The Genius' First Love

334 Hold My Hand

"Hold my hand," Ziggy instructed when he thought it was already their end. Ang on the other hand was catching his breath at the back seat, thorough weak to even feel threatened about their situation.

The men outside knock on the window shield again but Ziggy refused to let the windows down, not until the men stepped away and a familiar face came through. A girl with another set of hazel eyes walked toward their truck.

"Dian!" Xhemin was shocked to see her. Ziggy had rolled the windows so Xhemin could talk to the girl. He knew who she was, and he knew she was close to Xhemin.

"My brother sent me," Dian revealed right away. "He was so worried you might be in trouble. I had looked for you everywhere,"

"Where is he?" Xhemin hoped to see Darryl soon, especially right then that there was a threat to her and their baby's life.

"He should be here a day after tomorrow," Dian said. "The official take over is to happen today in our branch in London, he will be L Empire's president in no time,"

Xhemin and Ziggy both missed the fact that the take over was to happen that day. They had so many worries for the last couple of days that they missed to check the news.

"That's good to hear," Xhemin was relieved a little, "He has to come home soon,"

"It seems that you are going somewhere in a hurry," Dian observed, "I can give you a ride,"

Ziggy looked at Xhemin, as if giving her a fair warning. He wasn't close to Dian so he was doubtful about her offer, most especially that she was a Lagdameo and as far as he could remember, the Lagdameo's had given them thorough problem lately.

"I trust her Ziggy," Xhemin tell off. "Besides, it was Darryl who sent her,"

"Don't worry youngest sire," Dian turned to Ziggy who was not feeling good about her and Xhemin's mini reunion. "I'm here to help,"

"Dian, help me get back to the island," Xhemin finally decided to both Ang and Ziggy's shock.

"Xhem, I thought we are going together to—"

"I had already decided to go back Ziggy," Xhemin said. "All of you are in threat because of me. The people who was after us wanted me and I cannot anymore drag you both into this. It is now did I realize that grandfather was right when he said I should go back to the island right away; he knew that was the only place where I'll be safe."

Ziggy did not anymore protest and only remained quiet under her stares.

"…I'm sorry Ziggy. Bring Ang with you and make sure he's safe until all of this is over," Xhemin instructed.

"I cannot just leave you around with—"

"You are leaving me with someone safe" Xhemin cut off all his doubts. "Dian has resources and she can provide me with all the safety I need until I reach the island. Besides, they are under my husband's instruction,"

"Don't worry youngest sire, I had men with me to protect us," Dian assured Ziggy. "I'll make sure she'll be safe,"

Ziggy was doubtful but he knew he cannot anymore insist on it since Xhemin had already made up her mind. It was her husband's sister after all.

When Dian saw that Ziggy did not anymore protest, he asked a key from one of her men and gave it to Ziggy. "You may use the car that had been used by my men,"

Ziggy hesitantly accepted the key and Xhemin stepped out of the truck while fixing the head wrapped Ang's mother let her wear.

"Xhemin," She heard Dian gasped a shock expression and Xhemin turned to look at Dian's bewildered face "You are pregnant,"

Xhemin wrapped her hands on her belly, "This… your brother was not aware of. He left without knowing,"

There was a certain expression in Dian's face that Xhemin did not understand. Nevertheless, she knew it was because she probably wasn't expecting it.

"I need to get back to the island immediately," Xhemin repeated to her, "My baby and I are both in danger,"

Dian swallowed her shock and composed herself, "Understood. Come, join me in the car,"

Xhemin followed Dian, and the men followed them protectively. The Little Miss was about to step into car when Ziggy called her.

"Xhem," Ziggy ran to embrace her for the last time. They were to separate ways again and God only know when they shall see each other again. "Please be safe,"

Xhemin gave Ziggy a faint kiss on his cheek and held his face, "Goodbye youngest sire. We shall see each other again, this is not the last time,"

That was the last words Xhemin told him and just in a span of seconds, Xhemin left with Dian. Ziggy stood on the hospital's parking lot to look at the departing car and only moved when he can no longer see it. He then turned to press the keys Dian gave him and a car nearby beeped. It was the car Dian left for him and although he knew Dian will do everything to keep Xhemin safe, there was a part of him that keeps on worrying about his bestfriend. He was afraid that as soon as she was out of his sight, there was no more chance for him to see her again.

"Oh God please," Ziggy prayed inwardly, pleading that they all be spared away from the trouble they were in "Please keep her safe. She's the only thing I have left. I had already lost Huzey and Dr. Miles, I can't lose her please…"

With heavy heart, Ziggy went back to their truck and helped Ang. It can be seen in the boy's face that he was also worried for his little miss but can do nothing as he was weak.

"Careful Ang," Ziggy told Ang as he settled him on the car's back seat.

"Young sire," Ang spoke with a weak voice, "I don't think we will be safe in Woodbridge. I feel that we are not safe anywhere round here,"

"I know Ang," Ziggy agreed and sighed deeply, "We shall head to Woodbridge temporarily until I can think of a way for us to survive this mess,"

Right then, Ziggy stepped into the front seat and started driving their car out of the hospital's parking lot.