The Genius' First Love

326 His Grandchildren

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Xhemin's shock got her to looked Dr. Miles green eyes with thorough scrutiny, wondering whether she had heard the words right and what they meant. Was this all true?

Deep within her, she did believed the reason why they were here in the Hampshire away from the capital and from the elites was because he wanted to hide her away and raised her in a normal setting but right then, she was wondering whether all those she had ever believed in were all wrong.

What does her grandfather meant when he said—all of this was his fault?

"Forgive me…do not blame yourself for anything as this simply wasn't your fault…it was my greed that had brought us all here…my own selfish greed and not you" Dr. Miles said exhaustedly beside her. He closed his eyes as if trying to get further strength and continued "It was already late when I realized I was wrong…and it was your mother who suffered in behalf of my mistakes…."

The mention of her mother was like growing some feeling inside Xhemin. She pulled a hand and rested it on her belly, feeling the movements of the child within her. Her mother obviously loved her deeply and had even sacrificed her life just to make her safe and grow as she had been. She could not fathom by then the love that her mother had for her and with that, all the hidden motherly feelings within her sprouted and the indifference she felt for her pregnancy faded. She might have no motherly figure to learn from, but she knew she can do everything just to keep her baby safe just like how her mother had been to her.

Dr. Miles started shedding tears when he confessed "… What I did was terribly wrong in all aspects and for that I didn't deserve the glory of being the famous Dr. Miles…that's why I left the capital and lived as a simple doctor as my guilt could not take it all… the only good thing that happened from all those mistakes I did was you… my dear granddaughter… and you have given a life and hope that I already lost before you were born…."

Xhemin cried all the more with everything her grandfather said. There were too many questions she wanted to ask but she don't want to interfere with all that he wanted to say.

"You are my saving glory and I had lived a full and happy life with you and your siblings…a life that I didn't deserve after all the things I did... For that I am very thankful," Dr. Miles looked at Xhemin lovingly, "Do not be sad for me… I am leaving this word with great satisfaction and happiness all because of you,"

"Do not say that grandfather," Xhemin shook her head, not agreeing to her last statement "You are not leaving me—"

"Listen my child," Dr. Miles voice turned serious as he pressed his hand on Xhemin's cheek. "I'm afraid that just like your mother, your life will be ruined because of what I did and so..cough..cough.." Dr. Miles paused a bit catch his breath, "…so you must promise me you'll leave Hampshire immediately…go back to the island… that's the only place where you'll be safe…"

Dr. Miles conclusion bewildered Xhemin but she thought Dr. Miles was probably oblivious on what he was saying because of his situation. "Grandfather…just please rest…we'll talk when you are—

Dr. Miles held on her tightly to Xhemin's surprise, "You are not safe. He'll come back for you. He can locate and find you anywhere. Please go back to the island as it is the only place where you'll be safe and the only place, he cannot follow you. You and your child are in danger so was everyone else around you"

Xhemin was not able to say anything at all. She saw in her grandfather's eyes that he was utterly worried about her and the things he told were all true.

"Grandfather do not worry about me. I am completely capable of taking care of myself," Xhemin assured him.

"You are pregnant" Dr. Miles told her straight to her ink deep eyes, "Don't risk the life of your child. Do this for me…and for the child you are carrying."

With Dr. Miles tone, the treat was becoming real and Xhemin feared inside, not for her safety but for her child. Right then, even when she had always preferred and dreamed of the mainland, her fear for her child's safety made her forgot about her own wishes and so he promised to Dr. Miles.

"I will grandfather," Xhemin said, "I will if that is what you want. Don't worry, I'll get back to the island, as soon as you recovered."

Dr. Miles sighed in relief when he heard Xhemin's words. He had made instructions to Mr. Cheng already to help Xhemin get back to the island safety and all he needed was her to agree to it. He smiled to her granddaughter and held her for a while before he turned to call for Ziggy who was just quiet at the corner, standing cautiously looking at the two, making sure he was not disturbing their reunion.

"Come Ziggy," Xhemin called in behalf of her grandfather, "He wants to talk to you,"

Ziggy was hesitant because he certainly was the type of person who didn't like any drama or so, but right then, he wished everything he had seen were all drama and that Dr. Miles, sooner or later will rose from the bed and make his rounds like he always did.

Ziggy dragged himself toward where Xhemin previously sat and turned to look at Dr. Miles in great distress.

"Be strong," Dr. Miles whispered on him. "Remember you are no one's child but mine. Even if Zhanglou forsake you, you remain as the youngest sire. My youngest sire,"

-Chapter ends here-

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