The Genius' First Love

332 Where is Sam?

Xhemin was sobbing quietly on the way to Richmond ranch. They were to get some nice clothes to bring to the morgue for their grandfather. She wanted him to look nice even at his funeral.

"I can never forgive whoever did this," Xhemin's voice was cracking when she spoke, "I promise I'm going to find out whoever did this and make him pay a thousand times,"

Ziggy can feel the fury that Xhemin have. He too was angry and deeply wounded by this loss, so he understood the pain that she was going through.

"We don't know who our enemies are," Ziggy tried so hard to be calm for Xhemin. He certainly doesn't want to see the girl being consumed by hatred. Xhemin was just simply too innocent and pure from all these cruelties but it cannot be help. "We must think about all of these carefully, so we know what to do,"

"I know just exactly what we needed to do," Xhemin blurted away, as many thoughts and emotions are rushing to her head. "We need get even,"

"Xhem," Ziggy kept his eyes on the road, "Revenge is not something grandfather would like us to do. We must obey his last wishes. That is the best thing we need to do to give grandad a peaceful rest,"

Xhemin seemed to have awaken from the hatred that blurred her heart. Ziggy's words came as an eye opener and she knew that the youngest sire was right. Revenge was not an option. They had to honor and follow his grandfather's last instructions.

"I shall go back to the island after the funeral," Xhemin whispered bitterly. She had always dreamed of coming back to the mainland and lived with her grandfather again just like previously. But things drastically changed overtime and their old ways wasn't anymore possible then.

"I'll go with you," Ziggy said. "I'll go with you wherever you go,"

"No Ziggy," Xhemin turned to him and protested. "You promised grandfather you are going to be a doctor and his corporation needed you,"

"But I just can leave you—"

"I thought you were determined to fulfill grandfather's wish," Xhemin reminded him, "Then do as what he says,"

Ziggy was not able to counter. Deep within him, there was a great desire of following his grandad's footsteps especially now that he had given him his last name. However, the thought of living away from Xhemin frightened him. She was the only thing he had left, and he don't want to lose her.

"Go abroad, get your license in there," Xhemin suggestion, "With all that had happened, I know its impossible for you to get your license here. Someone was bribing off the medical board not to give you permission to take the medical board exam,"

Ziggy halted the car and turned to Xhemin. There was some resentment in his eyes when he replied to the girl "Wasn't it enough that you are going to live away from me alone and now you wanted me to go abroad?"

"Ziggy you have to be a doctor," Xhemin snapped back, "You promised him!"

"But I can't be too far away from you," Ziggy told, very much hurt. "Who's going to manage the ranch and all that grandfather left?"

"You can let Ang's father look after the farm," Xhemin insisted. "Look Ziggy, this is the only way you can get a license, and this might be a good opportunity for you to finish your research. Go somewhere no one can trace you and continue your research in there,"

"Xhem I had lost all the data and the plant that you gave me was a vital part of the research," Ziggy revealed. "We lost the plant remember?"

"You lost all the data, but you remember them in your head. All of it," Xhemin replied, swooshing all Ziggy's doubts away. She knew how brilliant the boy was and the reason were why he kept rebuilding his lab despite his files being sabotaged was because he had his ways of remembering all of it, "Besides I had another pot of the plant. I brought with me the third pot of Acamilla Apparaus from the island."

"You what?" Ziggy's mind cannot process all of the things Xhemin said because of the pain he was going through.

"I brought another pot of the plant with me," Xhemin repeated. "I handed it to Ang's father before I went to Huzey's funeral. It's probably somewhere out there in the ranch,"

There was silence with Xhemin's last words as Ziggy was trying to consider Xhemin's suggestion.

"Xhem, it's just too impossible for me to go and live abroad now," Ziggy broke the silence "You know I don't have enough savings anymore,"

"I have some," Xhemin told him "It's not much but its probably enough for you to start over somewhere until you can find a job to sustain you. Besides grandfather might have left us some inheritance. Please Ziggy, just go. Bring Sam with you so you won't be that lonely,"

With the mention of Sam's name, Ziggy's face turned sour and Xhemin noticed it.

"Why?" Xhemin was a little surprise about how Ziggy reacted "Did something happened to Sam? Where is he by the way, I haven't seen him ever since I arrived,"

"Sam is… I…" Ziggy took a deep breath before he continued, "I fired her,"

"What?" Xhemin was astounded with the news. Although Sam and Ziggy's relationship started rough, Xhemin however trusted Sam and she knew that bodyguard of him will never abandoned Ziggy no matter what. "Why? Since when? Where is he?"

"I've told you many times Xhem, Sam is a girl" Ziggy revealed. "I fired her after the last fire that broke out in my lab when I found out she's not a simple girl…"

"What the heck are you saying Ziggy?" Xhemin was not ready to accept the fact so she chided Ziggy right then, "I've told you to be good on him and you had been—"

"She's the Lagdameo's third miss," Ziggy revealed right through Xhemin's face, "She's your sister in law,"

Xhemin was totally speechless with the news.

"I know you won't believe me, but she really is. I was shock myself when I found out," Ziggy told her, his voice contained some hurt. The youngest sire had trusted Sam much and all these times that he was alone, she was the one who was giving him comfort. However, despite all the good things she did for him, it cannot erase the fact that she lied and betrayed him.