The Genius' First Love

325 Whose At Fault?

Xhemin and Ziggy was all together in one Hampshire hospital, waiting for some news about their grandfather's conditions. They were aware that the surgery was over already, but the staff had not told them anything yet and they were still not allowed to see him. Xhemin couldn't count the times she had gone through scenarios like this, but this moment was probably the most dreadful from all of it. She was there right now for her grandfather, the only blood family she knew and the feelings and fear she carried right then was probably the heaviest amongst all that had she had gone through.

"Who could have done this?" Ziggy gritted his teeth while sitting on the sidelines.

"I don't know anyone who was ruthless enough to do this," Xhemin said to him. "I hope not L Empire because this is simply not forgivable and I… I.." She sobbed even before she could finish her words.

Ziggy turned to embrace the girl in his arms. He knew how hard this will turn out for her if her suspicions were true. If L Empire was behind this all, then Xhemin will be in great distress knowing that it was the family of the man she married that was the reason for their grandfather's severe injury.

But was it really L Empire?

And why would L Empire hurt Dr. Miles?

Ziggy was still drowned in his thoughts when Dr. Stevens came out from Dr. Miles' room. His face flushed an exhausted face marking the long hours of cautious work.

Xhemin ran to him immediately.

"Dr. Stevens how was my grandpa?" She asked, wiping out her tear strained face.

"He's fine," The doctor answered timidly, and the tone of his voice was relaying the fact that even though the surgery was successful, something wrong was still about to happen "For now,"

"What?" Ziggy confronted behind Xhemin, "What do you mean for now?"

"He is stable for now. But I'll be honest with you, the gun shot he had was fatal and I'm afraid he's not strong enough to endure it. Dr. Miles is already and old man," Dr. Stevens revealed right away. He was already used to this kind of conversation, so it goes easy on him but not on Ziggy and Xhemin. They were both left dumfounded with the information.

"Dr. Stevens," Someone called for the doctor's attention and all the three of them turned to the newcomer.

"Mr. Cheng?" Xhemin was shocked to see him. He was the person who annually visits her grandfather and his sudden appearance at the hospital was totally unexpected.

"Hello Little Miss," He greeted formally, and a complicated expression registered to his face when he saw Xhemin's belly. After a minute he turned to Dr. Stevens for his errands, "You have called for me..."

"Dr. Dugmoch needed your presence," Dr. Stevens revealed. His patient was already conscious, and he specifically instructed him to call Mr. Cheng for certain reasons. "Please follow me,"

The two left, leaving Xhemin and Ziggy again on the hallway to tend to their worried and curious faces.

"Wasn't that the person who visits grandad every year?" Ziggy asked, wondering why Mr. Cheng was there.

"Yes, it was he," Xhemin confirmed. Her legs were already shaking at the fact. He knew despite the fact that Mr. Cheng only visits them annually, he was doctor Miles' most trusted confidant and his presence right then was like telling her that Dr. Miles was probably discussing to him some important matters related to her.

"What do you think is the reason why grandad called for him?" Ziggy asked, his curiosity was already killing him as well as his worry.

"I don't know," Xhemin replied, "And I don't want to think about it,"

Two hours had gone past before Mr. Cheng stepped out of their grandfather's room. When he stepped out, he turned to the two, bowed and left hurriedly as if he was catching some important appointments.

Dr. Stevens came out after a minute and called for the two, "Time for both of you. Come inside. Your grandfather wanted to see you,"

Without wasting time, Ziggy and Xhemin went to see Dr. Miles and they found their old man, lying on bed with so many machines attached to his body. He was so weak and was barely opening his eyes.

"Grandfather, what happed to you? Who did this?" Xhemin wailed at Dr. Miles side, looking at his poor grandfather in his hospital bed. It was the first time she had seen her for the last three years and she didn't clearly expect that she'll meet him again on his death bed.

Dr. Miles was so weak, but he forced a smile on his under his oxygen mask. He weakly cued a sign to her for come closer so she can hear what he says. Xhemin went closer to her grandfather's face, while her tears were already flooding. She had cried too many times when she came home but it seemed that he tears never ran dry.

"You have grown… so… beautiful just… like your mother," Dr. Miles said, forcing his words through his oxygen mask. "exactly like your mother,"

Xhemin stiffened by what she had heard. Her grandfather had never once mentioned her mother to her, nor so opened up anything about her. When she asked previously, he always tell her she died while giving birth to her but sooner, she heard Mr. Cheng and Dr. Miles once discuss about how her mother died protecting her when she was kidnapped back then. Xhemin thought that her grandfather didn't want her to find out how her mother died because he probably doesn't want her to take the blame of her mother's death—but all of these were just assumption she had in mind. None of it was confirmed with thorough evidence and only Dr. Miles himself knew what exactly happened all these years.

"Grandfather don't talk anymore,"

"I'm sorry," Dr. Miles obviously was having hard time saying anything while clinging on the oxygen tank for breath, but he was determined to talk, "I'm sorry… my dear…"

-Chapter ends here-

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