her own good. But now that Martin is not here to protect us, I cannot protect Collet alone and seeing how Darryl was supporting her these past few months, I had no more choice but to entrust to her my daughter's future. Their marriage will be of great benefit to your company, we all know that, as for me, I only want to secure my daughter's future."

"Madam Salsa, I still do not get what you—"

"Someone is trying to covet Collet's rights in CGC and only her marriage with Darryl can stop all these attempts," Salsa blurted out miserably, "Please, apart from the fact that I know Collet will be very happy, I know Darryl will take care of her. I am here as a desperate mother. My daughter had no interest in business that's why we were caught unprepared with what happened to Martin, but despite that, she had been trying her best and you must have seen that. I don't want her to struggle further and only her marriage to your son can make everything better. I can't deny the fact that Darryl's skills is simply outstanding so giving him CGC and my daughter, I know will be best,"

Madam Dianne held a deep sigh, "I had never thought that Collet's circumstance is this bad. I thought it was only Martin's condition that was troubling her, never thought there were internal issues in CGC. Poor Collet, I can't imagine her struggle,"

"Please President Manuel, Don Samuel, please take in my daughter as one of yours. I don't care about how things will run in CGC after their marriage; all I care about is my daughter's well-being,"

"Collet is like a granddaughter to me already. I never even imagined how I came close with her especially with the fact that we are not in a very good terms with your husband so I don't have problems with your proposal" Don Samuel responded without thinking it through. Deep inside he was honest about her words with Collet, her net worth was of course a bonus. A big bonus.

"I had agreed to this marriage already previously, even though we had not come to a point of having a conversation about it so I think, you coming here is just a mere formality" Manuel was of course very much pleased with this meeting. Collet will bring more hope to L Empire, especially that she was CGC's heiress.

"I see no problem with it but Darryl…" Madam Dianne looked at his husband with a meaningful look, "I don't think he will—"

"He will do it," Manuel was firm with his words, "If not, we are going to make him do it,"


"My wife, since you are his mother, why not you put in some good words for Collet and make your son realize this is what he was destined for," Manuel told his wife with instruction. "This conversation is over. From now on, Collet is our responsibility,"

With Manuel's words of assurance, Salsa grinned inwardly knowing that she had hit two birds with one stone. Today, she successfully shoo away all those who would want to take away Collet's rights and had brought her daughter the husband she was wanted so desperately.