The Genius' First Love

402 Lady Portia

A week later, Collet and Salsa stood at the enormous front door of the Golden Villa, waiting for their most anticipated guest, Lady Portia. Collet carefully dragged the newly straightened strand of her hair away from her face as a luxurious car stopped. The mother and daughter looked at each other meaningfully then smiled before they stepped forward to welcome those who have arrived.

Lady Portia, although old, can still be regarded as highly beautiful. No amount of grey hair and wrinkled lines was able to mar her face and not even her slow weak and calculated motion was able to debase her gracefulness. She stepped off the car with Margo, and even though the sight of Aviona's pretend best friend did not please the mother and daughter tandem, they still gave a wide warm smile.

"Lady Portia," Salsa came forward and cautiously made a curtsy to honour the old lady. In return, Lady Portia gave her a polite nod of acknowledgement.

"I heard of Martin's health troubles, how is he?" The old woman asked, standing beside her was Margo whose eyes were full of nothing but disgust for Salsa. When Aviona died, Margo was the one accompanying Lady Portia whenever she visits the country as she hoped to get closer to the old lady knowing that the Leigh estates had no more heir to speak of. She thought that since she was one of Aviona's closest friends, the old lady might think of handling her if not all, then at least some of Aviona's inheritance. Same with Collet and Salsa, she was insanely interested of whatever Aviona left.

"He is well taken care of," Salsa answered with the intention of shutting the topic right away. She was tired of people asking now and then about how Martin was, and it was making her uncomfortable in many ways.

"Lady Portia, I'm sure Martin is well taken care of by Salsa. Afterall, without him, imagine how it would be for Salsa," Margo's words contained mockery, but she wrapped it all in a sweet mild tone with a pretend innocence. Salsa's eyes of course grew big in annoyance of Margo's sarcasm but before she could lose it, Collet intervened.

"We wouldn't imagine such a thing Miss Margo. Besides, my mama loves my papa so much, she would do everything in her power to make him recover just like she did previously. Papa will be back on his knees soon,"

"Of course, he will, especially that we are all praying for it," Margo almost rolled her eyes with Collet but choose not to because of Lady Portia. It wouldn't be good if the old lady will notice that there is an ongoing silent war between them.

"Don't worry so much about it, Collet, Martin will be okay soon," Lady Portia consoled Collet tenderly. Her voice was full of sympathy and Collet knew by then the old lady meant good. "I have heard your career in the modeling industry is flourishing, congratulations"

"Thank you, Lady Portia," Collet put up a timid smile intentionally, "However, I had to put it aside for now as I am taking care of things that father left,"

"The CGC? Oh well of course," Lady Portia then turned her head to Margo, "Margo told me you had stepped on Martin's position temporarily. Such a brave child, thing must have been hard for you since running a business is hard,"

Collet shook her head immediately, "No not all Lady Portia. Truth is that, at first, I was afraid because I have no real hand experience in these things, however as I go through it, I find the job really interesting and challenging. Besides, Darryl, the Lagdameo heir had been teaching me well how to manage a business and he is such a good teacher,"

"Really. Good to hear," Lady Portia smiled.

"Yes. In fact, I collaborated with him on a new product and its going on well. Also, I think Lady Portia must know this, since I know this thing meant a lot for you, I had plans on taking our aids in Africa to a new level, I'm planning to expand it," Collet announced proudly.

"The charities in Africa you mean?"

"Yes, in fact I had talked to- "

"Well I'm sure you and lady Portia can talk about it some other time Collet. She just arrived, she needed to rest," Margo intervened knowing that Collet was successful on making her moves.

"Oh, of course," Collet turned to Margo with a slight grin and dragged her head back to the old madam, "My lady, you should go and rest now, I had your room cleaned thoroughly so you can be comfortable,"

"Well thank you child," Lady Portia took Margo's arms again as the latter led her to the staircase. Since the Golden Mansion is Aviona's property, she had a room set up for her great aunt in the second floor next to the master's bedroom and that was where Lady Portia stays whenever she comes and visit. Martin had seriously forbidden anyone to stepped into the second floor, so Collet and Salsa could do nothing but watch Margo and Lady Portia mounted up the stairs.

"Have you seen her face? She's delusional," Salsa turned to her daughter talking about Margo.

"Don't mind her mother, as you see, she can do nothing but just act like a puppy in front of Lady Portia," Collet commented with disgust.

"She must have been thinking the Madam would give her the Leigh estates," Salsa said with annoyance. Although Margo had no blood relation with Aviona and Lady Portia, Salsa still see her as threat especially that she was close to the old madam. Also, few years ago, Margo had taken control of Lady Portia's shares in CGC as the old lady made her legal representative to handle her shares.

"No matter what she does, she doesn't have any right to it," Collet told, "Even if she is Aviona's best friend, she cannot compete with Father's right as Aviona's husband when it comes to the Leigh estates," Collet held her head up high as she said those words. She was fully convinced that the Leigh estates, rightfully belong to her being Martin's only daughter and so she was ready to insist on her right no matter what.