The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 159: find something to do

Chapter 159 Looking for something to do

   Is she not attractive enough? Or is she not doing enough?

  If the two husbands were not men, and they would blush and shy every time in front of her, Gu Chao might have thought that the two of them were already on good terms.

   In order to stabilize her position, Gu Chao learned from the painful experience and decided that she should not worry too much like before.

  Sometimes you should be tough or you should be tough, and you can\'t just soften your heart and let them go because of Fu Lang\'s two words of begging for mercy.

   Ning Su and Han Yu feel that something is wrong with the wife-leader, well, even recently, the wife-leader is too mighty.

  No matter how much they begged for mercy, the wife-lord still went her own way and never let them go.

  Both of them felt that it was too much!

  The result of this is that the relationship between Ning Su and Han Yu is getting better and better.

  Ning Su thought to himself, the wife-owner is too energetic and needs to be shared by his younger brother. He can\'t do it alone.

  Han Yu also felt that the wife-owner put all her energy on them because she didn\'t go out to do errands recently.

  Fortunately, there is a brother here, otherwise how would he deal with it.

  Gu Chao also discovered that after these days, not only did the two husbands not have any desire to compete for favor as she thought, but their relationship became better than before.

  The two of them were as close as glue, and the elder brother was older than the younger brother, and she felt a little sour when she saw it.

   That’s all, that’s all.

   Really want to toss until the two of them are jealous, making the family uneasy!

  What\'s wrong with the two of them like this?

  It seems that it is really because he has been too idle at home during this time that he thinks about these useless things.

  If you put this kind of thing in someone\'s house, you are not happy to be at ease, but you still feel that you are good at managing your family.

   In the end, she was lucky, and she even wanted to see the two husbands jealous of her!

   It\'s just that she has nothing to do. It seems that she has to find something to do.

  Gu Chaozheng was thinking about finding something to do for himself, but it turned out that something came to him.

  The family who came to look for Gu Chao was a villager from the neighboring village of Shanghe Village, surnamed Wang.

  The little granddaughter of the Wang family lost her soul, and that\'s when she found Gu Chao.

  It was already evening when the Wang family found them, and the Gu family was eating.

   It\'s not that they are too anxious and can\'t wait until tomorrow to look for Gu Chao, but that they are afraid that something will happen to their children.

  So I can\'t take care of so much, let\'s go to Pinggu Chao now.

   This kind of life-or-death matter, Gu Chao naturally won\'t delay too much, just ate some food casually, and warned, "I won\'t be back tonight."

   followed the Wang family and left.

   Linshu was worried about his wife again, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

   Today the wife-master should rest in his room, and if the wife-master doesn’t come back tonight, he can finally rest for one more day.

  Ning Su secretly despises herself, such a thought is really inappropriate.

  The wife-master likes him, and he loves him so much because he is in his heart, but now he still thinks like this, and feels a little sorry for the wife-master.

  Originally, it is his duty as a husband to serve his wife, so how can he refuse his affection?

  If this matter were transferred to someone else\'s house, maybe he would not be able to ask for such love from the wife-owner. It was because he was spoiled by the wife-owner that he thought so.

  It seems that he really should reflect on himself, and he will not dare to have such thoughts in the future.

  However, if things go on like this, he may soon be pregnant again.

  Ning Su hugged Yu\'an, rubbing his forehead against his daughter\'s, "Bao\'er, when do you think Daddy will give you a younger sister or younger brother?"

  Yu An didn\'t know what his father was talking about, but when he saw his father talking to him, he still opened his mouth and responded, waving his little hands to play with his father\'s hair.

  Gu Chao didn\'t think about making Ning Su pregnant again now, after all, it was not long after giving birth to Yu An, if she continued to conceive. It\'s not good for his body.

  Gu Chao is planning to let him raise him for another two years, it is best to wait until Gu Yuan is two years old, and then have a second child.

  So, Ning Su\'s worry is completely empty!

   But this matter, Gu Chao had plans in his heart, but he didn\'t tell Ning Su.

   She was afraid to say it, but Ning Su didn\'t understand, but thought that she didn\'t want him to have a baby.

  Everyone in the village is like this. After giving birth to one child, the second child will be born soon.

   They all feel that being able to live is a blessing, and if they can live more, they will live more.

  He didn\'t think that Ning Su was dedicated to giving birth. She regards Ning Su as her husband, her partner, who will accompany her for the rest of her life, so she cannot let him hurt her body.

   Moreover, he is still young, and there are still many chances to give birth. Don\'t care about this year or two.

  She can wait too.

   As for Han Yu, we should hurry up and let him have a real body as soon as possible.

   When he has a physical body, then Widow Gu will not urge Ning Su to give birth to his granddaughter.

  The two husbands have a baby every two years, and the family will be lively in a few years.

  The Wang family found out that something was wrong with their little granddaughter when they woke up this morning. On weekdays, children sleep a lot, and they waited for the adults in the family to get up, ready breakfast and called her before she got up.

  But today, the son-in-law of the Wang family went to wake his daughter up, but he couldn\'t wake her up no matter how much he shouted.

   Not only that, but the daughter\'s body is also very cold.

  At first, the Wang family thought that the little granddaughter was sick, so they hurriedly took the granddaughter to the town to ask for a doctor.

   I\'m not awake at all, and my body is still cold, but I can\'t delay it.

  If such a young child can\'t survive, how will their family live?

  There is only one daughter in this Wang family, and there is only one granddaughter for so many years. It can be said that it has been passed down for three generations. It was hard to get such a granddaughter and raised her to the age of five.

  The Wang family couldn\'t imagine what would happen if the little granddaughter was gone.

  When I went to the town, I asked the doctor to take a look, but the doctor couldn\'t see why, and said that she was fine.

   I don\'t know why I keep falling asleep, and I don\'t know the reason why my body feels cold.

  There were a lot of people in the hospital at that time, and someone reminded them when they saw this situation, "Why don\'t you go and ask a Taoist priest to have a look, your child looks a bit like a lost soul."

   "No, quickly find a Taoist priest to take a good look."

  As soon as these words came out, other kind-hearted people also felt that this was the case, so they started discussing in a hurry.

  When the Wang family heard this, and then saw the appearance of their granddaughter, they also felt drums in their hearts.

   Maybe I really lost my soul!

   Otherwise, why wouldn\'t you wake up?

   It\'s just, where can they go to find that capable Taoist priest at this moment?

  The whole family panicked and didn\'t know what to do. At this time, someone in the crowd raised a question.

   "Hurry up and go to Gu Family Village to miss Daoist Gu!"

  As soon as she said this, the others also echoed her.

   "Gu Daochang is a person with real skills."

   "That\'s right, that\'s right, you can definitely go to Daoist Gu for this kind of thing."

  So, after tossing for a long time, the Wang family came to the Gu family.

  When Gu Chao came to Wang\'s house, it was already dark.

  As soon as they saw Gu Chao coming, the Wang family respectfully invited Gu Chao in.

  Originally, they had already prepared a sumptuous dinner for Gu Chaolai, and they also knew that they were hiring someone to do something, not to mention the remuneration, the meal must not be missed.

   And they also spontaneously prepared a lot of yellow paper joss sticks and so on. They have also heard that this kind of thing needs to be prepared.

   Gu Chao doesn\'t have so many rules, this life is a big deal right now, and you can eat food and so on later.

  So Gu Chao waved his hand and said to the Wang family: "Take me to see the child\'s situation now."

  The members of the Wang family did not expect Gu Chao to be so straightforward. When Gu Chao did not come, they were still worried in their hearts. A capable and famous person like Gu Chao must have a lot of airs.

   I was afraid that she would have to finish the score before going to save people.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Chao came, he directly said that he would go to see his granddaughter first.

  The hearts of the Wang family immediately fell into their stomachs. It seems that this Daoist Gu is indeed a person with great ability.

   Not those swindling liars outside.

   "Gu Daochang, please come inside."

  The old lady of the Wang family led Gu Chao and said, "When I went to wake the child up this morning, it was like this. I don\'t know if it was already bad last night, or when it happened."

  Gu Chao nodded after listening, "I\'ll go and see it first."

  The loss of souls is mostly at night, and the ghosts that can take away people\'s souls during the day are not something ordinary people can do.

   But whether it is a lost soul or not, we have to go and see.

  Come to the bedside of the child of the Wang family, and every time he sees the child, Gu Chao can be sure that he has indeed lost his soul.

  The members of the Wang family looked at Gu Chao and frowned slightly, feeling very uneasy in their hearts, "Gu Daochang, what do you think is going on here?"

  Gu Chao pinched a few magic spells on the child again, so as to guard the remaining soul of the child.

   Then he opened his mouth and said, "I really lost my soul."

  When they heard that their granddaughter had really lost their soul, the Wang family became anxious.

   "What should we do? Daoist Gu, what do you think?"

   "It\'s good for you to recall, what happened to the child yesterday, or where has he been? Who has he met?"

  The Wang family thought about it carefully, "We were all at home yesterday, we didn\'t go anywhere, and no one came to the house.

   And when he went to bed last night, the child was fine, just like usual, there was nothing unusual about it.

   It\'s just that I can\'t wake up early this morning. "

  Looking at it this way, that thing came to hook the child\'s soul.

  Gu Chao checked the Wang family carefully again, and found no Yin Qi, so it seems that it should not be caused by some evil thing.

  Suddenly, Gu Chao looked at a light yellow hair in the courtyard of the Wang family, squatted down to examine it carefully, and found that the yellow hair should be. of some kind of animal.

   And this animal is a weasel.

  Although it has been a day and a night, the smell of weasel is still there.

   It\'s just that she couldn\'t figure it out, what did the weasel come to Wang\'s house to hook the child\'s soul?

  If they want to find a host, they should occupy the body of the Wang family child, not her soul.

  When everyone in the Wang family saw Gu Chao squatting in the yard, holding a yellow hair in his hand, they asked her again.

   "Gu Daochang, but I found something wrong."

  Gu Chao handed the weasel fur in front of several people, "It should be the weasel that caused trouble and took away the soul of your child.

   Look at the situation again, if it can be recruited directly, it will be fine, if not, then you have to find this weasel. "

  Everyone looked at each other when they heard that it was a weasel.

   "Why did you get involved with Huang Daxian? Our family didn\'t offend any Huang Daxian."

  What does Huang Daxian want our child\'s soul to be?

   Do you want to eat?

  The old man of the Wang family, Lang Dang put his palms together and bowed in all directions, "Huang Daxian, Huang Daxian, please, please return our granddaughter.

  Our family did not offend you. Tell me what offering you want.

  I\'ll send them all to you, but you must not hurt my granddaughter. "

   Weasel is known as Huang Daxian among the people, and many people believe that it can keep their homes safe.

  Many people still enshrine Huang Daxian, so when the Wang family\'s husband heard that Gu Chao said it was a weasel, he immediately thought of making offerings to Huang Daxian in exchange for the safety of his granddaughter.

   But the old lady of the Wang family was quite calm, "Gu Daochang, what do you want to do? I will arrange it now."

  Gu Chao’s practice does not require external assistance, “All of you back away, I will do it now to see if I can call back the child’s soul.”

  Gu Chao\'s hand flew flying, and his lips didn\'t listen to opening and closing, but the members of the Wang family couldn\'t understand what Gu Chao was saying at all.

  This Daoist Gu\'s method is completely different from that of other Taoist priests. Not only does he not need incense sticks, but he doesn\'t even have a peach wood sword.

  Although the members of the Wang family murmured in their hearts, they did not dare to disturb Gu Chao at this critical moment.

   Maybe Daoist Gu is so powerful that he doesn\'t need external force at all.

   Think about it, Daoist Gu is someone who can fight against that evil thing and completely eradicate it.

  It\'s just a call for souls, so it shouldn\'t be a worry for Daoist Gu.

   After Gu Chao read the verdict, he said this to the members of the Wang family.

   "You start calling the child\'s name now, and keep shouting until the child comes back, don\'t stop."

  The granddaughter of the Wang family has a nickname, Tuantuan, and she has not yet been given a nickname, but has always been called a nickname.

  When the members of the Wang family heard what Gu Chao said, they all shouted, "Tuan Tuan, Tuan Tuan."

   "Grandpa\'s good granddaughter, come back soon!"

   "Tuantuan, good girl, come back quickly, Daddy is dying of anxiety."

  On the mountain behind the village, deep in the woods, the little girl who was playing hide-and-seek with her friends suddenly stopped.

   "Grandpa and Daddy called me, I\'m going home."

  She was speaking to a few friends, but the friends who played hide-and-seek were a few weasels.

  As soon as Tuantuan said he was going to leave, his brows and eyes drooped immediately.

   Yelling at Tuantuan, Tuantuan didn\'t want to be separated from his little friend, but grandpa and daddy had already called him, so he should go back.

   "I\'m going back first, I\'ll play with you tomorrow, and you still come to find me."

  (end of this chapter)