The Genius' First Love

333 Father Angus

The two were still in the middle of discussing about Sam when a certain ruckus disturb them. They both turned to where all the shouts and cries came from and they saw people rallying around the Richmond ranch's gate. They were already near the property when Ziggy halted the car to attend to Xhemin's words prior.

"Ziggy what's happening?" Xhemin immediately hollered when she saw all of it.

"Some trouble in the ranch," Ziggy replied and turned the truck's engine on again. Ziggy drove Dr. Miles truck toward the front gate, but he saw Ang's father and mother waving at them to stop before they could reach the ranch. They had boxes with them, and they were seemed in hurry.

"Father Angus what is happening?" Xhemin screamed above the engine when they halted in front of the couple.

Ang's father hurriedly turned to Ziggy and said, "Youngest sire, we need to leave immediately before somebody sees you both,"

"But we just arrived, and we need—"

"Just do what I say," Father Angus snapped at him and he and his wife hopped in the car. Ziggy knew Ang's father would not act like this without a reason, so he followed his instruction without no further protest. Ziggy make a turn and drove away from the ranch.

"Wear this around your head Little Miss," It was Ang's mother who spoke, helping Xhemin with head wrap she had with her.

"What's going on with the ranch?" Xhemin turned to ask. She knew something was wrong and she cannot wait to know. "Why are the laborers rallying in the front gate,"

"Some men came claiming they own the ranch," Father Ang told. "They said that the ranch was part of the Montarini's properties and so it was part of the properties that was supposed to be seized by the government,"

"What?" Xhemin turned extremely mad with the news. "Who are they to say that? Grandfather bought that property from Señior Hans legally. We have papers to prove that,"

"The papers were gone Little Miss," It was Ang's mother who replied this time. "It was stolen and the men that came had deed of sale, stamped by the government,"

"Damn!" Ziggy screamed angrily, "This is too much!"

"We should go back Ziggy. Let's go back to the ranch now. They had to kill me first before they can get that property from us!"

Ziggy was about to head Xhemin's request. He was soo mad that he could kill a person right then and he wanted to pour out his anger with all those people claiming they own the ranch they grow up into.

"No please. No little Miss!" Both the couple pleaded them. "You are in danger. No one must see you around the ranch!"

"What are you talking about?" Xhemin hollered over.

Father Ang swallowed a handful before he spoke, "Someone had been looking for you. In the market, some men approach the vendors and show a picture of you, Little Miss. They were asking if someone had seen you,"

"Some laborers also reported to me that they found strange men eyeing over the ranch," Ang's mother added. "I'm afraid it has something connected with Dr. Miles' assault,"

"Good thing the vendors knew something was off, so they told the men they hadn't seen you around." Father Angus narrated, "Most of the people here in Hampshire was in debt of Dr. Dugmoch and they certainly will not speak about your whereabouts, but this is a small town, those men will find you eventually,"

Too many shocking news was forced to wobble in both Xhemin and Ziggy's mind. Hearing the last news gave Ziggy a panic and right then he feared for Xhemin's life. He tried to be calm as much as he could specially that he was the one maneuvering the driving wheel, but things had totally gone of control and Xhemin's life was the one at risk right then.

"Let's leave the town Xhem for the meantime," Ziggy suggested right away. "Let's leave now,"

"But how about grandfather's funeral?" Xhemin was certainly not willing to go, not until she can bury her grandfather.

"Just listen to me for once!" Ziggy was already frustrated. He had raised a voice at her as a jolt of his protective instinct. Their grandad was no longer there to protect Xhemin and he's the one who should step on, in his behalf "Think about yourself and the child in you for now. I'm sure grandad will understand,"

"Don't worry Little Miss. I'll see through Dr. Dugmoch's burial," Father Ang assured the girl who was not able to counter Ziggy's words,"

"Where are we going Ziggy?"

"To Woodbridge. Let's go to the Shuns and ask for help," Ziggy suggested.

"I know its too much," Ang's mother intervened, tears were falling from her eyes already. "But can you please bring my Ang with you? I'm afraid that because he had witnessed Dr. Dugmoch's murder then those men might be after him too,"

"I also ask this of you, young sire," Father Angus also pleaded.

"Of course, we can't leave Ang behind," Ziggy told. "Let's drop by at the hospital and get Ang,"

"Do you think the doctors will allow him?" Xhemin turned to Ziggy.

"For sure not," Ziggy replied, "We'll take him without permission. He's in thorough danger and I'm afraid something might happen to him if he stays in the hospital,"

With all that, Ziggy drove straightaway to Hampshire hospital with his three companions. As soon as he arrived, Ziggy grabbed some doctor's clothes and mask from Dr. Miles office and let Ang wore them for disguise.

Ang's mother and father bid Ang a swift goodbye before they let him go. His mother was in tears, but his parents were determined to send him for safety. Ang was not feeling well that day and his wound was still not well, nevertheless, he tried to his best to walk steadily.

They were to exit at the Hampshire hospital when Ziggy saw strange men entering Hampshire Hospital so instead of heading for the main entrance, he dragged his companions into the fire exit. They successfully reached the parking without getting notice but then when Ziggy tried to turn the engine on, the truck wouldn't just start.

"Not now please," Ziggy prayed fervently. It was an old truck and Ziggy was used to it having engine tantrums now and then, but they needed a transportation right away and that truck was their only ride.

"Ziggy what should we do now?" Xhemin asked in panic when he saw Ziggy struggling in the driver's seat.

In the midst of their little chaos, a knock on the truck's window gave them a thorough fright. They both turned and saw men standing just beside where they had parked.

Xhemin chilled.