The Genius' First Love

327 Ang's Injuries

Ziggy turned back to Dr. Miles real quick, thoroughly in awe of what he had in his hand. Dr. Miles flushed a smile with all the strength that was left on him.

"Grandad," Ziggy cried roughly at his side. When one was to look at him right now, no one would believe he was the famous Ziggorioh Montreal. "I do not deserve—"

"You are my boy," Dr. Miles countered gasping, "You have always been my boy,"

Ziggy turned to look at the papers he had in his hand again. It was adoption papers of Ziggy as doctor Miles had processed an adoption papers for him, filed by Manager Cheng. Right then, Dr. Miles had given Ziggy the greatest gift he had ever received, his last name. Officially, Ziggorioh Montreal turned to be Ziggorioh Dugmoch, heir to Feather HealthCare Corp like Xhemin.

"I leave everything to you," Dr. Miles was talking about his corporation. Xhemin had no interest whatsoever in Feather HealthCare and so Dr. Miles leave the management to him. As for the shares, he leaves them with equal amount of shares. "You are the right person for this,"

"I don't think I can—"

"Just do you best, like you always do," Dr. Miles told. "Promised me to that you'll get your license no matter what,"

"Yes grandad," Ziggy promised.

"Good," Dr. Miles gave his grandchildren a last look before he closed his eyes satisfactorily. His eyelids were already heavy, and there was a great force that was pulling him to sleep, "I'll go and rest now"

Both Ziggy and Xhemin allowed him too as they knew how the old man needed a thorough rest to recover. Deep inside, they were afraid too and perhaps this will be the last time they will see him awake, but they can do nothing anymore, Dr. Miles sun was about to set.

Xhemin sobbed quietly, covering her mouth with his hands to make no sound. She clearly did not want to disturb the old man, but she was so scared that she'll leave him soon.

"Shhhh," Ziggy went to comfort her, "He'll be okay, stop crying now or the baby will be in distress,"

"I know," Xhemin tried to calm herself.

In an attempt to make her feel a little better, Ziggy thought of something else that would probably make her glad, "Why don't we go and get an ultrasound so we can see the little one?"

Xhemin gaped open at him, seemingly not understanding what he meant.

"Let's get an ultrasound," Ziggy repeated and only then did Xhemin understood.

"Right," She gasped gently. So many things had happened lately that kept her away from thinking about her pregnancy and Ziggy's suggestion awakened her with the fact that she was indeed in dire need of thorough check up. The Manggan island do not have technology so she had no way of checking what's going on with the child inside her so Ziggy's suggestion gave her a little excitement.

Ziggy assisted the girl out of Dr. Miles room to go to the ultrasound room but as soon as they exited out, someone welcomed them. It was Ang's father and he was there to check whether Dr. Miles was doing well since the laborers were all worried.

"Hello Little Miss," Ang's father greeted them. He just came from his son's room and opted to drop by in Dr. Miles' room. "Young sire,"

"How is Ang?" Xhemin hollered right away. They brought Dr. Miles and Ang at the same time, but they had no news about the boy. They were too occupied with their Dr. Miles' situation and since they knew someone was attending to Ang, they focused themselves on their grandfather.

"He's already okay." Ang's father relayed, "He only had one shot and it didn't hit any organ, thank the Lord,"

"That's great news," Ziggy was relieved a little with it. Ang had been a part of their household and Dr. Miles and them certainly cared for the boy. Also, with what he had seen from last night's crime scene, it was like Ang was shot because he was trying to protect Dr. Miles.

"Please go and visit him, Little Miss and young sire" Ang's father asked, "He had been asking to see you and get news about Dr. Dugmoch,"

"Let's go and see him Ziggy," Xhemin suggested. Their plans of getting and ultrasound had been forgotten by then.

"Alright," Ziggy agreed and turned to the direction of Ang's bedroom. Ang's father on the other hand turned to attend to other errands when they told him Dr. Miles was having his rest.

When they reached Ang's bedroom, they found Ang having a gentle conversation with his mother and the latter's expression changed when he saw Xhemin and Ziggy.

"I'm so happy to know you are already fine Ang," Ziggy went to sit beside his bed immediately to check on him.

Ang's mother then excused herself to give way her son's visitor. She knew they had to talked privately. When only the three of them were left, Ang started talking.

"I'm really sorry Miss," Ang's tears were rounding in his eyes when he apologized, "I wasn't able to save Dr. Miles,"

"Ang it was not your fault," Xhemin told. "And I know, you had done everything you could to protect him. You even got yourself severely hurt,"

There was a long pause after that as Ang was still tending to his regrets.

"I don't really know why he hurt him," Ang told them as he raised his head the both of them to level their gaze.

"Who is he Ang?" Xhemin asked immediately as anger was slowly rising to her neck. Her grandfather also mentioned the man earlier but failed to name him. She wanted to ask him yet opted not to as her grandfather was so weak and exhausted to be questioned. They both just allowed him to say whatever he wanted without intervening.

-Chapter ends here-

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